
The original cartoon of Takehiko Inoue
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Slam Dunk Master is a Japanese cartoonist takehiko inoue Juvenile comics with high school basketball as the theme《 Weekly Youth Jump 》It was serially published from No. 42 in 1990 to No. 27 in 1996, and the booklet was distributed in 17 countries and regions. And《 Captain Tsubasa 》And《 Baseball hero 》It is collectively called the three pinnacles of Japanese sports cartoon. In 1995, "Slam Dunk Master" won the 40th session in Japan Shogakukan Manga Award In 2006, Japan Media Arts Festival The 10th anniversary plan is "100 Japanese Media Arts", and "Slam Dunk Master" won the first place in the comic department; Selected in 2009 by China Book Business Daily "The 600 Most Influential Books in China in the 60 Years of New China" jointly evaluated with China Publishing Research Institute.
The sales volume of the first edition of the booklet reached 2.5 million sets, setting a sales record for the year [1] In August 2004, it issued more than 100 million copies in Japan (including reproductions of the full version), which is the successor of the Jiying Society since its founding《 Wulong Police Station 》(60 rolls)《 Dragon Ball 》(40 rolls)《 King of navigation 》The fourth comic book with a circulation of more than 100 million copies (when it was 36 volumes) was also the second highest volume in Japanese comic book sales history.
Chinese name
Original name
SLAM DUNK(スラムダンク)
Slam Dunk Men should be included
Serial magazine
Weekly Youth JUMP
During publication
Number of single copies
31 volumes of single booklet and 24 volumes of full edition
Other publishers
Changchun Publishing House (Mainland China)
Tianxia Publishing House (Hong Kong, China)
Cutting edge Publishing House (Taiwan)
Daren Publishing House (Taiwan, China/closed)
Chuangyi Publishing House (Singapore)

Creation background

"Slam Dunk Master" has been serialized since the 42nd issue of Weekly Youth JUMP in 1990. Basketball was not popular in Japan at that time, but with the deepening of the story of "Slam Dunk Master", basketball became one of the most popular sports at that time. But with the animation in 1993, the public awareness of Slam Dunk reached the highest point. In 1995, due to takehiko inoue Dunk Master and Bird Mountain Brightness "Dragon Ball" and other works performed well. Weekly Youth JUMP welcomed a single issue sales of 6.53 million yuan on the 34 issue of the magazine [2] At the same time, The Slam Dunk Master also created many records, such as the highest first edition circulation and the highest average volume circulation in the history of Japanese comics. These records were not broken until later by The One Piece.
On June 17, 1996, the 27th issue of Weekly Juvenile JUMP, SLAM DUNK (i.e., Slam Dunk Master) came to an end in the form of cover+scroll color page. This is the first and only cartoon in the history of Weekly Juvenile JUMP that has been given such a high honor (Weekly Juvenile JUMP generally only gives Taiwan Post cartoons the treatment of scroll color page completion)
In the 27th issue of Weekly Juvenile JUMP in 1996, when everyone held their breath, Cherry Blossom Path He defeated the previous two national champions with an ordinary Zhongtou Shanwang Industry Xiangbei completed the amazing reversal and was promoted successfully. However, the story did not go on. Inoue explained that Xiangbei was defeated by Aihe College in the next competition, and was eliminated. The story ended abruptly, which caught many readers off guard and filled them with regret. Even many readers believe that this is because the editorial department forced Inoue to continue to create, so that northern Hunan has always won, and Inoue Xiongyan did not yield to his act of anger. This statement is also widely spread in China. But this is not the case. According to Inoue Xiongyan, in an interview in 2010, "after the serials ended, thousands of people signed a petition to revive SD. They believed that the editorial department forced the end of the story. In fact, it was not what everyone thought. I had decided and told the editorial department about the final outcome a few weeks ago."
"The ending time of Slam Dunk Master is very clear, because I have decided that the end of Slam Dunk Master is when I finish the first battle of Mountain King. Therefore, the most important issue is how to enrich the story and make the game more exciting. How to make my work reach the peak in this game is the key. For me, there is no better ending than this one." This is Takehiko Inoue's interpretation of the ending of Slam Dunk Master in his book Blank released in 2012. [2]
On December 3, 2004, in order to thank "Slam Dunk Master" for its total sales of more than 100 million copies, Takehiko Inoue held a three-day limited "100 million copies of slam dunk master sold in memory of FINAL EVENT" activity in the abandoned school building of Miyazaki High School in Kanagawa, Japan, where the story of "Slam Dunk Master" is set. He spent four days drawing 23 classroom blackboards with chalk to describe the situation and the development of each role ten days after the national contest after the end of Slam Dunk Master. [3]
The influence of Slam Dunk Master has exceeded that of a simple comic book. Takehiko Inoue has made generations of teenagers fall in love with basketball from his works and finally devote themselves to this sport. In 2007, Jiying Society set up a "basketball scholarship" to send outstanding high school basketball players to the United States to study. In 2010, Inoue received a special commendation from the Japanese Basketball Association to encourage his contribution to the promotion of basketball.
Movie Poster [273]
On January 7, 2021, "Slam Dunk Master" animation cinematic decision [270] On December 3, 2022, the animated film The First Slam Dunk was released in Japan [272] On April 20, 2023, the animated film "The First Slam Slam" will be released in mainland China [271]

Story content

After the red haired teenager Sakuragi Huadao, who was dumped by 50 female students in junior high school, was promoted to Xiangbei High School, she fell in love with Akira Kiko, a girl of the same grade she met accidentally at first sight. In the expectation of Qingzi, Huadao, who knows nothing about basketball rules, joined the basketball team. Driven by the strict training of Kiyoshi Akaki, the captain of the basketball team and the sense of confrontation aroused by Maple Kawagawa, the "super newcomer", Kiyoko's brother, finally revealed the talent hidden in the body of Huadao. At the same time, he was also conquered by the charm of basketball.
After the practice match with the powerful rival Lingnan High School, Ryota Miyagi, who is short but has flexible sports ability, and Mitsui Shou, who once won the county MVP title in junior high school, also returned to the team. The Xiangbei high school basketball team, whose strength has greatly improved, began to prepare for the Kanagawa County preliminary match of the national high school league. In this way, the Xiangbei high school basketball team led by Sakuragi Flower Path ushered in the hottest summer in their lives. [1]

