Late Han Dynasty

Chronological History of the Eastern Han Dynasty by Yuan Hong of the Eastern Jin Dynasty
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The Later Han Dynasty is Chronology The history of the Eastern Han Dynasty dates back to the Lvlin Uprising in the fourth year of Xinmang Tianfeng (17 years) and ends at Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty Yankang In the first year (220), Cao Wei replaced Han. The book has 30 volumes and more than 210000 words. author Yuan Hong (328-376), known as Yanbo, Eastern Jin Dynasty Yangxia (Now Henan Taikang )People. He lost his father when he was young, and his family lived in poverty. In the tough environment, he worked hard at mechanics and finally achieved something. In his youth, he was famous for his quick thinking and beautiful articles. He did Huanwen And other staff Dongyang County Tai Shou, 49 years old, died in office. Yuan Hong is also a famous litterateur. He wrote Hongfu all his life. His works, The Later Han Dynasty and Praise of Famous Officials of the Three Kingdoms, still exist today《 Eastern Expedition Fu 》、《 Epics 》, Biographies of Bamboo Forest Celebrities, etc. have all been lost.
Late Han Dynasty
Yuan Hong
Jilin Publishing Group [2]
48 yuan
nine trillion and seven hundred and eighty-seven billion eight hundred and seven million two hundred thousand four hundred and thirty-seven [2]


In the 37th year of Qianlong's reign in the Qing Dynasty, qianlong emperor Hongli issued an edict Siku Library , the next year“ Complete Library of Four Branches of Books ”。 Since the Tang and Song Dynasties, the tradition of collecting and compiling ancient books has been formed in all dynasties《 Gathering of arts and culture 》, Northern Hall Book Copy, Song Dynasty《 Taiping Imperial Survey 》、《 Cefu Yuangui 》, especially in the Ming Dynasty Yongle Compiled in《 Yongle Grand Ceremony 》A total of twenty-two thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven volumes, including seven or eight thousand kinds of books, can be called a giant project. During the reign of Kangxi and Yongzheng in the Qing Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty compiled《 Integration of ancient and modern books 》Ten thousand volumes. During the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, Anhui learned politics Zhu Jun I thought that Yongle Dadian did not include all the books, so I suggested asking people for them Lost Books At the same time, a special organization was set up to collate the Yongle Grand Ceremony collected by the Imperial Academy. So the Emperor Qianlong issued an edict to open the Siku Quanshu, and appointed Ji Yun And more than 160 famous scholars began to compile《 Complete Library of Four Branches of Books 》。
The compilation of Si Ku Quan Shu was first to collect books nationwide. From the opening of the library in the 37th year of Qianlong's reign to the 43rd year of Qianlong's reign, a total of 12237 books were collected over seven years; Then we sorted out the books, and the four treasury officials revised the books collected by the inner government and the books collected from various places, and put forward specific suggestions on copying, engraving and storage. Among them, books that should be copied and engraved are considered as qualified works and included in Sikuquanshu, while books that should be kept cannot be included in Sikuquanshu《 General Contents of Siku Quanshu 》Intermediate storage items. Siku Quanshu is divided into A subset of classics and history Four, including 3457 kinds of books, including 79070 volumes bound into more than 36000 volumes and 6752 letters. It has become the most voluminous book in Chinese history.

content validity

Later Han Dynasty (Shibu 26) Complete Library of Four Branches of Books First, the Siku Complete Book is divided into four sub collections of classics and history, including 3457 kinds of books, with 79070 volumes bound into more than 36000 volumes and 6752 letters. This volume It is a photocopy of the Later Han Dynasty.
It is self-evident that the publication and distribution of The Later Han Dynasty (Shibu 26) is of positive significance not only for the study of historical documents, but also for the study of ancient Chinese history and ideology and culture. At the same time, due to《 Summary of the Four Treasury Complete Books 》It is originally a masterpiece in the book, supplemented by modern Printing technology This set of books should also naturally become a treasure of libraries and personal collections.


