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How about the joining fee of hot and sour noodles

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How about the joining fee of hot and sour noodles
Question time: 2021-05-25 10:07:20
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Other answers (2 in total)
  • There are many kinds of special snacks, among which hot and sour noodles are very popular. This kind of food is hot and sour, which directly increases people's appetite. It also tastes good. It is a favorite snack for both men and women, old and young. Nowadays, the market is full of hot and sour powder stores, and business is booming. Entrepreneurs see business opportunities. Want to know, how about hot and sour powder joining? How much is the franchise fee? The joining of this project is very good, and there is no need to worry about the customer source of the store, because the products are widely oriented to consumer groups, and the store has a broad market prospect. Moreover, it is very flexible and easy to operate. With tens of thousands of yuan in reserve, we can open stores in the market without hiring more service personnel, so the cost of initial investment is not high.
    Answer time: 2021-05-26 15:33:02
  • Hot and sour noodles are very popular snacks. This kind of hot and sour taste makes customers have endless aftertaste and directly increases appetite. The production of hot and sour noodles is very simple, resulting in a fast food serving speed, which is in line with the current fast-paced lifestyle. This project also has a broad market prospect, so it has become a popular franchise choice. So, how about hot and sour powder joining? How much is the franchise fee? Joining this project has broad market prospects. The main reason is that the hot and sour noodles face a wide consumer group, and there is no need to worry about the customer source of the store when choosing to open the store. Moreover, the cost of opening a store is not high. It is a small project. You can open a store with tens of thousands of yuan. The operation is very flexible and the operation difficulty is not high.
    Answer time: 2021-05-26 08:58:55