Summer is extremely hot and sweats a lot. Many babies have prickly heat. What should I do? Parents, come and learn how to prevent and drive away heat rash, and take multiple measures to make the baby have a cool and clean summer! Let's join in the fight against prickly heat in summer! >>Detailed

 How does prickly heat come into being?
How does prickly heat come into being?

It is mainly caused by blocked pores. The metabolism of infants and young children is very strong. In summer, the secretion of sweat glands on the skin increases. If the skin is not clean enough, the sweat is not excreted smoothly, which will form prickly heat. Infants and young children often occur in the head, face, neck, chest and back.

 Three types of prickly heat
Three types of prickly heat

It mainly includes red prickly heat, white prickly heat and purulent prickly heat. Red prickly heat is the most common, which is red papules or papules on the skin surface, often appearing suddenly and increasing rapidly. Some of them are fused into pieces, most of which are face, neck, chest and skin wrinkles, accompanied by obvious itching and burning sensation, and tingling may occur after being soaked with sweat. Because of this, the child became restless, cried when he slept, and scratched with his hands.

 Environment: keep cool and ventilated
Environment: keep cool and ventilated

The living environment should be ventilated and cool, and air conditioners can be used for cooling. The general temperature should be 26-27 ℃.

 Sun protection: avoid activities in the hot sun
Sun protection: avoid activities in the hot sun

Avoid going out in the hot sun, and do not expose yourself to the sun for a long time or engage in extreme behavior.

 Bathing: frequently take a warm bath and dry the skin
Bathing: frequently take a warm bath and dry the skin

Keep the skin clean and dry, and sweat freely. The children should be washed with warm water. After washing with warm water, the water will evaporate quickly and feel cool. Wipe dry immediately after bathing, and then sprinkle prickly heat powder.

 Loose: wear loose cotton clothes
Loose: wear loose cotton clothes

The baby should not wear too many or too tight clothes. The clothes should be wide and soft. Cotton clothes with strong sweat absorption and water absorption are preferred.

 Light: light diet, eat more fruits
Light: light diet, eat more fruits

Eat less overheated and spicy food such as big fish and big meat, and more fresh vegetables and fruits such as winter melon, balsam pear and watermelon.

 Water supplement: timely supplement water and salt
Water supplement: timely supplement water and salt

If you sweat a lot, you should supplement water in time. Drink more mung bean soup, chrysanthemum tea, ground bark water, cool drinks, etc. Remember not to be too sweet. You can properly supplement some light salt water.

 Pay attention to air circulation and cooling
Pay attention to air circulation and cooling

Pay attention to the indoor air circulation to keep the indoor temperature cool.

 Change laundry frequently
Change laundry frequently

The clothes should be wide and dry, and chemical fiber underwear should be avoided.

 Help your baby cut his nails short and keep them clean
Help your baby cut his nails short and keep them clean

Children's nails should be cut frequently to keep their hands clean, so as to avoid bacterial infection caused by prickly heat scratching the skin.

 Don't hold the baby all day to affect the heat dissipation
Don't hold your baby all day to affect heat dissipation

For infants under 1 year old, parents should not hold them all day long, but can spread a mat in a cool and ventilated place for children to play by themselves.

 Use warm water to bathe 2-3 times a day
Use warm water to bathe 2-3 times a day

It is better to add a few drops of toilet water to the water. Rub on prickly heat powder after bath. Do not use cold water for bathing, which will aggravate the blockage of sweat glands.

 Frequently drink summer soup and drinks
Frequently drink summer soup and drinks

Children should drink more mung bean soup and honeysuckle water, and avoid spicy and stimulating food, strong tea and coffee.

 Timely seek medical advice in case of severe symptoms
Timely seek medical advice in case of severe symptoms

If the heat rash on infants is "persistent", be careful and go to the hospital for treatment in time. Once a large area of heat rash toxin occurs, go to the hospital for treatment in time.


It can clear away heat and prevent prickly heat. In summer, give your baby some watermelon, watermelon juice, etc. In addition, wash the watermelon skin and rub it on the place where the baby has prickly heat, which has the effect of dispelling prickly heat.

 Winter melon
Winter melon

It has the effect of clearing away heat, promoting fluid production and thirst quenching. In addition to adding vegetables and squeezing juice for the baby to eat, mashing the wax gourd skin and applying it on the affected part can also cure prickly heat


It has the effect of clearing heat, promoting diuresis, detoxifying and diminishing inflammation. In addition to adding vegetable juice, you can also use fresh cucumber skin to rub the affected part, playing the role of anti-inflammatory and antipruritic.

 Towel gourd
Towel gourd

It has the effect of cooling blood, detoxifying, clearing heat and removing annoyance. In addition to eating, mash the juice and apply it to the affected part, which can cure prickly heat.

 Balsam pear
Balsam pear

It is a good food for clearing summer heat, detoxifying and dispelling heat. Take the method of squeezing, cold mixing and stuffing to feed the baby. Applying fresh balsam pear tablet to the affected part can eliminate prickly heat itching pain.


Properly add some ginger to your baby's diet to detoxify, diminish inflammation, remove dampness, and activate blood circulation, which can prevent the secondary infection of prickly heat. Rubbing ginger on the affected part can cure prickly heat.

Mung bean soup

Three Beans Soup

 Three Beans Soup
Three Beans Soup

Take 10g of mung beans, red beans and black beans respectively, add 500ml of water, fry them in a low heat to 250ml, eat beans and drink soup. It has the functions of clearing heat, detoxifying, strengthening spleen and removing dampness. Suitable for babies over 1 year old.

