Outline of the Twelfth Five Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China

Planning Outline
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synonym The 12th Five Year Plan (The "Twelfth Five Year Plan") generally refers to the Outline of the Twelfth Five Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China
Five year plan , is China national economy An important part of the plan, belonging to Long term plan It mainly plans for major national construction projects, distribution of productive forces and important proportion of the national economy, and sets goals and directions for the future development of the national economy.
The People's Republic of China national economy And the 12th Five Year Plan for Social Development (2011-2015), referred to as the 12th Five Year Plan. According to《 Suggestions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Formulating the Twelfth Five Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development 》Preparation, mainly clarifying national strategy It is the grand blueprint of China's economic and social development in the next five years, the common action program of the people of all ethnic groups in the country, and the government's performance of economic regulation Market supervision social management and public service Important basis for responsibilities. [1] There are some specific subprojects, such as《 12th Five Year Plan for Comprehensive Transportation System 》Wait.
Chinese name
Outline of the Twelfth Five Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China
Foreign name
The Twelfth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China(The Twelfth Five-Year Plan)
Concrete project
12th Five Year Plan for Comprehensive Transportation System
time frame

content validity

During the "Twelfth Five Year Plan" period, the world's national conditions continued to undergo profound changes, and China's economic and social development took on new phased characteristics. Comprehensively judging the international and domestic situation, China's development is still in an important period of strategic opportunities that can make great achievements. It faces rare historical opportunities, as well as many foreseeable and unpredictable risks and challenges. We should enhance our sense of opportunity and hardship, actively adapt to environmental changes, effectively resolve various contradictions, and more vigorously promote China's reform and opening up and socialist modernization.
Internationally, peace, development and cooperation are still the trend of the times. Multi polarization and economic globalization are deepening. New changes have taken place in the world economic and political pattern. Scientific and technological innovation breeds new breakthroughs. The international environment is generally conducive to China's peaceful development. At the same time, the impact of the international financial crisis is far-reaching, the growth rate of the world economy slows down, and the global demand structure has changed significantly market resources personnel technology , standards, climate change, energy and resources security, food security and other global issues have become more prominent, various forms of protectionism have risen, and the external environment for China's development has become more complex. We must adhere to a broader vision, calmly observe, calmly respond, balance the domestic and international overall situation, grasp the new position in the global economic division of labor, and actively create new advantages in participating in international economic cooperation and competition.
Domestically, industrialization, informatization, urbanization, marketization, and internationalization have developed in depth. Per capita national income has steadily increased, economic restructuring has accelerated, market demand has huge potential, capital supply is abundant, science and technology and education have improved as a whole, labor quality has improved, infrastructure has become increasingly perfect, and institutional vitality has significantly increased, The government's ability to adjust and control macro-economy and cope with complex situations has improved significantly, the overall social situation has remained stable, and it is fully qualified to promote economic and social development and comprehensive national strength to a new level. At the same time, we must be soberly aware that the unbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable problems in China's development are still prominent, mainly because the resource and environmental constraints on economic growth are strengthened, the relationship between investment and consumption is unbalanced, the income distribution gap is large, the ability of scientific and technological innovation is not strong, the industrial structure is unreasonable, the agricultural foundation is still weak, and the urban and rural regional development is uncoordinated, The pressure of total employment and structural contradictions coexist, the pressure of rising prices increases, social contradictions increase significantly, and there are still many institutional and institutional obstacles restricting scientific development. We must make scientific judgments and accurately grasp the development trend, make full use of all kinds of favorable conditions, speed up the resolution of outstanding contradictions and problems, and concentrate on our own affairs.

