Medium and long-term railway network planning

Railway network planning issued by the National Development and Reform Commission in 2016
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The Medium and Long term Railway Network Planning is a kind of railway planning formed by China's long-term modification and guidance of railways. The revision of the Medium and Long term Railway Network Plan focuses on the construction of a modern railway network with reasonable layout, wide coverage, high efficiency, convenience, safety and economy, in accordance with the law of railway development, taking into account economic and social benefits, and efficiency and fairness.
through the state council Approved by the National Development and Reform Commission Ministry of Transport China Railway Corporation The Medium and Long Term Railway Network Planning was issued on July 13, 2016. The planning period is 2016-2025, and the long-term outlook is 2030. [1] [3]
Chinese name
Medium and Long Term Railway Network Planning [2]
Issued by
National Development and Reform Commission Ministry of Transport China Railway Corporation
Release time
July 13, 2016 [3]
Planning period
2016-2025 (long-term outlook to 2030)

executive summary

Railway It is the main artery of the national economy, key infrastructure and major livelihood projects Comprehensive transportation system As one of the backbone and main transportation modes, it plays a vital role in China's economic and social development. Accelerating railway construction, especially in the central and western regions, is a major measure to stabilize growth, adjust the structure, increase effective investment, expand consumption, and benefit both the current and the long-term. The CPC Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to railway development. Since the State Council approved the implementation of the Medium and Long Term Railway Network Plan in 2004, China's railways have achieved rapid development. In order to speed up the construction of a modern railway network with reasonable layout, wide coverage, high efficiency, convenience, safety and economy, give better play to the role of railway backbone, promote the construction of comprehensive transportation system, support and lead China's economic and social development, the Medium and Long Term Railway Network Plan was revised on the basis of in-depth summary of the implementation of the original plan and in combination with the new requirements of the new development situation. This plan is the medium and long-term spatial layout plan of China's railway infrastructure, the basic basis for promoting railway construction, and the programmatic document guiding China's railway development. The planning period is 2016-2025, and the long-term outlook is 2030.

Planning interpretation

the 13th Five-Year plan ”The plan proposes to improve the modern comprehensive transportation system, adhere to the network layout, intelligent management, integrated services, and green development, and build a comprehensive transportation system with domestic and international channels connected, extensive regional urban and rural coverage, complete hub node functions, and integrated and efficient transportation services. Railway is an important part of the comprehensive transportation system and the main artery of national economic development. China's railway density is still lower than that of developed countries, and the road network layout is not perfect, especially in the central and western regions. In order to promote railway network construction and transportation artery construction to support economic and social upgrading and development, the National Development and Reform Commission, together with the Ministry of Transport and China Railway Corporation, has just jointly issued the Medium and Long term Railway Network Plan with the approval of the State Council. [1]
Railway is the main artery of the national economy, key infrastructure and major livelihood projects. The CPC Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to railway development. In 2004, the State Council approved the Medium and Long Term Railway Network Plan (hereinafter referred to as the Plan). In 2008, the Development and Reform Commission organized revision and adjustment. In order to better serve and support the major national strategy, the Development and Reform Commission started the planning revision work at the end of 2014, and asked the Railway Corporation to study and put forward suggestions on the planning revision plan, and each province (district, city) to study and put forward relevant suggestions. On this basis, the Development and Reform Commission, together with the Ministry of Transport and the China Railway Corporation, conducted in-depth scientific demonstration and solicited opinions from all sectors, forming a draft of the Plan for review. On June 29, 2016, Premier Li Keqiang chaired the 139th executive meeting of the State Council, which reviewed and passed the Plan in principle. On July 13, 2016, the Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Transport and China Railway Corporation officially issued the Planning [6]