 White gourd soup
White gourd soup

Take 60g of winter melon, wash it, cut it into pieces, add water to boil soup, and drink it. It has heat clearing effect. Suitable for babies over 6 months old.

 Lotus Leaf and Mung Bean Soup
Lotus Leaf and Mung Bean Soup

Take 1 fresh lotus leaf and 30g green beans. Wash the mung beans and cut the lotus leaves into pieces. Add water to the casserole and boil until the mung beans blossom. Drink. It has heat clearing and detoxification effect. Suitable for babies over 6 months old.

 Chamomile juice
Chamomile juice

Take 10g honeysuckle and 12g chrysanthemum. Boil the above with water for 20 minutes and drink. It has heat clearing and detoxification effect. Suitable for babies over 6 months old.

 Congee with White Gourd and Lotus Leaf
Congee with White Gourd and Lotus Leaf

Take 100g of winter melon, 20g of lotus leaf, 50g of japonica rice and a little salt. Wash the wax gourd, peel it and cut it into pieces, boil the lotus leaf with water for 15 minutes, take the juice, add the wax gourd and japonica rice into the juice, and cook porridge with salt. It has the function of clearing heat, detoxifying and strengthening spleen. Suitable for babies over 1 year old.

 Honeysuckle Balsam Pear Soup
Honeysuckle Balsam Pear Soup

Take 200g balsam pear and 15g honeysuckle. Cut the balsam pear, remove the seeds, put it in the pot with honeysuckle, add water and boil for 20 minutes before drinking. Suitable for babies over 1 year old.

 Perilla eggplant
Perilla eggplant

Take 300g eggplant and 5g perilla leaves with proper seasoning. Wash eggplant, basil, onion and garlic; Cut the eggplant into 3cm long sections, put a little salt and mix well. Marinate for 5 minutes, then put the eggplant in a basin and steam it; When the oil is cooked to 70% or 80%, add salt, garlic, basil, and onion, and stir fry until fragrant. Add half a bowl of water into the pot, boil it with the above condiments, pour it on the cooked eggplant, and eat it. It has heat clearing and detoxification effect. Suitable for babies over 1 and a half years old.

Questions and answers of experts on preventing and removing prickly heat More>>

 Beijing United Family Pediatrics
Beijing United Family Pediatrics : Heat rash does not need special drugs. Control the ambient temperature and take good care of the skin. It can be significantly alleviated in about a week. Please refer to the earlier answer today. In this case, it is recommended to stop using ointment for external use, because some ointment is oily, which will aggravate the condition of heat prickly heat. As for whether it is eczema, the doctor needs to see the child before making a judgment.
@Li Taoma Hello, Dr. Yang. My son has had a lot of red rashes on his head since he was eleven months old, especially when he was heated or had a bath. He has been scratching with his hands for ten days. I have seen two doctors, one said heat rash, the other said eczema, and touched several drugs, but the effect is not good. What is this? How to protect?
 Beijing United Family Pediatrics
Beijing United Family Pediatrics : From your description, it still looks like heat prickly heat (prickly heat). There are three main treatment points: first, control the ambient temperature, avoid high temperature or exposure, and use air conditioners. The temperature is set at 25-30 degrees. After the second child sweats, rinse it with warm and cool water at 30-35 ℃. Neither too high nor too low is suitable. 3. Skin care. It is recommended to use prickly heat lotion after the bath skin is dried. The skin is not easy to care with prickly heat powder.
@jessica_shijj : towards @Beijing United Family Pediatrics Question: Hello! My baby recently carried some red packets on his back. There seems to be a white spot in the middle of the red packets. He washed them with wormwood leaf water a few days ago, but the effect is not obvious. Excuse me, is this eczema? Serious? How can nursing recover as soon as possible? thank you
 Beijing United Family Pediatrics
Beijing United Family Pediatrics : Pine pollen is not recommended. Please refer to the earlier answer.
@Deng : towards @Beijing United Family Pediatrics Question: Dr. Yang, can pine pollen be used to prevent and treat children's prickly heat? thank you!
 Beijing United Family Pediatrics
Beijing United Family Pediatrics : In the early stage of prickly heat, the effect of cooling and relieving itching is obvious. Suitable for use. After the skin is scratched, the irritation is relatively large, so it is not suitable. Generally speaking, this medicine is safe.
@shdew_9vm Is calamine lotion useful for prickly heat? Are there any side effects?
 Beijing United Family Pediatrics
Beijing United Family Pediatrics : Please understand that the diagnosis of rash needs to see or touch the shape, color, texture and distribution of the rash. It is impossible to obtain enough information by text description alone. Please attach at least one clear local skin photo. We can make a diagnosis at our discretion. In more cases, it is recommended to see children.
 Beijing United Family Pediatrics
Beijing United Family Pediatrics : For the question about prickly heat, please refer to the previous answer. Ten drops of water contain alcohol, which is not suitable for direct use on skin in large quantities. However, the effect is limited when used after dilution. It is recommended to drip a small amount on the skin or clothes to repel mosquitoes.
@The sea gathers everywhere : towards @Beijing United Family Pediatrics Question: The child has a rash on his head. The child is itchy, so he always scratches with his hands. What's the best way, doctor? Is ten drops of water OK? Do you need dilution?

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