Development process

The formulation process of the 12th Five Year Plan can be roughly divided into the following 11 interconnected steps:

Mid term evaluation

(March 2008 to December 2008). In March 2008, the National Development and Reform Commission organized the mid-term evaluation of the Eleventh Five Year Plan. The mid-term evaluation is an important procedure explicitly stipulated for the first time in Chapter 48 of the Outline of the National Eleventh Five Year Plan. It is a fully democratic process. The evaluation process first includes the evaluation of three types of subjects: the ministries and commissions organize the evaluation of the implementation of the department's "Eleventh Five Year Plan" special plan; Local governments at all levels (mainly at the provincial level) also evaluate the implementation of the 11th Five Year Plan of their own governments; Independent third-party evaluation.
Among them, the third-party independent evaluation is a newly added procedure. The Development Research Center of the State Council, the National Situation Research Center of Tsinghua University and the World Bank Office in China submitted evaluation reports from their own perspectives and independent analysis, including objective criticism, and at the same time, they put forward policy recommendations for the next step of implementation of the plan, As an important reference for the National Development and Reform Commission to draft the mid-term evaluation report, it fully reflects the professionalism, internationalization, independence and objectivity of public policy implementation evaluation. This is the first time not only in China, but also internationally.
At the same time, the National Development and Reform Commission also widely listened to opinions, carried out field research at the grass-roots level, solicited opinions through questionnaires, held symposiums and other forms, and made special reports to the Finance and Economics Committee of the National People's Congress to receive guidance in a timely manner.
On the basis of full democracy, the National Development and Reform Commission will draw up the Interim Evaluation Report on the Implementation of the Eleventh Five Year Plan by gathering the opinions of all parties, and on December 24, 2008, Zhang Ping, the director of the National Development and Reform Commission, will report to the sixth meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eleventh National People's Congress, with summaries of three independent evaluation reports attached. This reflects the unique learning mechanism of China's five-year plan: more than half of the previous five-year plan was implemented, local evaluation was carried out, outstanding problems were found in time, solutions were proposed in time, and the preparation of the Outline was improved in time, which also paved the way for the formulation of the next five-year plan.

Preliminary study

(from the end of 2008 to the end of 2009).
This includes preliminary work such as basic investigation, information collection, subject research and demonstration included in major planned projects.
On the basis of the mid-term evaluation, from the end of 2008 to the beginning of 2009, the National Development and Reform Commission raised major issues in the early stage of the "12th Five Year Plan", including 39 topics in 8 major fields, and invited public bidding to the whole society. Among them, 60 units selected topics. In addition to directly commissioned research, the National Development and Reform Commission conducted internal research. There were about hundreds of topics, and thousands of experts participated There are tens of thousands of researchers, forming millions of words of research report.
The above research results directly serve the drafting of the Twelfth Five Year Plan Outline, which is equivalent to a "bottom-up" driven policy formulation model. This is the world's largest public policy "collective research", "intensive research" and "competitive research", and the country "spends" to buy "public decision-making knowledge".
For the same major topic, the National Development and Reform Commission has entrusted several researchers to study it, so as to absorb good words and brainstorm. For example, the most important topic, "Research on the Overall Ideas and Objectives of the Twelfth Five Year Plan", has entrusted the National Information Center, the Macroeconomic Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission, the National School of Administration, and the National Situation Research Center of Tsinghua University to conduct independent research and submit the report from September to October 2009.
On this basis, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) drew up the basic ideas of the 12th Five Year Plan by absorbing the research results of various parties. After the first draft of the basic ideas was formed, the NDRC began to seek expert opinions and opinions from various departments. The National Development and Reform Commission revised and improved the basic idea according to the revision opinions of all parties.

Form basic ideas

(December 2009 to February 2010).
Based on the previous research results, the National Development and Reform Commission drafted a draft of basic ideas and opinions, and after soliciting opinions from all aspects (including regions, departments and experts), it reported to the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. The members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee discussed the basic ideas in detail, reached a political consensus, and informed all parties to unify their understanding and carry out political mobilization.
This is a process from democracy to centralization, mainly in the social sphere. Then, the next round of democracy and decentralization began, which is equivalent to a "bottom-up" driven policy formulation model. Once the basic idea is formed, it will provide a basis for later investigation and research, widely listening to the opinions of all parties, and drafting the suggestions of the Party Central Committee.