On stage role


County Xiangbei High School

Xiangbei High School Basketball Department
Kanagawa Xiangbei High School is an unknown public school, and the strength of the Xiangbei basketball team is very weak. The year before last, it was eliminated by Kuriho Industry in the first round of the county qualifier with a score of 36-78 [4] In the first round of last year, we met Lingnan High School and got more than 100 points. Xiandao alone scored 47 points in the competition [5-6] The school has a regulation that "if you fail to pass more than 4 courses in the final exam, you cannot participate in the national league" [7]
The prototype of Xiangbei High School is not in Kanagawa Prefecture, but in Tokyo Duli Musashino North High School.
Sound Excellence: Xicun knows
The coach of Xiangbei Team, a big bellied old man, is very amiable, so everyone calls him "white haired Buddha" [8] When he was young, he was a player of the national team. Five years ago, he was a coach in a famous university. At that time, he was very strict in training his team members and was called the "white haired devil" by others [8] After the death of Aitu Gu Ze, he resigned from his coaching position and retired from the university basketball industry, abandoning the title of "white haired devil" [9] , it seems that he has completely changed. The competition is always as stable as Mount Tai, and only smiles like a statue outside McDonald's. Full of expectations for Liuchuan Maple and Cherry Blossom Path.
manager Caizi
Sound actor: Yuan Ronglizi
One class every two years.
Fuqiu Middle School Graduation [10] , the beautiful manager of the basketball department in northern Hunan, in the same class with Yota Miyagi [11] Bright personality, lively and energetic. The paper fan is a powerful tool to punish the problem children in the team. It is special in the team. Even Sakuragi uses honorific words for her (but not for coach Ansi) [12] Under her strict teaching, the basic skills of Cherry Blossom Path are very solid [13]
captain takenori akagi No. 4 Center-forward
Voice actors: Liang Tian Qingzhi Ogata Huimei (Juvenile)
Class 6, 3 years, born on May 10, 193cm (height 1) [14] → 197cm 88 (height 1) [15] →90kg→93kg。
After graduating from Beicun Middle School, he became addicted to basketball from primary school. His persistence in basketball is different from that of ordinary people. His dream is to "dominate the country", and he was isolated in the team [264] The best center in Kanagawa Prefecture is also first-class in Japan. Many experts have commented that compared with a strong attack, his defensive skills are the most powerful [16] The defensive skills (including rebounds) under the red wood basket are outstanding in the high school basketball industry [17] , known as "King Kong under the basket" [18] But the attacking style is very monotonous [19] The signature skills are "gorilla slam dunk" and "live swatting flies". Has a strong leadership ability, not only in football skills, but also in the spirit of leading the team, playing a pillar role perfectly. But because there is no good helper around, it has been buried until now, until the emergence of Sakuragi and Liuchuan in senior high school, and the return of Miyagi and Mitsui, the dream of "dominating the country" is really possible to realize. Usually very amiable, but when I mention basketball, I feel like another [20] Very clean, very strict with training requirements, and hates evil ways [21] After the national league tournament, the matter of escorting Shenzhen University of Physical Education ended and retired to meet the college entrance examination [22]
Cherry Blossom Path No. 10 Power forward
Voice actor: Cao Weiyi
Seven shifts a year, born on April 1, 188cm → 189.2cm [23] 83kg。
After graduating from Heguang Middle School, the junior high school set a record of being rejected by 50 girls consecutively for three years. Despite his red hair, he is very introverted [24] Contrary to his rough appearance, he is an incurable "simple king", who is easily flattered by others [25]
It was love at first sight for Akuma Gangxian's sister, Yokoko. In order to please Yokoko, he joined the basketball team [26] With superhuman physical strength and instant explosive force, the bouncing power and strength are also unbelievable [27] , calling himself a "genius basketball player". The super problem children of Xiangbei Team and their bitter rivals, Liuchuan Feng, are a pair of famous players in the team [28] He used to be a layman, but with his excellent understanding of basketball, he quickly absorbed whatever he was taught, which not only made him grow at an incredible speed, but also became one of the best rebounders in the county [29] , known as the "rebounder king". As punishment for the mistakes made in the match with Hainan Team, he cut his hair into board inches later.
Rukawa Kaede No. 11 Small forward
Voice actor: Lvchuanguang
10 shifts a year, born on January 1, 187cm 75kg.
Graduated from Fuqiu Middle School, the ace of Xiangbei Team. The captain of the basketball department of Fuqiu Middle School [30] He has become a basketball star since junior high school, so he is called "Super Rookie" after high school. In addition, he is handsome and popular with girls. He is the idol of girls in Xiangbei high school. The attacking talent can score under the basket and outside [31] In the county qualifier, he was rated as the rookie king and the top 5 of the county, with an average score of 30.3 points, second only to the Hainan team Ahshen [32] The disadvantage is that it is too heroic [33] Usually, he is silent and expressionless. On the surface, he seems indifferent to everything, but in fact, he is very competitive at heart, with unyielding character and strong will [34-35] Love is sleeping [36] , even on the day of the finals, he would sleep late and be late [37] No matter who it is, as long as it interferes with his sleep, he will never forgive [38-39]
Miyagi Liangtai No.7 Point guard
Voice actor: Salt House Wing
One class every two years [40] , born on July 31, 168cm 59kg.
A problem teenager who is obsessed with lottery. The top point guards in Kanagawa Prefecture are not tall, but they are very agile and fast. In addition to dribbling, intercepting and grabbing the ball also show superb skills that are not affected by height [265] Not shooting from the outside [42] I started playing basketball when I was in high school. I was hesitant to continue playing basketball after entering high school, but I fell in love with her when I first saw Caizi in the gym, and joined the basketball team for Caizi [41] Because of the same experience with Sakuragi, he became a close friend. It is always impulsive, which leads to unclear surrounding conditions [43] At this time, Caizi is his stabilizer. After Akimoto retired, he took over the new captain of Xiangbei Team [266]
Mitsui Life No. 14 point guard
Sound Excellence: Okiayu Ryotaro
Three classes in three years [40] , born on May 22, 176 (senior 1) [44] → 184cm 63 (height 1) → 70kg.
Graduated from Wushi Middle School, a 3-point pitcher of Xiangbei Team. He led the team to win the championship of the whole county in the third day of the junior high school, and was also rated as the best player (MVP) in the league. Because of coach Anxi, he declined the invitation of Hainan, Xiangyang and Lingnan, and was admitted to the unknown Xiangbei High School [45] But it didn't take long to leave basketball because of knee injury, and he was once a bad teenager. Because Miyagi is the new player that the basketball team pays attention to, which is exactly what he once owned but has lost, so he only seeks trouble from Miyagi [46] It also attracted bad groups to smash the basketball team's court. After putting down his reserve and face, he returned to the basketball team. I haven't played basketball for two years, so I lack stamina. My physical strength is not as good as that of junior high school [47] But the more intense the battle, the more he can be motivated [48] In order to win the opportunity of college recommendation [49] , did not retire after the National League, but participated in the winter trials on behalf of Xiangbei Team.
Vice captain Kiminobu Kogure No. 5 Small forward
Voice actor: Tanaka Xiuxing
Six shifts for three years, born on July 13, 178cm 62kg.
Born in Beicun Middle School, vice captain of Xiangbei basketball team. When I was in junior high school, I teamed up with Akki and played basketball for physical training [50] Standing closer than anyone else, the guardian Akki is enthusiastic about basketball. He did not stand out on the basketball court, but he made good achievements in three-point shooting. He is the first candidate of Xiangbei Team. In the team in Xiangbei, he and Chimu will sing red and white [51]
Yasuharu Yasuda No. 6 Point guard
Voice actor: Sakaya Ono
Grade 2, born on March 28, 164cm.
He and Miyagi were teammates in junior high school and good at dribbling [52] He is brave and calm, and will never be confused by the other party's strange cry and provocation [53] In addition to making the first appearance in the match against Sanputai, he also came on as a substitute in the match against Fengyu in the National League to organize a steady half court attack.
Tetsushi Shiozaki No. 8 point guard
Voice actor: Shennai Yannian
Grade 2, born on September 23, 170cm.
Horta Wu No. 9 Center-forward
Sound Excellence: Rinesoff
Grade 2, born on November 4, 180cm.
When Sakuragi exits, he will replace Sakuragi on the court. In addition to the first round against Sanputai in the first round of the county qualifier, there were substitutes in the matches against Xiangyang and Shanwang Industry in northern Hunan.
Kentaro Ishii No. 12 forward
Voice actor: Shennai Yannian
10 classes a year [54] , born on January 13, 170cm.
Otsuka No. 2 Middle School graduated from Kawasaki Kawaguchi's classmate.
Sasaookai No. 13 forward
Sound Excellence: Rinesoff Onosaka Masaya Lvchuanguang , Yoshiki Kono
Grade 1, born on October 13, 171cm.
Otsuka No. 2 Middle School graduated.
Toki Kuwata No. 15 guard
Voice actor: Tomoyuki Morikawa
Grade 1, born on July 28, 162cm 50kg [55]
After graduating from Tengyuan Middle School (I introduced myself as graduating from No. 2 Middle School in Volume 1), I played as a forward in junior high school and a guard in senior high school team [55]
Other students
Sound Excellence: Pinecone
One class per year [56] ,154cm [57]
Akira Gangxian's sister, a gentle and kind girl. Influenced by his brother, he loves basketball very much and thinks that boys who like sports (especially basketball) are great. Sakuraki fell in love with her at first sight because she invited her to join the basketball team. However, I was obsessed with Maple Kawagawa and didn't find Sakuraki's intention. We have a good conversation with Sakuragi. Everyone says Sakuragi is a terrible bad boy, but Qingzi believes he is a good man. He is very slow in love. He has never known the reason why Sakuragi and Liuchuan have a bad relationship [58]
Graduation from No. 4 Middle School [59] , joined the basketball team in junior high school [60] , but lacks athletic talent. Because I'm always clumsy. I'm the best at driving the ball [61] I also know that I am not suitable for playing basketball [62] , so he didn't join the basketball team again after high school. However, he often comes to see the basketball team (and Liuchuan Feng) for training, and is pulled into the basketball department as the manager after the National League.
Voice actors: Nishimoto (early stage, theater version 1), Yoomi Sugimoto (middle stage, theater version 2) Toyoshima Machiko (Later)
Student of Class 1, Year 1, friend of Qingzi. He once warned Qingzi that Sakura was a bad teenager. At first, he thought Sakura was terrible [63] But in the practice match between Xiangbei and Lingnan, Sakuragi's tenacious performance moved her and made her cry [64] There are relatives in Hiroshima. When Qingzi and others came to Hiroshima for the National League, they lodged with her relatives [65]
Sound Excellence: Xichuan Hongmei
Class 1 student in 1 year. Be responsible for complaining to Qingzi.
Voice actor: Mei Jinxiu Kumiko Watanabe (Juvenile)
Class 5 students of 3 years [66] The head of Judo Department, the second section of Judo, is also famous in the county [67] He is fascinated by judo and has always said that he would win the national championship since primary school. He and Akira Gangxian have been good friends and competitors since primary school. Love Akira at first sight since primary school [68] Qingzi called him "A Long".
Hehe Ma Li
Voice actor: Sumitomo Qihui
The students in the class next to Caizi and the announcer in the broadcasting department intend to make a special report on the basketball team after the basketball team in northern Hunan has entered the national league. When interviewing Maple Kawagawa and the basketball department, they were blocked, so they were angry. During the interview with the team about the game between Xiangbei Team and Changcheng Team, I was fascinated by Liuchuan Feng.
Cherry Wood Army
Sakuragi is a close friend from middle school. Disgust of meanness. Faith is to fight openly. Since Sakuraki became addicted to basketball, he began to help him practice, and he will also be there to support him during the game. [267]
Sound Excellence: Morikawa Zhizhi
Seven classes a year.
He Yingmu and others all came from Heguang Middle School. They were famous hooligans of this generation in junior high school. He has a calm personality and is the soul of the four.
Sound Excellence: Mikimoto Yuji
He Yingmu and others all came from Heguang Middle School. In junior high school, they were famous hooligans of this generation and were always regarded as minions by others. His younger brother is Zhong Erlang.
Sound Excellence: Shennai prolongs his life
He Yingmu and others all came from Heguang Middle School. In junior high school, they were famous hooligans of this generation and were always regarded as minions by others. Girls who like lottery [69]
Sound Excellence: Shioya Kouzou
He Yingmu and others all came from Heguang Middle School. In junior high school, they were famous hooligans of this generation and were always regarded as minions by others. She likes to chat up beautiful women, but when she sees him, she is scared away.
Liuchuan Maple Guard
Voice actors: Sumitomo Qier Xichuan Hongmei , Genami Nakayama, etc
Maple Liuchuan is not a recognized support association, which is composed of girls. Do not know basketball, idolize Maple Kawagawa [70] There are three core members, and the number of members has gradually increased. At the time of the final round of the county preliminaries, the number of members has occupied one of the stands, and the "Kanagawa Headquarters of the Liukawa Maple Pro Guard" has also been established.
Juvenile delinquency
Takano Horita
Sound Excellence: Otsuka Fangzhong
The second person (the first person is Mitsui Shou) in the bad group of Xiangbei High School is called "Ade". Friends of Mitsui, since Mitsui returned to the basketball team, will send a raucous cheering voice from the audience [267]
Grade 3, about 172cm.
A subordinate of Takao Horita. Often come to the match site to refuel Mitsui.
Sound Excellence: Onosaka Masaya
Grade 3, about 178cm.
A subordinate of Takao Horita. Often come to the match site to refuel Mitsui.
Grade 3.
A subordinate of Takao Horita.
Small pool
Sound Excellence: Masato Hirano
Maths teacher of Liuchuan, Sakuragi, etc. It gives people a stereotyped feeling. The students who see Liuchuan and Sakuragi sleeping in class are not pleased. They tell them that "if they fail more than 4 subjects in the final exam, they cannot participate in the national league".

