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Safe Care for Pregnant Mothers: Yoga for Pregnant Women

All of a sudden, you become a mother to be. You no longer just belong to yourself.
What can yoga bring to you?
Yoga makes your consciousness and body perfectly combined to easily solve various problems.
Proper breathing, postures and meditation exercises can help you enhance the flexibility of your hips, pelvis and spine, strengthen your physical strength, improve your physical fitness during pregnancy, reduce psychological pressure, and prepare for the arrival of your baby.
Postpartum yoga practice can quickly restore your physical strength and perfect body shape, and enjoy the wonderful feeling of connecting with your baby.
This book is based on Hatha Yoga and integrates the authoritative teaching methods of the United States, Britain, India and other countries. It is specially designed for the physical characteristics of Chinese pregnant women. In view of the physiological changes and discomfort at different stages of pregnancy, a simple, safe and practical exercise program was tailored for expectant mothers.         [ Comment ]

This book is written by Lijiang Publishing House Exclusive license and load selection, price: 39.8 yuan

About the author

Chen Hui, a 500 hour senior teacher of the National Yoga Alliance, a member of the American Yoga Physiotherapy Association, a yoga instructor of Vogue magazine, and a yoga teacher of Beijing TV Sports Channel, has taught yoga courses for many multinational companies, embassies, and many movie stars.
Specializing in yoga teaching for pregnant women for many years, she went to India twice to study yoga courses. During pregnancy, she personally demonstrated all the movements and gave birth to a yoga baby in 2005.

1-16 weeks in the first trimester More>>

Calling the baby in the belly

Baby, is that you? Baby?
I'm not used to calling you like this. A small life was thus formed. After knowing your existence, I was excited and confused. It seemed that I was still a child and could not take the responsibility of a mother. Baby, give me courage!
Although now, I can't feel your presence too much physically, but every day I tell myself in my heart that I am going to be a mother. Every day, I actively face life, because I know that this positive force will affect your life full text


Life is beautiful to me.
When I have a little life in my body, from that moment on, it is doomed that my heart has something to depend on.
In the days of pregnancy, I used yoga to communicate with my baby, stroked his growing abdomen, felt his initiation in the pose, and breathed with my baby in meditation with a quiet heart. I realized the praise and joy of life even more, and extended this special emotion to the whole practice process. As a result, my body is more relaxed and my movements are more perfect. Most importantly, I feel that my heart seems to have taken refuge full text