Suggest drafting

(February 2010 to October 2010). Suggestions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Formulating the Twelfth Five Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development (Draft) was formulated under the direct leadership of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee.
In February 2010, the Central Committee set up a drafting group for the "Twelfth Five Year Plan" Proposal headed by Li Keqiang, which was mainly participated by the State Council Research Office, the National Development and Reform Commission and personnel from various departments. The working mode of the drafting group is generally to concentrate on learning first, mainly focusing on learning relevant materials; Then, a special research group was formed to go to various places for research; On this basis, draft the Outline for review. According to the instructions of the central leadership on the Outline for review and the opinions of all parties, the drafting group began to focus on writing and drafting the Suggestions. The Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee has listened to reports for many times, and the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee has discussed the Proposal for many times. Since the closing of the National People's Congress in March, nine members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and other members have gone to various places for special research. This is the best form of direct information communication between central leaders and local leaders. On the one hand, "seeing is better than hearing". Central leaders can directly obtain first-hand information and first-hand materials. On the other hand, local leaders can directly reflect their actual requirements and specific suggestions, exchange views on major policies and reach consensus.
From March 2010 to September 2010, the National People's Congress, the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and the democratic parties went to all parts of the country to carry out special research on the preparation of the "12th Five Year Plan" to provide advice for the preparation of the "12th Five Year Plan". At the same time, the staff of the drafting group at all stages often conduct in-depth research, study problems and form ideas through research. From the end of 2009 to the beginning of 2010, the National Development and Reform Commission went to the eastern, western and central regions for special research, and held a "film conference" on the research of the "12th Five Year Plan" in four regions (including the northeast and central regions).
The process of forming the Proposal is the process of democratic decision-making. First, we listened extensively to the opinions of local and departmental Party committees (leading Party groups), veteran Party comrades and elites in the Party to focus the wisdom of the whole Party; Second, we extensively solicited the opinions of non party elites from the democratic parties, the heads of the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce, and non party personages to absorb the wisdom of the society and constantly revise, enrich, and improve the Suggestions. It will also be discussed many times at the meetings of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to form a discussion draft of the Proposal and submit it to the Fifth Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee.

Adoption of recommendations

In October 2010, the CPC officially held the fifth Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee The Premier of the State Council, on behalf of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, made the Statement on the Proposal for Formulating the Twelfth Five Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development, and the Plenary considered and adopted the Proposal of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Formulating the Twelfth Five Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development, which was officially announced. The Proposal of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China analyzes the situation at home and abroad, proposes the main economic and social goals, guidelines, important principles, key strategies and main tasks of the plan according to China's basic national conditions and development stages, and lays the foundation for the formulation of the outline of the 12th Five Year Plan. This is the process from democracy to centralization again, mainly the process from intra party democracy to centralization.


The text of the Twelfth Five Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China (October 2010 to February 2011).
During the drafting of the Proposal, on the one hand, the National Development and Reform Commission participated in the drafting of the Proposal by the CPC Central Committee, and on the other hand, the National Development and Reform Commission also simultaneously drafted the draft of the Outline. The first draft of the Outline was formed after the Proposal of the CPC Central Committee was officially released. In December 2010, at the national reform and development work conference, information communication was carried out with various localities, departments and industry associations to directly listen to opinions, and at the same time, the connection and coordination between different plans were carried out.

Expert demonstration

(October 2010 to January 2011).
In October 2005, the State Council explicitly stipulated that the expert argumentation system for planning was implemented, and the National Planning Expert Committee was formally established, consisting of 37 well-known experts from the economic, scientific, technological, business and other fields. After the five-year plan draft was formed, the National Development and Reform Commission organized experts from the National Development Planning Expert Committee for many times to conduct detailed discussions, professional consultations and thematic demonstrations, and formally submitted demonstration reports to the State Council, which were submitted to the National People's Congress along with the Outline as an important reference for deliberation of the Outline.