Hainan Subsidiary

The basketball team of the high school affiliated to Hainan University, a traditional and powerful team in Kanagawa County, is also famous throughout the country. The practice is very strict. They will recruit ace players from all high schools, but only two layers of players will be left each year [268] Since defeating Jilun High School and winning the championship of the whole county for the first time [71] , has been promoted to the National League as the first in Kanagawa County for 17 consecutive years (including), so it is called "the king of Hainan" [72] Entered the top four in the national league last year [73] , lost to Shanwang Industry 83 to 113 in the semi-finals [74] In the year, the league won the runner up [75]
coach High head force
Sound Excellence: Seiji Sato
The coach of Hainan Team, a terrible intellectual [76] Although very calm when leading, once the score is overtaken by the other side, it will immediately become furious [77] Tian Gang, coach of Lingnan Team, was a junior player of the rival team in high school. At that time, both of them were the best players in the county and competitors [249]
captain Shepherd Gentry I No. 4 Point guard
Sound Excellence: Yangsheng Jiangchuan
Grade 3, 17 [78] ,184cm 79kg。
The first expert in Kanagawa County [79] , which was called a monster in the first year of high school, and occupied the position of the chief star of the county [80] The advantage is that he has a strong desire to win and never hides his desire for victory [81] I love surfing, so my skin is dark [82] , looks older than his peers, and is called "middle-aged man" by Sakuragi, who is very worried about others saying he is old [83]
soichiro jin No. 6 point guard
Sound Excellence: Shennai prolongs his life
Grade 2, 189cm 71kg.
One of the best three-point pitchers in the county. Tall and thin, with slow running speed and ordinary bouncing ability, he finally became a real three-point shooter by virtue of hard training and shooting more than 500 times a day [84]
Nobunaga Kiyota No. 10 Small forward
Sound Excellence: Morikawa Zhizhi
Grade 1, 178cm 65kg.
The Yicai of Hainan Team is also a problem child in the team. He is arrogant and arrogant [85] With super jumping power and skilled ball control technology, he calls himself the No.1 rookie of Kanagawa [86] , have a sense of competition for Liuchuan Maple.
Kazuma Takasago No. 5 Center-forward
Sound Excellence: Yasuhiko Kawazu
Grade 3, 191cm 80kg.
The famous center in the county. Because his body shape is similar to Akira Gangxian of Xiangbei Team, Sakuragi of Xiangbei Team also made a mistake and passed the key ball to him in the game against Xiangbei Team. The technique is quite powerful, although the strength and height of Lingnan team are above him [250] However, in the game with Lingnan Team, Yuzhu was lured to make a foul, which led to his technical foul leaving the field.
Takeshi No. 9 forward
Sound Excellence: Shioya Kouzou
Grade 3, 184cm 75kg.
Gong Yiyi Fan No. 15 point guard
Sound Excellence: Rinesoff
Grade 3, 160cm 42kg.
He is short and looks weak [87] , but in terms of shooting, he is the second shooter of 3-pointer besides Ahn [88] Although he was only a beginner who came into contact with basketball after entering high school, he persisted in the rigorous training of Hainan Team [89] Having no previous experience, he made his first appearance in the game against Xiangbei Team [87] , responsible for challenging Sakuragi [90]
Ogawa No. 8
The substitute players of Hainan Team appeared in the county contest against Wuyuan and the national contest against Ma Gongxi.

