What is infantile anemia?

Anemia is defined as the amount of hemoglobin or the number of red blood cells in the unit volume of blood below the normal value, which is a common symptom or syndrome in children.

Diagnostic criteria for anemia in children

Age newborn January April April June June - 6 years old 6-14 years old
Hemoglobin standard <145g/L <90g/L <100g/L <110g/L <120g/L

How to find out that your baby has anemia?

[General clinical manifestations] The skin and mucosa are pale, especially the face, lips, eye conjunctiva and nail bed are pale, which can be waxy yellow in severe cases. The longer course of disease also has symptoms such as fatigue, dry hair, malnutrition, growth retardation, etc.

[Hematopoietic organs] Enlargement of liver, spleen and lymph nodes.

[Digestive system] Loss of appetite, nausea, abdominal distention or constipation.

[Nervous system] Mental depression, inattention, excitability and other symptoms. Older children may have headache, dizziness, black spots or tinnitus.

Classification of anemia in children

[Physiological anemia] It mainly occurs in newborns of two or three months old. The reason is that the iron from the mother is not enough for the body and is not properly supplemented during eating.

[Aplastic anemia] This situation is mainly caused by the fact that the stem cells in the bone marrow can no longer produce red blood cells. For example, cancer attacks the bone marrow, radioactive substances, some antibiotics, etc., which will affect the hematopoietic function of the bone marrow.

[Nutritional anemia] This situation is mainly caused by insufficient trace elements for red blood cell production, such as iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiency.

[Hemolytic anemia] It means that red blood cells are "dissolved" or "broken" due to some factors.

The most common anemia in babies - iron deficiency anemia

Iron deficiency anemia is a common disease in children, which mainly occurs in infants aged from 6 months to 3 years. Most of the patients started slowly and were not noticed by their parents at the beginning. As a result, most of the patients had moderate anemia at the time of treatment. Symptoms depend on the degree of anemia and the speed of its occurrence and development. The prevalence rate of infants is about 30-45%.

[Causes of iron deficiency anemia in children] 1. Congenital iron storage deficiency: the fetus receives the most iron from the mother in the last three months of pregnancy
2. Insufficient iron intake: this is the main reason for iron deficiency anemia in children...>> full text

[How to prevent babies from iron deficiency anemia] ① Adhere to breast feeding because the absorption and utilization rate of iron in breast milk is high. ② Timely add green vegetables, fruits and other foods rich in vitamin C...>> full text

[How to treat the baby with iron deficiency anemia] When parents find that the child has anemia symptoms, they should take him to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment in a timely manner. If it is mild anemia, it can be corrected through diet therapy. If the anemia is moderate or above, the child should take iron regularly under the guidance of the doctor, such as ferrous fumarate, Fuxuekang, ferrous gluconate, iron veron, etc...>> full text

[Which foods can prevent iron deficiency anemia in children] The simplest way is to let children eat more foods rich in iron to improve hemoglobin. These foods mainly include lean meat, pig liver, egg yolk, kelp...>> full text

[Seven kinds of medicated diets for iron deficiency anemia in children] 15g Codonopsis pilosula, 20g red jujube (seedless), 30g lotus seeds, 30g japonica rice, put them into a pot, add some water, and boil them well...>> full text

[Baby's favorite iron supplement recipe] Mushroom and Tofu Soup   Porridge with pig liver   Steamed Liver Paste   Mixed Spinach with Shrimp Skin   Egg custard with minced liver   Egg yolk soup   Chicken Liver and Sesame Congee   Fried Egg with Tea   Stir fried beef with eggplant
              Steamed fresh fish   Fried Pork with Black Fungus   Duck Blood Soup   Stewed Pork Leg with Black Fungus

Nutritional megaloblastic anemia, a common anemia in babies

[What is "nutritional megaloblastic anemia"?] I don't like vegetables but prefer eggs. Eggs are rich in protein. Why is anemia still occurring? This kind of anemia is called nutritional megaloblastic anemia, which is not due to the lack of iron, the raw material for blood production, but because children eat less fresh vegetables and fruits, Lack of folic acid Caused by. If children lack folic acid, the red blood cells in the bone marrow cannot develop and mature, and the red blood cell bodies released into the blood are large and poor in quality. This kind of red blood cell is prematurely aged, has a short life span, and megaloblastic anemia occurs.

[Function and requirement of folic acid] Folic acid can promote the maturation of immature cells in bone marrow. The lack of folic acid can cause abnormal red blood cells, increased immature cells, anemia and decreased white blood cells. Daily demand: 60 micrograms for infants and 100 micrograms for children

[Food rich in folic acid] Lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, carrots, green vegetables, asparagus, cauliflower, rape, cabbage, lentils, pods, Dutch beans, mushrooms, etc full text