Strive for opinions

It is stipulated that, except for the contents involving state secrets, the planning department shall publish the draft plan or hold hearings to listen to public opinions. To this end, a column of advice and suggestions was opened on the portal website of the National Development and Reform Commission to solicit public opinions. This is an "information platform" that fully reflects the opinions of the people and concentrates the wisdom of the people.
At the same time, the State Council will hold a forum on the 12th Five Year Plan to directly listen to the opinions of leaders of various regions and departments; Directly solicit written opinions from the Party Central Committee and various departments of the State Council; Hold a forum for veteran comrades to listen to opinions; The National Development and Reform Commission shall solicit opinions from the Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions; The Finance and Economic Committee of the National People's Congress and the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) shall convene a meeting to listen to the report on the Outline and directly put forward suggestions for revision; The Premier of the State Council has presided over many symposiums on experts, entrepreneurs, workers, farmers, etc; The Finance and Economic Committee of the National People's Congress and others will conduct a preliminary review of the Outline (Draft); The standing committees of the regional people's congresses shall organize the National People's Representatives to deliberate on the Outline in advance; The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China will hold symposiums on democratic parties and other aspects.
On this basis, the Outline shall be submitted to the executive meeting and plenary meeting of the State Council for deliberation; It was submitted to the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and the meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee for approval, and the Outline (Draft) was formed, which was formally submitted to the Fourth Session of the Eleventh National People's Congress for deliberation. This is another process from democracy to centralization.

Deliberate and approve

(March 2011) The Outline (Draft) adopted by the State Council was submitted to the National People's Congress for deliberation. First, the special committee of the National People's Congress reviewed the 12th Five Year Plan in advance; Before the National People's Congress is convened, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress organizes the National People's Congress to deliberate in advance; The Fourth Session of the Eleventh National People's Congress was convened. The Outline (Draft) was explained in the Report on the Work of the Government submitted by the Premier of the State Council to the Congress. The National People's Congress and members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference held group discussions and proposed important amendments. On this basis, the Outline was reviewed and formally approved by the Congress. This is once again democracy, once again concentration, so that public policy legalization and legalization.

Officially announced

The Outline of the Twelfth Five Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China.

Planning and implementation

Planning implementation is the ultimate goal of planning preparation, and any planning should be implemented finally. Under the condition of market economy, it is necessary to innovate the implementation mechanism of the plan according to the different functions of the plan, and establish an implementation mechanism with clear responsibilities and classified implementation. The State Council, in accordance with the division of responsibilities, decomposes and implements the main objectives and tasks proposed in the Outline to all regions and departments, defines the responsible departments for binding indicators, decomposes binding indicators regionally, establishes a bulletin system for binding indicators, incorporates binding indicators into the comprehensive evaluation and performance appraisal of economic and social development of all regions and departments, and organizes national implementation.