Lingnan High School

The fourth team in the county preliminary contest last year won the third place in.
The prototype of Lingnan High School is Kanagawa Kamakura High School.
coach Tanoka Maoyi
Sound Excellence: Stone mound lifting
41 years old [91] He has been a basketball coach in Lingnan High School for 10 years [92] Since Yuzhu was admitted to Lingnan High School, he felt that the goal of entering the national league was no longer a fantasy. Since then, he has been keen to recruit talents and find partners for Yuzhu. He invited Mitsui, Miyagi and Liuchuan, but they were declined [93]
captain Yuzhuchun No. 4 Center-forward
Sound Excellence: Kishino Yukimasa
Grade 3, 202cm 90kg.
He used to be the highest junior high school student in the county. He was very famous in junior high school and was called "Dagechun" [94] When I first joined Lingnan Team, my skills were very rough, and I had nothing but height. Since losing to Chiki in the game against Xiangbei Team last year, I have been working hard from scratch and training hard every day [95] The catchphrase is "hit the red wood" [96] The technique of free throws is very poor [97] My dream is to become a cook. I made an agreement with my father when I was young. When I was 18 years old, I would formally start my practice in order to inherit my family business [98]
Immortal Daozhang No.7 forward
Sound Excellence: Otsuka Fangzhong
Grade 2, 190cm 79kg.
The ace of Lingnan Team, who is equal to Ah Mu [99] , is a super high school player. Duty forward [100] , calm and calm, is the soul of the team. He was recruited by coach Tian Gang from a middle school in Tokyo and entered Lingnan High School [101] He once competed with Zebei of Shanwang Team in junior high school [102] He has excellent organizational ability and sometimes changes to play point guard. Many people believe that point guard is the position that can best play Sendao's strength [103] , but Xiandao himself thinks he is not good at this position [104] After Yuzhu retires, he will take over the captain of the team. I like sea fishing.
Kicchou Fukuda No. 13 Power forward
Sound Excellence: Ishikawa Hideo
Grade 2, 188cm 80kg.
Lingnan's main scorer, but there are loopholes in defense [105] , not good at defense [106] Always have a sense of competition for immortality [107] The junior high school and Shinzo Ichiro joined the basketball team at the end of the second day of the junior high school, but the pace of progress is unimaginable [108] With strong self-esteem, after joining Lingnan Team, Fukuda finally broke out in the school practice match after accumulating mental fatigue for one year due to frequent scolding from the coach. Fukuda was also banned from participating in basketball team activities indefinitely because of beating the coach. [109] The match between the county preliminary and Hainan team is the first official match of Futian [101]
Hiroaki Koshino No. 6 Point guard
Sound Excellence: Rinesoff
Grade 2, 174cm 62kg.
And grass planting are a pair of bastards [110] Never admit defeat, which can inspire the morale of the whole team [100]
Shining two on the pond No. 5 forward
Sound Excellence: Lvchuanguang
Grade 3, 183cm 74kg.
Famous for defense [111] , the strongest defensive ability in Lingnan Team [112] After Fukuda returns to the team, he becomes a bench player and sometimes replaces Fukuda who is not good at defense to strengthen defense.
Toriyuki Uekusa No. 8 Point guard
Sound Excellence: Shioya Kouzou History of Tsujitani (74th, 75th) Rinesoff (76th sentence)
Grade 2, 170cm 62kg.
And off-road are a pair of strong defensive partners [110] The way of playing is not as fancy as Miyagi, but there are few mistakes. He is a basketball point guard who understands basketball very well [113] Very good endurance [114]
Kan Ping No. 11 Center-forward
Sound Excellence: History of Tsujitani
Grade 1.
Alternate center. As a substitute for Yuzhu, he made his debut in the competition with Hainan and Xiangbei. He is about the same height as Sakuragi [115] However, there is a big gap with Akimoto, Yuzhu and even Gaosha in terms of strength.
Xiangtian Yanyi No. 15 point guard
Sound Excellence: Onosaka Masaya
Grade 1, 165cm 52kg.
The bench player of Lingnan Team. I studied in Osaka in junior high school, and came to Kanagawa in senior high school. Influenced by her sister, she is keen on the investigation of excellent basketball players. The accuracy of the survey ranks first in Osaka [116]

Xiangyang High School

As a regular visitor of the national league, the runner up of the county preliminary contest last year, the advantage in height is the first in the county [117] In the national league last year, because the ace Teng Zhen was deliberately fouled and injured by the other side, the Xiangyang team was reversed and eliminated by the Osaka Prefecture representative Feng Yu team.
Coach and team member Kenji Fujima No. 4 Point guard
Sound Excellence: History of Tsujitani
Grade 3, 178cm 66kg.
One of the best guards in the county [118] , and Ah Mu of the Hainan team are both male and female in the county [119] , unpredictable and left-handed [120] Fujitsu's role on the court is to cut into the enemy's array, divide and destroy the defense of the other side, while the other four big men only wait for finishing work. If the other four are closely watched, he will shoot by himself [121] In the history of Xiangyang Team, only Kenji Fuji has become a starter since the first year of senior high school. Since the summer of Senior 1, he has led the Xiangyang team to the county finals (including winter trials) for four consecutive times as the ace of the team [122] The Xiangyang team without Fujitsu is just an ordinary strong team [121] The decisive difference between him and Ah Mu lies in his body and strength [123] As a coach, Fujitsu must keep calm, but as an athlete, he is not so calm [124]
captain Floral penetration No. 5 Center-forward
Voice actor: Fengjian Xinyan
Grade 3, 197cm 83kg.
One of the best centers in the county. If Akimoto is a rigid center, Huaxing is a flexible center [125] , the best shot is backstroke. Compared with the previous year, the flowers are much more mature and more reliable [126]
Hasegawa Yizhi No. 6 forward
Sound Excellence: Shioya Kouzou
Grade 3, 190cm 81kg.
When he was still a nobody in junior high school, he was defeated by Mitsui Shou at his peak. Now through their own efforts, they have become the main force in the Xiangyang team. Although not impressive, but very agile [127] Work harder than anyone, and the rest is to build self-confidence [128] The disadvantage is too honest, too ambitious [129]
Nagano Man No.7 forward
Sound Excellence: Shennai prolongs his life
Grade 3, 191cm 84kg.
Shouichi Takano No. 8 Center-forward
Sound Excellence: Mikimoto Yuji
Grade 3, 193cm 85kg.
Itocho No. 9 guard
Sound Excellence: Mikimoto Yuji
Grade 2, 180cm 71kg.
Low sense of existence in Xiangyang team. The three-point shot is very accurate.

Sanputai High School

coach Harada
Voice actor: Yangsheng Jiangchuan
captain Cun Yu Jianwu No. 4 Small forward
Sound Excellence: Mikimoto Yuji
Grade 3, 186cm.
He is arrogant and arrogant. Since losing to Hainan Team last year, I have worked hard to defeat Hainan Team this year [130]
One wild tree No. 5 Point guard
Voice actors: Tomoyuki Morikawa, Shinio Linei (31st remark)
Grade 3, 187cm.
Akio Kawasaki No. 8 Center-forward
Miyamoto Hecheng No. 6 Small forward
Gao Jinhong No.7 guard
Naito Tieya No. 9 Power forward
Voice actor: Haosan Yanwu
196cm 155kg。
A former member of the football department was discovered by Yucun and dug up and sent to the basketball department. After a year of secret special training, he was used as a secret weapon by the team. The strength and speed are amazing. It only takes about 11 seconds to run 100 meters. The weakness is that they rely too much on their own strength and speed. Once they get the ball, they rush to the basket, which is easy to be interfered by people around them.

