Q&A Homepage > Franchise to become rich > Franchise business opportunities > Open a jewelry wholesale department, which fashion accessories to join?

Open a jewelry wholesale department, which fashion accessories to join?

Questioner: ashley
Number of views: one hundred and thirty-eight
Reward points: ten
Question time: 2013-01-28 10:42:31
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Other answers (4 in total)
  • Well, I think it's really good. Everyone knows it
    Respondent: dennis
    Answer time: 2013-01-28 14:36:14
  • I feel that the Silver Square ornaments are really good, hey hey
    Respondent: nicole
    Answer time: 2013-01-28 14:30:12
  • Hehe, it's really good to be a fashion jewelry brand. In fact, it's very detailed
    Respondent: bill
    Answer time: January 28, 2013 14:19:35
  • Hehe, just ask the right person! My family is engaged in fashion accessories business: Lucky Lottery Niuniu is good, or is it a popular fashion brand in South Korea? http://www.jiameng.com/haocainiu/vip.htm
    Respondent: nicole
    Answer time: 2013-01-28 13:41:03