Volume I
Volume II
Volume II
Volume III
Volume IV
Volume V
Volume VI
Volume VII
Volume VIII
Volume IX
Volume 10
Volume 11
Volume I and II
Volume 13
Volume 14
Volume 15
…… [1]

Writing background

The writing of Hou Han Ji has gone through nearly ten years. Yuan Hong So it is a pity to adopt the chronological style to record the historical events of the Eastern Han Dynasty Xun Yue The influence of the successful compilation of Han Ji. Later Han Ji was written after Han Ji, but the writing conditions faced by Yuan Hong were more difficult than those faced by Xun Yue. When Xun Yue wrote Han Ji, only《 The History of the Han Dynasty 》This has established an authoritative position in the history of the Western Han Dynasty. He used high historical insight and compilation techniques to cut the Han Shu and wrote a new book with great achievements.
Before and after Yuan Hong wrote The History of the Later Han Dynasty, there were many kinds of books about the history of the Eastern Han Dynasty, each of which had its own merits. Yuan Hong was richer than Xun Yuefan in the materials he relied on, and he encountered more difficulties and paid more skills than Xun Yue. In addition, he has many similar works competitor He must surpass them in level to make his works stand. After historical selection, there are only works on the history of the Eastern Han Dynasty Fan Ye Written by《 Later Han Dynasty 》And Yuan Hong The preservation of the Annals of the Later Han Dynasty shows that these two books are really outstanding.