Martial Arts Park

More than 70% of the students in Wuyuan School are girls, so basketball teams are very popular in Wuyuan.
Oda Longzheng No. 9 Center-forward
Voice actors: Yinglang Ishikawa (TV animation) Suzuki Yangxiao (Theatre version)
Grade 1.
He Guangzhong was born in Heguang Middle School. He and Ye are lovers, so he and Sakuragi are sworn enemies. Have prejudice against Sakuragi in basketball. It is very popular with girls at school. The main scorer in the Wuyuan team. Although I started playing basketball in junior high school, I became more and more interested in playing basketball after I became angry with Sakuragi. In order to fulfill his promise with Sakuragi, he took part in the game against Hainan Team with injury.
coach Yeshan
Voice actor: Masahiro Sato
captain Deming No. 4
Voice actor: Mei Jin Xiuxing (TV animation)
Miura Yixiu No. 5
Voice actor: Private Shichun (TV animation)
It is very popular with girls.
Yoichi Uzaki No. 8
Original characters of the theater version, and TV animation did not appear. Participated in the teaching competition with Xiangbei Team.
Jie Chengyong No.7
Voice actor: Nishihiko Winda (TV animation)
Tadao Shimano No. 6
Jinzhong No. 8
Voice actor: Rinesoff (TV animation)
Original characters of TV animation, the theater version has not appeared.

Jinjiuwu High School

Last year, the top 8 teams in the county preliminary contest were on the 90th anniversary of the founding of the school. Although the team is short, its speed and team understanding are really top.
Koichiro Nanxiang No. 15 Center-forward
Voice actor: Tomi Wenyan
Grade 1, 192cm 83kg.
Grade 1. He is arrogant and arrogant. He is a problem child in the Tianjin Jiuwu team. He entered the basketball team in order to pick up girls, but he never got results. It was love at first sight for Kimiko Akagi, and they competed with Sakuragi Huadao with Kimiko as their bet. Good physical quality, able to compete with Akki, and good dribbling skills. The arrogant character is a problem child in the Tianjin Jiuwu team.
captain Wu Daiyou and No. 4 forward
Voice actor: Zhendi Yongzhi
Grade 3, 180cm 78kg.
After graduating from Beicun Middle School, Akimoto's former teammate is very accurate in three-point shooting. Because he did not have excellent physical quality, he also performed poorly after joining Jinjiuwu. He originally planned to give up basketball, but after being encouraged by coach Kawasaki, he began to practice three-point shot desperately.
coach Kawasaki Yimei
Voice actor: Hori Xiuxing
He has coached the basketball team of Jinjiuwu High School for three years. Coach Ansi was his mentor in college.
Hequanlong No. 5 forward
Grade 3, 172cm 75kg.
Tianjin Jiuwu vs Xiangbei as the first player.
Feng Jiantai No. 8 forward
Voice actor: Shikawa Xiulang
Grade 3, 174cm 68kg.
Tianjin Jiuwu vs Xiangbei as the first player.
Xia Mubo Zhi No.7 Point guard
Voice actor: Fengjian Xinyan
Grade 3, 160cm 55kg.
Tianjin Jiuwu vs Xiangbei as the first player.
Ryohe Tamura No. 6 guard
Grade 3, 178cm 65kg.
Substitute for the five generations sent off.
Shinji Toda No. 9
Grade 3, 179cm 69kg.
See Rigov No. 10
Grade 3, 175cm 70kg.
Intermediate enlightenment No. 11
Grade 2, 179cm 65kg.
Xiwei Dafu No. 12
Grade 2, 180cm 75kg.
Narayahara Koji No. 13
Grade 1, 175cm 70kg.
Tang Zexian No. 14
Grade 1, 178cm 73kg [131]

Shanwang Industry (Akita County)

The absolute king of high school basketball, with many older fans, won three consecutive national league titles before that [132] In two and a half years, no team in Japan can defeat the Yamato team [133] In, the Shanwang team was called the best team in 10 years, even the strongest team ever [134] However, in the first match of the national league, he was eliminated by the unknown Xiangbei team.
coach Takamoto
He is always cautious in using his troops. He never underestimates his opponent, nor blindly underestimates his arrogance. He will seriously study even if his opponent is unknown [135] I was very confident about the strength of the Shanwang team, and never thought that the Shanwang team would lose the game.
captain kazunori fukatsu No. 4 Point guard
Grade 3, 180cm.
Silence, calmness and broad vision are the spiritual leaders of the Mountain King Team. He is eccentric. He likes to add "Yo" to the back of his speech now, but used to add "Yee" [136] The most troublesome and quick little player [42]
Yasushi Hetian No.7 Center-forward
Grade 3, 165cm (height 1) → 194cm.
The best center in Japanese high school basketball [137] The speed is fast and the technology is flexible. The center, power forward and small forward are all competent [138] When he first entered high school, his height was only 1.65 meters. It is said that his height increased by 25 centimeters in the year of his first year of high school. With the rapid growth of his height, his position on the court also changes constantly, from guard to forward, and finally to center. Because he has played in various positions on the court, he can skillfully play the skills of guards and forwards. He is an all-round giant [137]
Rongzhi Zebei No. 9 Small forward
Grade 2, 188cm.
The super ace of the Mountain Kings is also the top player in high school basketball [139] , invincible in Japanese high school basketball. From the age of 4, I practiced with my father every day [140] , fighting small children is keen on one-on-one. In terms of one-on-one technology, no one in high school is his opponent, and even among college students, I'm afraid there are few rivals [141] Although the spiritual level is not very stable, but has superb basketball talent. Because he couldn't find an opponent in the game, Zebei was always absent-minded [142] In order to constantly challenge life, after the national contest, he went to the United States to study abroad. He was said to be the most handsome man ever in the Mountain King Team. There are always so many girls who write to him and always like to be in the limelight [143]
Wild Border Generals No. 5 Center-forward
Grade 3, 198cm.
He was selected as the starter of the Mountain Kings because of his strong rebounding competitiveness [144]
Matsumoto No. 6 guard
Grade 3, 180cm.
Although he is a substitute, his strength is also very strong. If there is no Zebei, he can become the main ace in any team [43]
Ichikura Cong No. 8 guard
Grade 3, 171cm.
A man with strong willpower, a national famous defense expert [145]
Mikio Kawata No. 15 Center-forward
Grade 1, 210cm 130kg.
The younger brother of Yashi Hetian, a giant with a huge body, was trembling under the shadow of his great brother [146] He always looks carefree and makes his brother worry about him [147] He is clumsy, and his offensive means is only "turn around and shoot", that's all [148] Everyone thinks his future is limitless, but his first game left painful memories because of Sakuragi [149]

Fengyu High School (Osaka Prefecture)

