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How much does it cost to join a beverage store

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How much does it cost to join a beverage store
Question time: 2020-12-20 08:48:56
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Other answers (2 in total)
  • Many young people now want to start their own businesses and gain more wealth. Because the economic foundation is insufficient, I don't know how to choose the brand. The beverage industry is a good choice, because the business model is flexible, the venture capital is not high, and the store can be large or small. How much does it cost to join a beverage store? The overall venture capital varies from 50000 yuan to 200000 yuan. Different brands have different franchise costs. The promising and influential milk tea brand can provide one-stop franchise services for entrepreneurs. From store location to opening and operation, there are special personnel to assist, which reduces the entrepreneurial pressure of franchisees. Unify brand image design, technical training, advertising, etc. to help franchise stores develop rapidly in the local market.
    Answer time: December 21, 2020 13:42:14
  • Milk tea has a wide variety of drinks, including hot drinks and cold drinks, to meet the needs of more consumers. Because of less venture capital and simple operation, many entrepreneurs love and recognize it. How much does it cost to join a beverage store? The main cost of operating a beverage business consists of brand franchise fee, store rent, decoration fee, equipment purchase fee, purchase fee, working capital, etc. In general, joining a beverage store costs about 100000 yuan. Of course, the development level of each place is different, so is the cost. It is actually determined by the beverage brand selected by the operator. With the popular consumption level, there is a lot of room for development in the market. It is a good choice to join the business.
    Answer time: December 21, 2020 12:39:15