Yuan Hong In Hou Han Ji, he showed his talent of comprehensive Quan history. He played Chronology Based on the time, we have sorted out the historical development clues of the Eastern Han Dynasty; Taking people and events as the latitude, it shows the connection between the events at the same time and the role of each person and event in the historical development process, which is easy for people to establish the overall impression of the history of the Eastern Han Dynasty. He wrote in eight volumes Guangwu It has a history of about 40 years. with Emperor Guangwu The development of the cause is the basic clue Lv Mu , red eyebrow New Market , Pinglinzhu Insurgent army The whole story, as well as the downfall of Wang Mang and the rise and fall of all the heroes, also narrates the life and achievements of the founding heroes of the Eastern Han Dynasty. The story is diverse and orderly, the characters are numerous and unique, the relationship is complex and there is no sense of chaos, clearly explaining the historical event of the rejuvenation of the Eastern Han Dynasty. He will write in the next six volumes Huangjin Uprising since, brutal militarist who dictated policy in declining years of the Han dynasty Being in power, fighting among the heroes Cao Cao Power Battle of Chibi As a result, the Cao Wei Dynasty and the Han Dynasty are also the most detailed and wonderful part of the book, with a comprehensive and clear context.
Yuan Hong With his practice chronicle Means of expression of body. In his book, he used the compilation method of "words and deeds are interesting, and each book is similar to the other" (Preface to the Later Han Dynasty) Xun Yue There are some developments in the list of categories. Yuan Hong often put together similar figures of a relatively recent era to record, such as Min Zhongshu, Wang Dan, Yan Xian, Zhou Dang, Wang Ba Feng Meng These are all characters who live as hermits or spend a long time in seclusion. Volume XI writes that Emperor Zhang met Jiang Ge in courtesy, because he wrote about Jiang Ge's life and wrote Maoyi Xue Bao, these are all people famous for filial piety. This writing method has absorbed Biographical style Its advantages expand the scope of chronicles.
In his book, Yuan Hong also put forward a request for himself to "see its famous sites and see its people" (Preface to the Later Han Dynasty), trying to infect readers with some types of characters.
This requirement brings a vivid atmosphere to The Later Han Dynasty. As written in Volume 23 Guo Tai Anecdote:“ Giant deer Meng Min His name is Shuda. He lives in Taiyuan as a guest and is unknown. Shuda went to the city to buy a steamer. He fell to the ground and ignored it. Meet Lin Zong (Guo Tai) when the time is right. "
Lin Zongyi asked, "It's a pity that the steamer is broken. Why not ignore it?" Shu Da said, "It's useless to regard the steamer as broken.". Lin Zong thought there was a division between him and Words Know their virtue. He said that he must be a good man, and urged him to study and travel. For ten years, I have known my name and lived in the world. first Runan Yuan Hong is famous all over the world. Seeing it in peace and retreating without staying, Huang Xianbang in Runan has a voice, and the world is not heavy. Seeing it in peace, I will go away in a few days. Xue Zugong said: 'When I heard that Yuan Fenggao was seen by my feet, the car kept on the track and the Luan kept on the yoke. from Huang Shudu This is the final day of lodging. It's not what they want '. Lin Zong Answer:
"Although the high objects, such as the overflowing, are clear and easy to pour out, the high objects are as clear as the waves of ten thousand hectares, which are clear but not clear, and the narrow objects are not muddy. The deep and wide objects are difficult to measure. Although they have been left behind, can't they be? Therefore, the constitutional name is more important than the domestic one". Guo Tai's insight and demeanor described here can be said to meet the requirements of "seeing his famous sites and people".
Yuan Hong It shows more talents of writers, but lacks a little prudent attitude of historians. He prefers to taste the characters, pays attention to the description of their talents and features, and has more talkative interest, which is similar to the Lineage The fashion of celebrities is inseparable.
The Later Han Dynasty be published in book form to Fan Ye Later Han Dynasty 》Before. It gives《 Later Han Dynasty 》A rich supply of Historical materials Because the chronology and biography The two genres have different writing requirements, so The Later Han Dynasty Annals and《 Later Han Dynasty 》In the description of the history of the Eastern Han Dynasty, there are a lot of cases of this simple and complex, this detailed and brief, and the value of historical data of the History of the Later Han Dynasty has not been reduced by the publication of the History of the Later Han Dynasty.
Yuan Hong emphasized the political significance of historical records more than any other historian in the past. In the Preface of the Later Han Dynasty, he systematically elaborated his own viewpoint on history writing: "The prosperity of the spread of history makes it possible for him to understand the ancient and modern times and to learn the famous teachings. Qiu Ming's works are widely known. Historical migration Six schools were judged and ten books were established. It is not just a matter of memorizing things. It is not enough to believe in and help the Ming and Yi Taoism, and it is not enough to catch up on governance. Ban Gu The origin and development of Zhou Hui's works are close to those of other scholars. However, due to historical changes, they have not been identified. Xun Yue intelligence Warp fibre It is a fine history. It is said that great achievements have been made in this world. However, the foundation of the famous religion, the emperor's high meaning, was not described. Today, because of the legacy of the previous generation, I briefly cite the place where the righteous religion came from, and the common people use it to spread the royal way. "According to his thought, historical writings should have two functions: one is to govern the body through the net, and the other is to support the righteous religion, which refers to the feudal ethical right and wrong.
He believes that predecessors have paid much attention to and made some work on the first role. The latter role was not enough, so he wanted to make up for the shortcomings of his predecessors in the book
Yuan Hong It is believed that Mingjiao is a magic weapon to maintain the feudal order, and the root of Mingjiao lies in the way of the monarch and his subjects. Therefore, he focused on the relationship between the monarch and his subjects. The relationship between monarch and minister is Feudal hierarchy The most concentrated performance of natural phenomena Successive with father and son Consanguinity The relationship between the monarch and his subjects, and the feudal monarch and his subjects Relational theory Into natural laws and eternal norms. From this point of view, he reigned as Guangwu Di Betraying the reformist regime and starting afresh has been criticized. about the Wei state of the Three-Kingdoms Period The usurpation of the Han family was also criticized. He pointed out that the Han Dynasty had not yet perished, and Cao Wei should not take its place. Once it has taken its place, it should not be used again Abdication Such a trick to beautify oneself has already won the world of others, but also boasts that you can compare yourself with Yao and Shun. Isn't it too deceitful? His views on the replacement of the Han and Wei dynasties Chen Shou as like as an apple is to an oyster. He looked at the historical events from the perspective of the famous religion, which had a great influence on the later feudal historians. Yuan Hong It was of practical significance to emphasize the righteousness of monarchs and ministers at that time. at that time Huanwen With power in hand, we are always ready to repeat the trick of abdication of Han and Wei Dynasties. Yuan Hong's attack on Cao Cao was actually satirizing Huan Wen.
Another aspect of Mingjiao is to stipulate the social relations between ordinary people. Yuan Hong repeatedly expounded in the book that people should abide by the feudal order, observe the three cardinal principles, five virtues and other ethical principles, and put on a preaching face.
Yuan Hong also saw some changes in history and advocated the reform of the etiquette system. He pointed out the changes in the history of the three generations, such as the changes in merit and child awarding, the changes in punishment and reward, and the changes in marriage system. He stressed that the situation in the world is as changeable as chess, so we should not stick to a set rule, but change the etiquette and policy anytime and anywhere. Such a view is hard to come by.
Yuan Hong also advocated the coexistence of hundreds of different schools Academic school Free development; Oppose the emperor's extravagance, torture and indiscriminate punishment, and advocate Combination of morality and punishment , with Moral education First, he inherited and developed some traditional Confucian thoughts.
In Volume 10 of the Annals of the Later Han Dynasty, there is a special paragraph about Buddhism, which publicizes Buddhist doctrines. It is the first time to praise Buddhism in the form of official records in history books. Yuan Hong It was the characteristic of orthodox scholars at that time to publicize famous religions and Buddhism, which reflected that Buddhism had invaded the field of historiography.