General considerations

Medium and Long Term Railway Network Planning (2016-2025) [2] Since its implementation, China's railway development has achieved remarkable results, the basic network has been initially formed, the service level has been significantly improved, the innovation ability has been significantly enhanced, and the railway reform has achieved a breakthrough, which has played an important role in promoting economic and social development, ensuring and improving people's livelihood, supporting the implementation of major national strategies, and enhancing China's comprehensive strength and international influence. By the end of 2022 Railway operating mileage 155000 km, including high-speed rail 42000 km, realizing the original planning goal in advance. [4]
On the whole, China's railway transport capacity tension is basically relieved, bottleneck constraints are basically eliminated, and basically meet the needs of economic and social development. However, compared with the new situation and requirements of development, the railway still has shortcomings such as imperfect road network layout, operational efficiency to be improved, and prominent structural contradictions.
At present, China is in the decisive stage of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. The new trends and opportunities facing economic and social development put forward new and higher requirements for railway development: first, promote the supply side structural reform, and require the expansion of effective railway supply; The second is to expand the space for regional development, which requires strengthening the supporting and leading role of the railway; The third is to build a comprehensive transportation system, which requires giving play to the green backbone advantages of the railway; Fourth, implement the overall national security concept and require to improve the level of railway emergency support; Fifthly, it is required to build a modern railway infrastructure network to enrich the development advantages of the industry.
During the revision of the Plan, we always adhere to the implementation of the new development concept, follow the law of railway development, give play to the role of railway backbone advantages, coordinate demand and possibility, give consideration to economic and social benefits, focus on increasing effective supply, clarifying functional levels, improving service efficiency, and giving consideration to efficiency and fairness, and strive to build a reasonable layout, wide coverage, efficient and convenient The safe and economic modern railway network provides strong support for building a modern comprehensive transportation system, promoting sustainable and healthy economic and social development, and achieving the "two centenary goals". The Plan insists on supporting, leading and innovative development; Scientific layout and shared development; Clear hierarchy, coordination and optimization; Efficient connection, open integration; The basic principles of safety, reliability and green intensiveness.

Development objectives

The planning period is 2016-2025, and the long-term outlook is 2030.
By 2020, a number of major landmark projects will be completed and put into operation, railway network The scale reaches 150000 kilometers, including 30000 kilometers of high-speed railway, covering more than 80% of large cities the 13th Five-year Plan To provide strong support for the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.
By 2025, the scale of the railway network will reach about 175000 kilometers, including about 38000 kilometers of high-speed railway. The network coverage will be further expanded, the structure of the railway network will be more optimized, and the backbone role will be more prominent, so that the railway will play a better role in ensuring economic and social development.
Looking forward to 2030, we will basically realize internal and external interconnection, smooth inter regional multi routes, high-speed rail connection in provincial capitals, fast access to cities and prefectures, and basic coverage of counties.