Xiangyang Team, a regular member of the national league, was eliminated by Fengyu in the national competition last year. The basketball team is the department with the largest investment [150] However, because of the offensive tactics of quick counter attack, Fengyu Team has always stayed at the level of the top eight in the country [151]
Former Coach Kitano
Basketball tactics are fast defense and counter attack. In order to make the players like basketball, in Fengyu's training, only 8 points of attack and 2 points of defense are allowed. He led many Osaka championships, but after several years, he still lingered in the top 8 of the country [152] , so he was fired by the school authorities who wanted to gain media attention by making the team achieve better results [150] After being fired, he worked as a basketball coach in primary school.
coach Jinping
A young coach who was only 31 years old when he took office. After being fired in Beiye, he served as the coach of Fengyu Team. The school asked him to make achievements within two years and break through the top eight in China [153] Because it is necessary to abandon the quick counter attack tactics of the North Field, and make up for weaknesses by strengthening defense [154] However, there was a gap between Nanlie and Kishimoto, the main players in the team, and the team was out of control.
captain Nanlie No. 4 Small forward
Grade 3, 184cm.
The main ace of Feng Yu's team, the scoring champion of Osaka qualifier, hit all three pointers [155] Because it will make the opponent's trump card leave the field through deliberate foul, so it can win the game, so it has the nickname of "ace killer" [156] He was admitted to Fengyu High School for admiring Beiye's quick counter attack tactics. But soon after joining Fengyu Team, Beiye teacher was dismissed. To prove that Kitano's tactics are correct [157] , insist on using defensive counterattack to win the national championship [158]
Minori Kishimoto No. 5 Power forward
Sound Excellence: Kazunari Tanaka
Grade 3, 188cm.
One of the pillars of the Toyo team, the scorer ranking second in Osaka qualifiers [159] Arrogant and arrogant. With stubborn braids. He was admitted to Fengyu High School for admiring Beiye's quick counter attack tactics. But soon after joining Fengyu Team, Beiye teacher was dismissed. To prove that Kitano's tactics are correct [157] , insist on using defensive counterattack to win the national championship [158]
Tankura Oer Lang No. 6 Point guard
2-year grade, 183cm.
Tall, most of them should play point guard after entering high school. It is commonly used as a trigger. The third scorer in Osaka preliminary contest, with an average score of 25 points in each match [160]
Yanyu Jingping No.7 point guard
Grade 3, 180cm.
Mitsuaki Iwata No. 8 Center-forward
Grade 3, 190cm.
Akimoto commented that "fish live several times better than him" [161]
Ogawa Huinan No. 14
Voice actor: Yinglang Ishikawa
Grade 1, 181cm.
The bench player of Fengyu Team, the only senior one player selected as a regular player [162] Yoichi Xiangda, a good friend when he was in junior high school in Osaka, has not seen Yoichi since he transferred to another school in the second day of junior high school. Originally, he was very short, but suddenly he grew 20 cm. [163]

Mingpeng Industry (Aichi County)

Sound Excellence: Nomoto Liso
I am full of confidence in Mori Chongkuan's strength and believe that he can make a nationwide sensation in the national league.
Dense and wide forests No. 15 Center-forward
Voice actor: Yinglang Ishikawa
Grade 1, 199cm 100kg [164]
I started playing basketball in the summer of the second day of junior high [165] He has excellent physical quality. Although he is big, he can move quickly. He has absolute dominance under the basket, and two or three people fall on the floor after every dunk [164] His famous friend Industry won the qualification right of the National League for the first time as the county champion [166] In the first game of the National League against Chang Cheng, he scored 50 points, rebounded 22 times and blocked 10 times [167] , whose amazing performance made a nationwide sensation.

Aihe College (Aichi County)

Ranked 4th in the National League last year [168] In, he was promoted to the second place in the Aichi County preliminary contest and eliminated the Xiangbei team in the national league.
The stars are big No. 4 point guard
Sound Excellence: Zhongwei Shixiong
Grade 3.
The national famous shooting guard is known as "Aichi Star". Although the coach claimed that "you are the only one who can defeat the super ace Zebei", the stars did not have such confidence [133]

Taei College (Osaka Prefecture)

Tuwuchun No. 4
He is very tall and is the organizer of the attack on the court. He is very good at using his teammates to launch attacks. His game style is very similar to Sendao [169]

Changcheng High School (Shizuoka County)

Top 8 teams in the national league last year [170] In, he won the first place again in the Shizuoka County qualifier, but was defeated by Mingpeng Industry on the second match day of the National League.
Sound Excellence: Aso Zhijiu
Coach Ansi is a junior in college.
captain Mikoshiba No. 4
Sound Excellence: Yamano Inomi
The captain of Changcheng Team is a first-class player in China. However, in the national league tournament, which was defeated by Mingpeng Industry, it suffered a considerable blow [171]
Soup boat No. 8
Original cartoon characters. The three-point shooter in Chang Cheng's team.
Other school basketball teams

Shenze Sports University

Mori Team is the first university team in Japan [172]
coach Tang Zeyixiong
Sound Excellence: Demaru finished
The coach with deep body has a high opinion of Akimoto [172] , invite Akki to participate in the recommended enrollment of Shenzhen University of Physical Education, but the condition is to reach the top eight in the national league [174]
Shanshan Xiangtai Center-forward
Sound Excellence: Kazuyuki Sogabe
Grade 3.
Japan's first center, also a member of the national team [173] The first time to participate in the national league was also in senior three, and managed to lead the team into the top eight. From then on, life began to take a turn [174]

Fuqiu Middle School

Fuqiu Middle School is a junior high school where Liuchuan Feng once studied. The basketball team is also well-known in the junior high school basketball circle of Kanagawa County. Because the school is very close to Akimoto's alma mater, No. 4 Middle School, the basketball teams of the two schools often hold competitions [59]
Characters appearing in Theatre Version 4.
Coach of Fuqiu Middle School basketball team.
Ichiro Shuizawa No. 4 forward
Outstanding actor: Shi Tianzhang
Characters appearing in Theatre Version 4. After Liuchuan Feng graduated, he became the captain of the basketball team of Fuqiu Middle School. His growth has enabled the team to reach the same level as Kawasaki Liukawa at that time, and has secured the position of the first striker of Kanagawa. I admire Liuchuan Feng very much. My dream is to enter Xiangbei High School and dominate the country with Liuchuan Feng. However, because of joint tuberculosis, he had to leave his beloved basketball. With the efforts of my sister, I joined the teaching match of Xiangbei Team. After finishing the "Match with Liuchuan Feng", I no longer said goodbye to basketball with regret. Even as an athlete, his dream of playing together with Xiangbei to dominate the country has not been fulfilled, but he has a new goal, that is, to enter Xiangbei High School and complete the dream that he could not achieve as an athlete as the manager of Xiangbei Basketball Department.

Lvfeng High School

The school appearing in the theater version of "The biggest crisis in northern Hunan! Cherry Wood Path gas fighting spirit" is an aristocratic private school. The school basketball team was just established last year, so it was unable to participate in the national league tournament county qualifiers in, and was preparing for the winter trials. It has a dedicated basketball court.
manager Fujisawa Jili
Voice actor: Yumei Dongma
The manager of the basketball department of Lvfeng High School is also the daughter of the president of the school, so he is wayward and arrogant, and even interferes with the employment of team coaches in the game. Recruiting outstanding players from all over the country to join the Lvfeng High School basketball team. Feng Liuchuan was once invited to join, but was ignored, so he hated it. The team of Xiangbei, which was defeated in Hainan, was invited to participate in the practice match as a touchstone for its desire to dominate the country.
coach Large ship
Voice actor: Junjie Kajima
captain Mike Chongtian No. 13 Small forward
Voice actor: Toshio Gukawa
Grade 2, 192cm 85kg.
Mixed race players, national level players. The school subsidizes him to study in the United States for a year to learn basketball, and even the NBA in the United States likes him very much. After the teaching match with Xiangbei, I decided to study in the United States until the spring.
Vice captain Name highlight No. 4 Center-forward
Voice actor: Hirohiko Kokawa
Grade 2, 195cm 88kg.
Because he fought alone in the original team, he transferred to Lvfeng High School. After Mike went to the United States again for further study, he served as the captain to lead the team to participate in the winter trials.
Kemeiyilang No. 5 point guard
Voice actor: Junichi Kummaru
Grade 1, 185cm 72kg.
The younger brother of Mitsui Junior High School has been outstanding in skills since the first grade of junior high school. In the third grade of junior high school, he served as the captain of the basketball team of Wushi Middle School and was also a three-point pitcher.
Huzuka Zheya No. 9 Power forward
Grade 2, 180cm 75kg.
The speed is faster than the cherry tree, but the endurance is far below the cherry tree.
Hailao Mingjia No. 6 Power forward
Voice actor: Yoshino
Grade 2, 177cm 61kg.
Crane sees essence II No.7 guard
Voice actor: Fengjian Xinyan
Grade 2, 175cm 68kg.
The twins' brother, and brother Qier, known as "the secret weapon of Green Wind", are active at both ends of the attack and defense.
Be outstanding No. 8 guard
Voice actor: Fengjian Xinyan
Grade 2, 175cm 68kg.
The younger brother of the twins, and brother Jinger, known as "the secret weapon of Green Wind", are active at both ends of the attack and defense.

