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How much does it cost to join a beverage store

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How much does it cost to join a beverage store
Question time: April 10, 2022 14:26:34
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Other answers (2 in total)
  • The beverage store is a hot business project at present. There are many different brands and beverage stores of different sizes on the streets and lanes, and each business is good. It not only has a large number of loyal fans, but also attracts more entrepreneurs to join the store. How much does it cost to join a beverage store? It still depends on the size of the store. If you want to operate a larger store, the rent will be higher, and the equipment and purchase costs required for decoration and operation will increase accordingly. Therefore, there is no fixed amount. For a beverage store of general scale, the franchise fee is about 150000 yuan. Of course, this is only an estimate based on the market situation, for reference only.
    Answer time: April 11, 2022 11:27:43
  • Franchising to open stores is a popular model at present, which can bring easy and simple operating environment for operators and is favored by entrepreneurs. While joining a beverage store is a hot business in the market today, how much does it cost to join a beverage store? First of all, after selecting a brand name, it is necessary to pay a certain brand usage fee, management fee, and the deposit for joining according to the relevant regulations of the company. This fee is determined according to the specific requirements of the company, usually about 30000 to 50000 yuan. Secondly, the rent, decoration, purchase, publicity and staff salary of the store also need a large amount of expenditure, about 80000 yuan, and on the whole, at least 110000 yuan. However, the company's regulations shall prevail.
    Answer time: April 11, 2022 11:27:43