Major programmes

The planning scheme includes three parts:
(1) High speed railway network. In the original plan“ Four vertical and four horizontal ”On the basis of the main framework, add high-speed railway with passenger flow support, appropriate standards and development needs, and make full use of Existing railway , formed to“ Eight vertical and eight horizontal ”The main channel is the skeleton, and the regional connection line is connected Intercity railway Complementary high-speed railway network.
The construction standards of high-speed railway network are also clearly divided. In principle, the new project of high-speed railway main channel planning adopts the standard of 250 km/h and above (which can be appropriately reduced in areas with complex topography, geology and climate conditions), of which the railway with dense population, developed economy and connecting megacities along the line can adopt the standard of 350 km/h. Regional railway In principle, the connection line adopts the standard of 250km/h and below. In principle, the intercity railway adopts the standard of 200km/h and below.
Specific planning scheme: First, build“ Eight vertical and eight horizontal ”Main channel of high-speed railway. The "eight vertical" channels are: Coastal corridor Beijing Shanghai Channel Beijing Port (Taiwan) Channel Beijing Harbin Beijing Hong Kong Macao Channel Hohhot South Passage Beijing Kunming Channel Baoyin Haitong Road Lanzhou (West) Guangzhou Channel The "eight horizontal" channels are: Sui Man Channel Beijing Lanzhou Channel Qingyin Channel Land bridge passage Channel along the river Shanghai Kunming Channel Xiamen Chongqing Corridor Guangzhou Kunming Channel Second, expand regional railway connections. On the basis of the "eight vertical and eight horizontal" main channels, the regional connection lines of high-speed railway are planned to further improve the road network and expand the coverage of high-speed railway. Third, develop intercity passenger railway. In giving priority to high-speed railway Ordinary speed railway Development Bank Intercity train While serving the intercity function, it is necessary to plan and construct the intercity passenger railway of urban agglomeration that supports and leads the development of new urbanization, effectively connects large and medium-sized cities with central towns, and serves the commuting function.
(2) Regular speed railway network. Focus on expanding the road network coverage in the central and western regions and improving the eastern region Network layout We will improve the quality of the existing road network and promote the connectivity of neighboring countries.
Specific planning scheme: First, form an inter regional fast and large capacity channel. It includes 12 trans regional, multi-path and convenient inter regional channels with large capacity. Second, facing the "Belt and Road" international channel. We will promote connectivity between China and neighboring countries from the northwest, southwest, and northeast directions, improve port supporting facilities, and strengthen the rear channels of coastal ports. Third, we will promote poverty alleviation and land development. A number of planning projects have been proposed from three aspects: expanding the coverage of the road network, improving the access to Tibet, Xinjiang, and promoting the development and opening up along the border. Fourth, strengthen the railway collection and distribution system. Planning and construction of regional development railway, port dredging type, park type, etc Branch railway Improve the collection and distribution system.
(III) Comprehensive transportation hub The hub is an important node of the railway network. In order to give better play to the overall efficiency of the railway network and the ability of supporting points and lines, this revision of the plan will further optimize the layout of railway passenger and freight hubs in accordance with the principle of "passengers inside and goods outside", form a modern comprehensive transportation hub with a complete system, convenient integration and integration of stations and cities, and achieve "zero distance" passenger transfer and "seamless" logistics connection "Integration" of transport services.
After the implementation of the above road network scheme, the long-term railway network scale will reach about 200000 km, including about 45000 km of high-speed railway. The national railway network fully connects cities with a population of more than 200000, and the high-speed railway network basically connects provincial capital cities and other large and medium-sized cities with a population of more than 500000, realizing a 1-4 hour traffic circle between adjacent large and medium-sized cities, and a 0.5-2 hour traffic circle within the urban agglomeration.

Safeguard measures

The Plan proposes eight safeguard measures, including deepening the reform of the investment and financing system, fostering and strengthening High speed railway economy , scientifically organize project construction, build a comprehensive transportation system, strengthen scientific and technological support for talents, improve sustainable development capability, improve planning implementation mechanism, strengthen process supervision and evaluation, etc.
The above is the relevant background and brief content of the Planning. In order to help you understand the Plan more intuitively, we also made a diagram of the Plan, which will be available on the NDRC website soon.