Basketball Weekly reporter

Michiyoshi Xiangtian
Voice actor: Yoko Nagashima
The senior reporter of the magazine Weekly Basketball, whose catchphrase is "I have to pay close attention", is actually his sister. He is very persistent to the Immortal Way.
Voice actor: Li Nexinfu
A newcomer to the magazine Weekly Basketball, he worked with Yoshisei Xiangtian.
The reporter of the magazine Weekly Basketball is a bit cynical and likes to joke. During the National League, I was responsible for reporting the match between Mingpeng Industry and Changcheng.
Nakagawa Early Seedling
Sound Excellence: He Hongmei
The characters appearing in the theater version 2. He was the basketball team manager of the Jinjiuwu basketball team and the reporter of the magazine Weekly Basketball. In addition to using pen and paper to record the game, you also carry a camera to capture the wonderful moments. In charge of the live report of the county preliminary match Jinjiuwu vs Xiangbei. In the TV animation, Hainan vs Wuli and Xiangbei vs Lingnan also appeared on the sidelines.

Bad group

Voice actor: Masahiro Sato
Mitsui's friend, the leader of the bad group, and the expert in fighting have experienced many battles. Before the county preliminaries, Mitsui came to smash the basketball team's court. I don't like wearing helmets when riding motorcycles, so I am often chased by the police.
A Long
Voice actor: Fengjian Xinyan
Iron Man's subordinate. In the animated version, new subordinates are gathered to challenge the position of Iron Man as the leader.
Ghost vine
Long's childhood friend, who had been in prison for a while, beat two people half to death in prison. After being released from prison, he and Long together challenged Iron Man.

Other characters

Dr. T
Voice actor: Salt House Wing
He did not appear in the story, but was responsible for explaining basketball knowledge in the work.
Shimura Leaf
Sound Excellence: Yuko Miyuki (Theatre version), Bainiaoyuli (TV animation)
Grade 1 student of Wuyuan School. Sakuragi was the 50th girl who lost him in middle school. She was a great beauty. Onoda's girlfriend.
Beard Store Manager
Voice actors: Mei Jin Xiuxing, Hang Chuan Yuyan
The store manager of the sporting goods store "CHIEKO SPORTS". Basketball shoe collection enthusiasts, from Jordan Generation I to today's Jordan Generation IV, have collected all Jordan brand basketball shoes [175] If he doesn't sell shoes to people who don't wear them, his Jordan IV would not have sold for 100000 yen [176] , but Sakuragi bought it for 30 yen. In high school, he was a member of Jilun High School Basketball Team. He participated in the final against Hainan Team 16 years ago. Every year, he went to watch Hainan Team's competition, witnessing the process of Hainan Team's 17 consecutive championships [71]
Mrs Ansey
Anxi Guangyi's wife usually wears kimonos. I often watch the matches of Xiangbei Team, so most of the players know [257]
Tanazawa Longer
Voice actor: Nakao Yanxiong
When Coach Ansi was a coach in the university 10 years ago, his team members were two meters tall and had an amazing amount of exercise. Ansi has great hopes for his potential, so he is also very strict with him [177] , which made Gu Ze have a rebellious mentality and found the opportunity to play in the United States. But in high school, he relied too much on his own ability and ignored basic training, so he did not achieve the rapid growth he expected in the United States [178] Although regretful, he had no face to go back, and soon there was no news. He died unexpectedly after studying in the United States for 5 years (at the age of 24) [256] Anxi also resigned as a coach and retired from college basketball because of the heavy blow.
The mother of the Hetian brothers [263]
Zebei Zhezhi
Tsebei Rongzhi's father is known as a "basketball maniac". He raised his son's interest in basketball when he was young, and borrowed money everywhere to build a house in the countryside with a basketball court in the backyard [179]
Sound Excellence: Takamori Yoshino
Characters appearing in Theatre Version 4. Students of Xixiang Women's High School [57] , Akira's friend. I am proud of my brother Ichiro Shuizawa's talent in basketball. Later, my brother had to say goodbye to basketball because of illness. In order to save his brother's regret, I asked the Xiangbei basketball team through Qingzi to let him play a game with Liuchuan Feng.
Miyagi fumigation
Miyagi's mother.
Miyagi Zongtai
Elderly Yoshita Miyagi is 3 years old (birthday is the same day [255] )My brother, a slender boy, is a famous mini basketball player in the local area. He was 12 years old when he died in a shipwreck in the sixth grade of primary school [253] Liang Tai learned basketball from him when he was young. For Liang Tai, he was a great brother. Only when he was in his second year of senior high school, he caught up with him (168cm) [252]
Anna Miyagi
Miyagi's younger sister is naive [254]

Story background

Regional Contest
There are more than 200 high school basketball teams in Kanagawa County [258] Through the regional preliminaries, 64 teams entered the county contest in the plot year.
County Competition
The full name of the basketball project is "XX County Comprehensive Sports Conference of Colleges and Universities", as well as the preliminary match of the basketball project of the National Comprehensive Sports Conference of Colleges and Universities in XX County.
● National High School Basketball League
The National High School Basketball League, officially known as the National University Basketball Players' Rights Conference [261] , and the men's basketball event of the National University Sports Conference [260] The National High School Basketball League in summer, the National Sports Competition in autumn and the trials in winter are collectively called the three major tournaments in the high school basketball industry. However, among these events, the national high school basketball league is regarded as the largest event in Japan's high school basketball industry [180] The plot year will be held in Hiroshima from August 2 to 7 [260]
◇ Promotion process of Xiangbei high school basketball team ◇
home team
starting lineup
May 19th
County preliminary contest
The first round of competition area B
North Hunan
Akagi, Mumu, Anda, Chaoqi, Kota
Second round of competition area B
Chimu, Liuchuan, Miyagi, Mitsui, Mumu
The third round of competition area B
Chimu, Liuchuan, Miyagi, Mitsui, Mumu
The 4th round of competition area B
Chimu, Liuchuan, Miyagi, Mitsui, Mumu
The fifth round of competition area B
Akimoto, Liuchuan, Miyagi, Mitsui, Sakuragi
June 20th
Round robin
Hainan Affiliated Middle School
Akimoto, Liuchuan, Miyagi, Mitsui, Sakuragi
June 26th
Chimu, Liuchuan, Miyagi, Mitsui, Mumu
June 27th
Akimoto, Liuchuan, Miyagi, Mitsui, Sakuragi
August 2nd
National League
Round 1
Akimoto, Liuchuan, Miyagi, Mitsui, Sakuragi
August 3rd
Round 2
Shanwang Industry
Akimoto, Liuchuan, Miyagi, Mitsui, Sakuragi
August 4th
Round 3
Love and College
Kanagawa preliminary match
National Competition Match
● National Sports Congress
National Sports Congress (1998 Dunk Master Calendar)
Because it is held in autumn, it is called Autumn National System. Different from the National League and the Winter Trials, the national sports system in autumn is not differentiated by schools, but represented by all prefectures and counties. Therefore, the team is not necessarily composed of players from the same school. However, if there is a particularly strong school in the prefecture, it is not uncommon for the school's representative to participate in the competition. In previous years, the team of Kanagawa County was formed by the Hainan team alone [49] However, in the autumn of this year, the national sports team of Kanagawa County was a mixed team composed of players from Hainan, North Hunan, Lingnan, Xiangyang and other schools. The players selected were Mu, Akagi, Shen, Xiandao, Miyagi, Fuji Zhen, Sakuragi, Qingtian, Liuchuan, Mitsui, Futian, Hasegawa, Huaxing, Yuzhu and Takasa. [181]
Winter trials
Also known as Winter Cup, only one school in each prefecture or county can pass the competition [182]
According to the date in the newspaper after the game of Xiangbei vs Xiangyang, the original story was set in 1992 [183] And TV animation was set in 1994 [184]
In the animated version, the city where Xiangbei High School is located is located in the south central part of Kanagawa County. In the 35th episode of the animated version, the whole team of Xiangbei Team gathered at Pingzuka Station to take part in the match with Takahata Team. In the original work, the round robin of the top four of the county contest, Xiangbei Team vs Wuli Team and Xiangbei Team vs Lingnan Team, played in Pingzhong Comprehensive Stadium [251] [262]
Weekly Basketball
Basketball Weekly Magazine. The first basketball magazine I bought in Chimu Primary School is Weekly Basketball (the cover of which is Shanwang Team) [185] Michio Kaneda, Nakamura and Machida are all reporters of Weekly Basketball. In the animated version, the distance from the editorial department of Weekly Basketball to Lingnan High School can be reached by taxi [186]
Monthly Basketball
Basketball Monthly Magazine. When Mitsui was a senior one in hospital, Mumu brought him a Monthly Basketball [259]

