Mao Poetry Biography

Ancient prose written by Zheng Xuan in the Eastern Han Dynasty
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Study on the Book of Songs Works, Eastern Han Dynasty Zheng Xuan (127-200)《 Zheng Jian 》Or《 Mao Poetry Notes, mainly based on Mao's Poems, also adopts the three poetry theories of modern literature to dredge and play to elucidate Confucianism.
"Notes on Mao's Poems"
Alias of works
Mao Shi Jian, Zheng Jian
Creation era
Eastern Han Dynasty
The Book of Songs Research works. 23 volumes(《 Secretary of Wanjuan Jingjing Building 》20 volumes)
literary genre
ancient Chinese prose
Author's birthday

The Book of Songs

Research Works of the Book of Songs, Volume 23
Eastern Han Dynasty Zheng Xuan (127-200)《 Zheng Jian 》It is also called Mao Shijian. Zheng Xuan , the word Kangcheng. the north sea Gaomi (now Shandong) people. When I was born as a Confucian scholar Zheng Zhong Later, he was called "Hou Zheng". Entered Imperial College Learn the Book of Changes and Gongyang School, and then follow author of many commentaries on the Classics learn Ancient classics After returning home, I gathered disciples to give lectures. because Danggu It is forbidden to do things, and devotes itself to writing, focusing on ancient Chinese classics and adopting both Jinwen Jing Say, pay attention to group classics. He wrote more than one million words in his life. Among them, "Mao Shi Zhuan Jian"《 Mao's poetry score 》, Etiquette Notes, Etiquette Notes《 Zhou Lizhu 》The impact is greatest.

Mao Poetry

Zheng Jian 》With《 Mao Poetry 》Mainly, we should adopt the three poetry theories of modern literature, dredge and play them, so as to elucidate Confucianism. "Poetry is mainly focused on Mao. If Mao Yi is obscure, it means that if there is any difference, he will follow his own ideas and make them recognizable."(《 Mao Poetry Justice 》Citation Zheng Xuan On Six Arts 》)。 because, Zheng Xuan After he annotated Li, he often annotated Shi with Li, which is different from Mao Zhuan. "Mao Zhuan" is limited to exegesis, which is too brief. This book not only explains the meaning of words, but also stresses the theory of literature, and is used to the meaning of chapters, which is enough to fill its gaps and obscure inventions. If you see that Mao's Biography is not in accordance with the scripture, you can use the theory of three schools or your own ideas to correct the loss. There are hundreds of places. The so-called "self will" means to change with one's own will Mao Chuan Or according to Three Poets The point of view of poetry. Such as《 Daya Siqi 》"Ancient people did not release", changed "release" to "choose"; Lusong Panshui 》"Di Bi Southeast" and the change of "Di" to "Tiao" are all examples of the change from "Zheng Jian" to "Mao Zhuan". Again, yes《 Daya · Shengmin Ginger rhizome Born from heaven minister of agriculture under legendary Shun According to《 Chant of the Shang Dynasty, Dark Bird 》“ The Mysterious Bird of Heaven The explanation of "descending to produce quotient", Zheng Xuan They all followed three families rather than Mao.
However, in terms of the theme of the poem, Zheng Jian has little knowledge of the poet's original temperament. Stick to《 shishyuh 》, especially obvious. It is basically the same as Mao's Biography to regard the Poem as a classic of the sages and sages, and to make some farfetched explanations by comparing it with righteousness. In terms of textual exegesis, Mao Zhuan and Zheng Jian have gained and lost from each other. Zheng Jian inherits the mistakes of Mao Zhuan, and it is also seen from time to time. In addition to the textual exegesis, Zheng Jian occasionally uses the title to express its sadness about current events. In addition, Zheng Jian also made a mistake by saying that "Xing" is mixed with "Bi". However, as soon as this book was published, Mao's Poems became more and more popular, and the three poems were abolished. Especially, it can communicate with the notes of various sutras, and the study of "Poetry" in the Han Dynasty is gathered here.

Textual Research on Zheng's Notes

the Qing dynasty Chen Huan I wrote a textual research on Zheng's Notes, and did a lot of textual research on the origin of Zheng's Notes.
The popular versions of Zheng Jian are《 Four part series 》Shadow Song version《 Annotations to the Thirteen Classics 》Ben. bright Jiajing Interscript with Zheng Xuan Poetry score 》1 volume Lu Deming Sound and Meaning, 3 volumes.