Media questions

  • The Medium and Long term Railway Network Plan was first published in 2004 and adjusted in 2008. What are the new changes in the content of the revision of the Medium and Long term Railway Network Plan compared with the 2004 plan and the 2008 adjustment?
There are mainly four aspects:
First, in this revision, the level of planning scheme is more clear. At present, the infrastructure construction of the railway is developing continuously, and the network is also improving day by day, which provides the conditions for overall planning at different levels. Therefore, this plan is the first time that the "high-speed railway network" is clearly proposed in the railway planning, and the network railway is the first time proposed. At the same time, the "general speed railway network" is also planned. These two networks are connected to each other, forming a network, forming the overall network of China's railway layout.
Second, the connection of comprehensive transportation has been strengthened. At the same time of railway network planning, more emphasis is put on the development of modern comprehensive transportation system, which not only plays the role of various transportation modes, but also emphasizes the effective connection and integration of various transportation modes. On the transportation hub, better concentrate various transportation modes and Transportation hub In one, improve the efficiency of hub transfer collection and distribution. To achieve zero distance transfer for passenger transport, it is more direct transfer, and try to reduce the transfer time. To achieve seamless connection for freight transport, it is more effective to improve the efficiency of transportation and effectively reduce costs. This is also a people-centered development idea.
On line, it is mainly to coordinate the layout of various transportation modes, such as the layout of railways, highways and pipelines, better share channel resources, including channel resources across rivers and bridges, and more effectively play the role of various transportation modes. In general, we should better develop multimodal transport, and effectively connect various transport modes, including molten iron, rail transit, and rail transit to improve the efficiency of transportation.
Third, the safeguard measures are also more powerful. The railway network planning is not completely a road network layout, but also strengthens the safeguards for railway development, including deepening the reform of the investment and financing system, cultivating and strengthening the high-speed railway economy, scientifically organizing the construction of projects, and building a comprehensive transportation system.
Fourth, the integration of railway and economic and social development is more in-depth. The plan also clearly put forward the concept of developing high-speed railway economy, focusing on cultivating and strengthening new business forms of high-speed railway economy, relying on high-speed railway channels, and taking high-speed railway stations as the fulcrum to promote the coordinated development of the economy and society along the line, so high-speed railway economy is a new development requirement with more characteristics in the planning.
  • The revision period of the Planning is from 2016 to 2025, and the focus of the planning is to consider the spatial layout of the road network. With the rapid progress of railway construction, how should the medium - and long-term railway network be refined and implemented during the "13th Five Year Plan" period?
The railway network planning is a medium - and long-term plan. The planning period is 2016-2025, and it also looks forward to 2030. Because this is a layout plan, the arrangement of specific construction projects should be specifically implemented in the "13th Five Year Plan" and the five-year comprehensive transportation system plan in the future, that is, specific construction projects should be implemented through the five-year plan. On the basis of the five-year plan, annual construction arrangements will also be carried out. The National Development and Reform Commission and China Railway Corporation also study the annual railway construction plan to promote its implementation. The railway development in the "13th Five Year Plan" is in a very important critical period. The railway will also focus on the layout and construction around the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, and serve to support the three major strategies, poverty alleviation and coordinated regional development. During the "13th Five Year Plan" period, the railway construction will be arranged according to the needs and possibilities, and the economic and social benefits will be coordinated to maintain a proper pace and intensity. The overall goal is to reach 150000 km of railway mileage and 30000 km of high-speed railway by 2020. The total railway scale is to increase by 29000 km, including 11000 km of high-speed railway. From the point of view of construction, one is to improve the high-speed railway network“ Four vertical and four horizontal ”The construction is being accelerated. During the "13th Five Year Plan" period, most of the "four vertical and four horizontal" projects will be completed. At the same time, some new "eight vertical and eight horizontal" railway corridor projects will be opened, so that high-speed railways can be gradually connected to each other and give full play to comprehensive benefits.
The second is to strengthen railway construction in the central and western regions, which is an important aspect of national railway construction. In recent years, the State Council has always emphasized accelerating the development of railways in the central and western regions, focusing on entering Tibet, leaving Xinjiang, border areas and border areas, as well as railway construction in poor areas and ethnic minority areas, to provide strong support for poverty alleviation and the development of ethnic minority areas. During the preparation of the "13th Five Year Plan" comprehensive transportation system planning, the construction projects of railways, including roads, airports and other modes of transportation will be implemented one by one, and the "13th Five Year Plan" transportation will be well coordinated, connected and developed.

