Q&A Homepage > Industry Guide > ornaments > It's said that there are few small jewelry stores. Will 30000 yuan be enough?

It's said that there are few small jewelry stores. Will 30000 yuan be enough?

Questioner: sarah
Number of views: eighty-one
Reward points: five
Question time: 14:05:31, August 13, 2013
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30000 yuan to join a small jewelry store. It is estimated that first-line brands can't do it. It is still possible to do some popular accessories. Mumei jewelry: http://mumei.91jm.com/ , Head color hair accessories: http://toucai.91jm.com/ , Chihiro hair accessories: http://qianqianxun.91jm.com/ These are all popular jewelry brands, which are preferred by middle school students and college students. You can choose. Open a franchise store.
Respondent: dhfewfg
Answer time: 14:06:02, August 13, 2013
Other answers (2 in total)
  • In recent years, the demand of crystal jewelry market is growing, more and more people are doing jewelry business, and the market competition is more intense. 30000 yuan can still open a shop, however, the market space for jewelry is still large. After the store opens, the store management becomes very important. No matter how good the brand is, no matter how big the store is, if the store management is not done well, there is no business. So when you open a crystal jewelry store, don't make mistakes in every link. After every link is completed, business will naturally be good.
    Answer time: 2018-06-17 13:56:18