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How much is the franchise fee of the beverage store

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How much is the franchise fee of the beverage store
Question time: 2021-03-20 08:45:09
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Other answers (2 in total)
  • Most people have chosen the right brand for their entrepreneurial success, so they share their successful experience with everyone, hoping that everyone can choose the right direction. Drink shops are recommended by many people, positioned in fashion, and trusted by young consumers. Then, how much is the franchise fee of the beverage store? Many brands do not have too many requirements for store specifications, which are generally 10-30 ㎡ in size. The decoration is also simple and fashionable, and the expenses required from all aspects are small. The equipment and required raw materials are directly provided by the company, which can reduce some expenses. The total capital is only about 150000 yuan, but only good taste and good service can satisfy consumers.
    Answer time: 2021-03-21 14:38:45
  • Whether in summer or winter, when shopping, you can see people around you holding milk tea or some juice. It can relieve the heat in hot summer and keep warm in cold winter. It is a favorite drink for young people. Many milk tea shops have made different designs because of different ages and different fashion orientations, which has become an ideal entrepreneurial project in modern times. Then, how much is the franchise fee of the beverage store? Normally, what is needed is the store rent, decoration fees, as well as a lot of material and equipment costs. The integration of various links requires about 150000~200000 yuan. Because there is no great requirement on the specifications of stores, very small stores can be opened.
    Answer time: 11:57:19, March 21, 2021