Specific planning


Eight vertical planning

Eight vertical planning
Line name
Cities passing by
Dalian (Dandong), Qinhuangdao, Tianjin, Dongying, Weifang, Qingdao (Yantai), Rizhao, Lianyungang, Yancheng, Nantong, Shanghai, Ningbo, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Shantou, Shenzhen, Jiangmen, Zhanjiang, Beihai (Fangchenggang) high-speed railway( Dandan Dalian Express Railway Shenyang Dalian High speed Railway Qinhuangdao Shenyang Passenger Dedicated Line Tianjin Qinhuangdao High speed Railway Tianjin Weihai High speed Railway Weiyang Yantai High speed Railway Qingrong Intercity Railway Qingyan Railway Yantong High speed Railway Shanghai Suzhou Nantong Railway Tongsu Jiayong High speed Railway Shanghai Hangzhou High speed Railway Hangzhou Shenzhen Railway Shenzhen Maoming Railway Jiangzhan Railway Hefei Zhanjiang High speed Railway Qinbei Railway Qinhuangdao Fangshan Railway )(Including Qingdao Lianyungang section Qingdao Lianyungang Railway )(Including Lianyungang Yancheng section Lianyan Railway )(Including Yancheng Nantong section Yantong Railway )(Including Nantong Shanghai section Shanghai Tonghua Railway )(Shanghai Ningbo Section Newly built Hangzhou Bay Cross sea Railway Bridge ), connecting the eastern coastal areas, and connecting the central and southern Liaoning, Beijing Tianjin Hebei, Shandong Peninsula, East Longhai, Yangtze River Delta, the west coast of the Straits, Pearl River Delta, Beibu Gulf and other urban agglomerations.
Beijing Tianjin Jinan Nanjing Shanghai (Hangzhou) High Speed Railway( Beijing Shanghai High speed Railway )Including Nanjing Hangzhou (Nanjing Hangzhou high-speed railway), Bengbu Hefei Hangzhou high-speed railway( Shanghe Hangzhou High speed Railway )At the same time, through Beijing Tianjin Dongying Weifang, Rizhao, Linyi Huai'an Yangzhou Nantong Shanghai high-speed railway( The second line of Beijing Shanghai high-speed railway ), connecting North China and East China, connecting Beijing Tianjin Hebei, Yangtze River Delta and other urban agglomerations.
Beijing Xiong'an New Area Hengshui Heze Shangqiu Fuyang Hefei (Huanggang) Jiujiang Nanchang Ganzhou Huizhou Shenzhen Hong Kong (Jiulong) High speed Railway( Beijing Hong Kong High speed Railway ); The other branch is Hefei Huangshan Shangrao Fuzhou Taipei high-speed railway( Hefei Fuzhou High speed Railway Fuping Railway )Including Nanchang Fuzhou (Putian) Railway. It connects North China, Central China, East China and South China, and connects Beijing Tianjin Hebei, the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, the west coast of the Strait, the Pearl River Delta and other urban agglomerations.
Harbin Changchun Shenyang Beijing Shijiazhuang Zhengzhou Wuhan Changsha Guangzhou Shenzhen Hong Kong High Speed Railway( Beijing Harbin High speed Railway Underground diameter line from Beijing Terminal Beijing Station to Beijing West Station Beijing Guangzhou High speed Railway Guangzhou Shenzhen Hong Kong High speed Railway )Including Guangzhou Zhongshan Zhuhai Macao high-speed railway( Guangzhou-Zhuhai intercity railway )。 It connects the Northeast, North China, Central China, South China, Hong Kong and Macao, and connects Harbin Changsha, central and southern Liaoning, Beijing Tianjin Hebei, Central Plains, the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, the Pearl River Delta and other urban agglomerations.
Hohhot Datong Taiyuan Changzhi Jincheng Jiaozuo Zhengzhou Nanyang Xiangyang Changde Yiyang Loudi Shaoyang Yongzhou Guilin Liuzhou Nanning Nanning High Speed Railway( Hu'nan High speed Railway )。 It connects North China, Central China, Central China and South China, and connects Hubao, Eyu, central Shanxi, Zhengzhou metropolitan area, the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, Beibu Gulf and other urban agglomerations.
Beijing Xiong'an Taiyuan Xi'an Chongqing Kunming High speed Railway( Beijing Kunming High speed Railway )Including Beijing Zhangjiakou Datong Taiyuan high-speed railway( Beijing Zhangjiakou High speed Railway Zhangjiakou Dalian High speed Railway, Daxi High speed Railway). It connects North China, Northwest and Southwest China, and runs through Beijing Tianjin Hebei, Taiyuan, Guanzhong Plain, Chengdu Chongqing and Yunnan medium-sized urban agglomerations.
Baotou Yan'an Xi'an Chengdu (Chongqing) Guiyang Nanning Zhanjiang Haikou (Sanya) high-speed railway (Baohai high-speed railway), including Yinchuan Xi'an high-speed railway (Yinxi high-speed railway) and Hainan Island Ring Railway. It connects the northwest, southwest and south China, and runs through urban agglomerations such as Hubao-e, Ningxia along the Yellow River, Guanzhong Plain, Chengdu Chongqing, central Guizhou and Beibu Gulf.
Lanzhou (Xining) - Linxia - Cooperation - Jiuzhaigou - Mianyang (Anzhou) - Guanghan - Chengdu - Meishan - Leshan - Yibin - Bijie - Guiyang - Duyun - Guilin - Hezhou - Zhaoqing - Foshan - Guangzhou High speed Railway( Xi'an-Chengdu High speed Railway Chengdu Lanzhou Railway, Lanzhou Chongqing Railway Chengdu Guiyang High speed Railway Chongqing Guiyang Railway Guiyang Guangzhou High speed Railway )。 It connects the northwest, southwest and south China, and connects the urban agglomeration of Lanxi, Chengdu Chongqing, central Guizhou, and the Pearl River Delta. [1] [5]