Planning content

Part I Change the Mode and Create a New Situation of Scientific Development
Chapter I Development Environment
Chapter II Guiding ideology
Chapter III Main Objectives
Chapter IV Policy Guidance
Part II Strengthening and Benefiting Farmers and Accelerating the Construction of a New Socialist Countryside
Chapter V Accelerate the Development of Modern Agriculture
Chapter VI Broaden the Channels for Increasing Farmers' Income
Chapter VII Improving Rural Production and Living Conditions
Chapter VIII Improving the Rural Development System and Mechanism
Part III Transformation and Upgrading to Improve Industrial Core Competitiveness
Chapter IX Upgrading the Manufacturing Industry
Chapter X Cultivating and Developing Strategic Emerging Industries
Chapter XI Promote the Change of Energy Production and Utilization Mode
Chapter 12 Building a Comprehensive Transportation System
Chapter XIII Overall Improvement of Informatization Level
Chapter XIV Promoting the Development of Marine Economy
Part IV Creating Environment to Promote the Great Development of Service Industry
Chapter XV Accelerating the Development of Productive Services
Chapter 16 Vigorously develop the life service industry
Chapter XVII Create an environment conducive to the development of the service industry
Part V Optimizing the Pattern to Promote the Coordinated Development of Regions and the Healthy Development of Urbanization
Chapter XVIII Implementing the Overall Strategy of Regional Development
Chapter XIX Implementing the Strategy of Main Functional Zones
Chapter 20 Actively and Steadily Promote Urbanization
Part VI Green Development Building a Resource conserving and Environment friendly Society
Chapter 21 Actively Responding to Global Climate Change
Chapter XXII Strengthening Resource Conservation and Management
Chapter 23 Vigorously Develop Circular Economy
Chapter 24 Strengthen Environmental Protection
Chapter 25 Promoting Ecological Protection and Restoration
Chapter 26 Strengthening the Construction of Water Conservancy and Disaster Prevention and Reduction Systems
Part VII Innovation driven implementation of the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education and the strategy of strengthening the country through talents
Chapter 27 Enhancing Scientific and Technological Innovation Ability
Chapter 28 Accelerating the Reform and Development of Education
Chapter 29 Cultivating a Large and High Quality Talent Team
Part VIII Improving People's Livelihood, Establishing and Improving the Basic Public Service System
Chapter 30 Improve Basic Public Service Level
Chapter 31 Implementation of Employment Priority Strategy
Chapter 32 Reasonable Adjustment of Income Distribution Relationship
Chapter 33 Improve the Social Security System Covering Urban and Rural Residents
Chapter 34 Improving the Basic Medical and Health System
Chapter 35 Improving the Level of Housing Security
Chapter 36 Complete Population Work in an All round Way
Part IX Strengthening and Innovating Social Management
Chapter 37 Innovating the Social Management System
Chapter 38 Strengthening the Autonomous and Service Functions of Urban and Rural Communities
Chapter 39 Strengthening the Construction of Social Organizations
Chapter 40 Improve the Mechanism for Safeguarding the Rights and Interests of the Masses
Chapter 41 Strengthening the Construction of Public Security System
Part X Inheritance and Innovation Promote Cultural Development and Prosperity
Chapter 42 Improving the Civilized Quality of the Whole Nation
Chapter 43 Promoting Cultural Innovation
Chapter 44 Prosperity and Development of Cultural Undertakings and Industries
Part XI Reform and Improve the Socialist Market Economic System
Chapter 45 Adhering to and Improving the Basic Economic System
Chapter 46 Promoting the Reform of the Administrative System
Chapter 47 Accelerating the Reform of the Fiscal and Taxation System
Chapter 48 Deepening the Reform of the Financial System
Chapter 49 Deepen the reform of resource product prices and environmental protection charges
Chapter XII Mutual Benefit and Win win to Improve the Level of Opening up
Chapter 50 Improve the Regional Opening Pattern
Chapter 51 Optimizing the Structure of Foreign Trade
Chapter 52 Overall Planning of "Introduction" and "Going Global"
Chapter 53 Active Participation in Global Economic Governance and Regional Cooperation
Part XIII Develop Democracy and Promote the Construction of Socialist Political Civilization
Chapter 54 Develop Socialist Democracy
Chapter 55 Comprehensively Promoting Legal System Construction
Chapter 56 Strengthening the Construction of Fighting Corruption and Advocating Integrity
Part XIV Deepening Cooperation in Building the Common Homeland of the Chinese Nation
Chapter 57 Maintaining the Long term Prosperity and Stability of Hong Kong and Macao
Chapter 58 Promoting the Peaceful Development of Cross Strait Relations and the Great Cause of National Reunification
Chapter 15 Civil Military Integration Strengthening the Modernization of National Defense and the Army
Chapter 59 Strengthening the Modernization of National Defense and the Army
Chapter 60 Promoting Civil Military Integration Development
Chapter 16 Strengthening Implementation and Realizing the Grand Development Blueprint
Chapter 61 Improving the Planning Implementation and Evaluation Mechanism
Chapter 62 Strengthening Planning Coordination and Management
See reference for details [2]