Summary of Four Libraries

The Later Han Dynasty, Volume 30( Governor of Anhui Borrowed book)
Written by Jin Yuan Hong. Hong, with the word Yanbo, Yangxia In the early days of the Yuan Dynasty, the officials went to Dongyang Prefecture, and their deeds were described in the Book of Jin · Biography of Wenyuan. There is a macro "Self Preface" in front of the book, which is called "tasting and reading"《 Later Han Dynasty 》, boring and messy, talking about leisure time, compiled as "Later Han Dynasty 》。 Han Ji
(Case: This Han Ji refers to Xun Yue The book is related to the early events of the Eastern Han Dynasty, which was not written by Zhang Fan) Thank you Books Sima Biao Books Huaqiao Books Xie Shen The book, "Han Shan Yang Gong Ji", "Han Ling Xian Qi Ju Zhu", "Han Ming Chen Zuo", as well as various "Old Sage Biography", with hundreds of volumes. The former history is short, but many are out of order. The wrong and the wrong are the same. After eight years of operation, I am tired and uncertain Messenger At first, I saw the book written by Zhang Fan, whose words were not detailed at the end of the Han Dynasty, so it was beneficial to explore again. Gai is generally subject to Han Ji. The case "Sui Zhi" contains 30 volumes of fan books, which have been lost. But《 Notes to the Annals of the Three Kingdoms 》And《 Later Han Dynasty Notes:. This book is used for mutual investigation with this book, which is owned by Fan "Ji". This book often does not contain it, and many of its readers also point to each other in detail. For example, according to Fan Ji“ Lu Fang , Settler, Dependent country There are dozens of barbarians on the bank. Fang followed them and cheated the Liu surname. This book is written as "Liu Fang, a native of Sanchuan, My surname Lushi At the end of Wang Mang, the world was thinking of Han, and Fangyou was pretending to be Emperor Wu Later, he changed his name to Liu Wenbo. With the defeat of Mang, Fang and the Qianghu, the vassal state of Sanchuan, marched to the north. as well as Zhu Mu On Zhoufu in the Liangjichi Lake and Wu Youjian's father's writing, they are more detailed than Fan's Ji. Fan's "Records" said that Empress Ma of Mingde did not like to travel and did not visit the imperial windows. This book does not like to go sightseeing. According to the Record of Fan Yang Bing Taste said: "I have three doubts, wine, sex, money, the world is famous." The book deleted a sentence. Again in sequence Wang Gong And Xue Qin In the event of his wife's funeral, Fan's "Records" first narrated Gong and then recalled Qin. This book first narrates Qin and then Gong. Narration Lvbu Defeat, persuade Wang Yun In the case of the same escape, Fan's "Records" recounted the time when Chang'an fell. This book will be traced back later. There is also some displacement. The book is long in terms of its meaning. Although its style is similar Xun Yue Books, but books are happy because Ban Gu Old articles, Jian cut liaison. This book is a choice, and it is difficult to be satisfied. Liu Zhiji According to the Shi Tong · Official History, "The world says that the Han Dynasty is thriving, and only Yuan and Fan are the historians to match Wei Zong. It should not be flattering."