Eight horizontal planning

Eight horizontal planning
Cities passing by
Suifenhe Mudanjiang Harbin Qiqihar Hulunbeier Manzhouli High speed Railway( Mudan Suiyuan Railway , Harbin Mudanjiang High speed Railway Harbin Qiqihar High speed Railway Qihaiman High speed Railway )。 It connects Heilongjiang and eastern Inner Mongolia.
Beijing Zhangjiakou Hohhot Yinchuan Lanzhou High speed Railway( Beijing Baotou High Speed Railway Baotou Yinchuan High speed Railway, Yinzhou Lanzhou High speed Railway). It connects North China and Northwest China, and connects Beijing Tianjin Hebei, Hohhot Baotou Hubei, Ningxia Yanhuang, Lanxi and other urban agglomerations.
Qingdao Jinan Shijiazhuang Taiyuan Yinchuan High speed Railway (Qingdao Taiyuan High speed Railway Taiyuan Zhongyin Railway )(Taiyuan Yinchuan section will use Taizhongyin Railway). It connects East China, North China and Northwest China, and runs through Shandong Peninsula, Beijing Tianjin Hebei, Taiyuan, Ningxia along the Yellow River and other urban agglomerations.
Lianyungang Xuzhou Zhengzhou Xi'an Lanzhou Xining Urumqi High speed Railway (Xulian High speed Railway, Xuzhou Lanzhou High speed Railway Lanzhou Xinjiang High speed Railway )。 It connects East China, Central China and Northwest China, and runs through urban agglomerations such as East Longhai, Central Plains, Guanzhong Plain, Lanxi, and the northern slope of Tianshan Mountains.
Shanghai Nanjing Hefei Wuhan Chongqing (Chengdu) High speed Railway (Shanghai Nanjing Intercity Railway, Nanjing Chengdu Railway, Shanghai Chongqing Chengdu High speed Railway), including Nanjing Anqing Jiujiang Wuhan Yichang Wanzhou Chongqing( Ning'an High speed Railway , Anjiu High speed Railway, Wuhan Jiulong High speed Railway Hanyi Railway Yichang Wanzhou Railway Chongqing Lijiang Railway), Wanzhou Dazhou Suining Chengdu High speed Railway (Chengdu Dazhou Wanzhou High speed Railway) Chengdu Railway )It connects East China, Central China and Southwest China, and runs through the Yangtze River Delta, the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, Chengdu Chongqing and other urban agglomerations.
Shanghai Hangzhou Nanchang Changsha Guiyang Kunming High speed Railway( Shanghai Kunming High speed Railway )。 It connects East China, Central China and Southwest China, and runs through the Yangtze River Delta, the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, central Guizhou and Yunnan medium-sized urban agglomerations.
Xiamen Longyan Ganzhou Changsha Changde Zhangjiajie Qianjiang Chongqing High speed Railway( Chongqing Xiamen High speed Railway )(Xiamen Ganzhou section uses Longxia Railway, Ganlong Railway, Changde Qianjiang section uses Qianzhang Changjiang Railway), including Ganzhou Hengyang Shaoyang Huaihua Tongren Qianjiang High speed Railway. It connects the west coast, central south and southwest of the Straits, and connects the west coast of the Straits, the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, Chengdu Chongqing and other urban agglomerations.
Guangzhou Nanning Kunming High speed Railway( Guangzhou Kunming High speed Railway )。 Connecting South China and Southwest China, connecting the Pearl River Delta, Beibu Gulf and Yunnan medium-sized urban agglomeration [1] [5]