Publishing information


Single booklet

31 volumes in a single booklet, from Japan Jiying Society Published in Traditional Chinese by Daren Publishing House It is published and distributed by Tianxia Publishing House in Hong Kong, China. The simplified Chinese version officially authorized by Jiying Society is published by Changchun Publishing House Issued in July 2004.
In the 1990s, the simplified Chinese version was introduced into the mainland of China with the translation of "Flying Man in Basketball". The most influential versions are the Chinese Overseas Chinese Publishing House (1-20 volumes), People's Sports Publishing House (21 volumes) and Today's China Publishing House (22-31 volumes). In addition, there are Inner Mongolia Culture Publishing House, China Tibetan Studies Publishing House, Tibet People's Publishing House, Xinjiang Youth Publishing House, Shaanxi Fine Arts Publishing House Guangxi Nationalities Publishing House (Men Should Be Bottled) and other editions, but these have not been officially authorized.
Japan Jiying Press Sales Day
Volume 1
Cherry Blossom Path
February 8, 1991 [187]
Volume 2
New Forces
June 10, 1991 [188]
Volume 3
Difficult common people shooting
July 10, 1991 [189]
Volume 4
The main character appears!!
August 7, 1991 [190]
Volume 5
October 9, 1991 [191]
Volume 6
No regrets
December 3, 1991 [192]
Volume 7
The end of the basketball department
March 10, 1992 [193]
Volume 8
June 10, 1992 [194]
Volume 9
Problem teenager
September 4, 1992 [195]
Volume 10
Rebound Wang Yingmu
December 2, 1992 [196]
Volume 11
Even by chance
February 4, 1993 [197]
Volume 12
Challenge the King
April 2, 1993 [198]
Volume 13
be a trend which cannot be halted
June 4, 1993 [199]
Volume 14
The best player
August 4, 1993 [200]
Volume 15
Heaven and Hell
October 4, 1993 [201]
Volume 16
War of Survival
December 2, 1993 [202]
Volume 17
Final outgoing right
February 4, 1994 [203]
Volume 18
A presentiment of danger
April 4, 1994 [204]
Volume 19
July 4, 1994 [205]
Volume 20
Xiangbei Team Collapsed
September 2, 1994 [206]
Volume 21
Victory and defeat
November 4, 1994 [207]
Volume 22
first leg
December 26, 1994 [208]
Volume 23
Class A Team and Class C Team
March 3, 1995 [209]
Volume 24
All for Victory
June 2, 1995 [210]
Volume 25
The biggest challenge
September 4, 1995 [211]
Volume 26
Battle of Power
December 1, 1995 [212]
Volume 27
Xiangbei Team is in a bad situation
February 2, 1996 [213]
Volume 28
Two year expectation
April 4, 1996 [214]
Volume 29
outstanding talent
June 4, 1996 [215]
Volume 30
Player life
August 2, 1996 [216]
Volume 31
Xiangbei High School Basketball Department
October 3, 1996 [217]

Full version

The full version is 24 volumes, also published by Japan's Jiying Press, the traditional Chinese version is issued by Taiwan's cutting-edge publishing house and Hong Kong's Tianxia Publishing House, and the simplified Chinese version is published by Changchun Publishing House on December 21, 2012 [218]
Date of sale of Japanese version
Volume 1
March 19, 2001 [219-220]
Volume 2
Volume 3
April 23, 2001 [221-222]
Volume 4
Volume 5
May 18, 2001 [223-224]
Volume 6
Volume 7
June 19, 2001 [225-226]
Volume 8
Volume 9
July 19, 2001 [227-228]
Volume 10
Volume 11
August 17, 2001 [229-230]
Volume 12
Volume 13
September 19, 2001 [231-232]
Volume 14
Volume 15
October 19, 2001 [233-234]
Volume 16
Volume 17
November 19, 2001 [235-236]
Volume 18
Volume 19
December 19, 2001 [237-238]
Volume 20
Volume 21
January 18, 2002 [239-240]
Volume 22
Volume 23
February 19, 2002 [241-242]
Volume 24

Re edition of new clothes

The Slam Slam Master's New Clothes Edition is composed of 31 volumes of the old version and the results of the game. There are 20 volumes in total [243]
Sale date
Xiangbei Team
1-6 records
June 1, 2018
Front of County Assembly
7-10 records
July 2, 2018
The second part of the county assembly
11-14 records
August 1, 2018
National Competition
15-20 records
September 1, 2018


  • Ten Days Later
After Ten Days was first bookized by the magazine Switch. Switch Vol.23 No.2 (released on January 20, 2015) published the comics of After Ten Days and the interview with Takehiko Inoue [245]
On July 1, 2005, "Slam Dunk Master Sold 100 million copies to commemorate FINAL EVENT" DVD was released. The DVD was produced in the form of documentary, which included the whole process of the "Slam Dunk Master Sold 100 Million Books to Commemorate FINAL EVENT" held in December 2004 in the abandoned school building of Miyazaki High School in Kanagawa County.
On April 10, 2009, the full version of Slam Slam Master "Ten Days Later" was released in Japan [246] The album is printed in full color. In addition to the content of Inoue's paintings on the blackboard, it also includes some relevant promotional information at that time as well as a number of pencil drafts that have never been exposed [3] The Taiwan Chinese version was released by the cutting-edge publishing house on April 23 [3] The mainland Chinese version of After 10 Days was issued by Changchun Publishing House in October 2014.
  • A Collection of Ichiko Inoue's Illustrations
INOUE TAKEHIKO ILLUSTRATIONS (Inoue Takehiko Illustrations), the original album of dunk masters, was sold by Ji Ying She on June 4, 1997, the Hong Kong version was published by Tianxia Publishing House, and the mainland version was published by Jiangsu Fine Arts Publishing House and Changchun Publishing House in March 2008 and July 2014, respectively. The album contains more than 100 full-color original paintings of Slam Dunk Master, including the covers of 31 Slam Dunk Master books and some full-color illustrations in the books. The first half and the second half of the contents of the books are the works of Takehiko Inoue that have been published, while the middle part is the works that the author has not yet published.
The second bullet of the original album of dunk masters, released on April 3, 2020 [247]

Parallel Space Works

In the works described by Takehiko Inoue, there are descriptions of characters or scenes similar to those appearing in Slam Dunk Master everywhere.
Short story "Earrings" [274]
Cherry wood appeared in Love with Red (the special summer issue of the supplement of Weekly Youth JUMP in 1990), and Purple Maple (the 35th Tezuka Tokushima Cartoon Award in 1988) [2] ), Spring Breeze Junior Brother (included in Volume 1 of Chameleon Jay), Like Jordan (included in Volume 2 of Chameleon Jay), Maple Kawagawa, Earrings (No. 9 of 1998 of Weekly Youth JUMP), included in Complete Set of Slam Dunk Master Film Edition [269] )There are palace city and lottery.
These are not only published before or at the stage of serial publishing of Slam Dunk Master, but even after the serial publishing of Slam Dunk Master, people can still see the roles of Slam Master in new works such as Zero Second Shooting and REAL. [248]