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Franchise fees and conditions for fresh drinks

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Franchise fees and conditions for fresh drinks
Question time: December 20, 2020 09:28:55
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  • The fresh beverage with nutrition and delicacy has a very high sales volume in the market, which is favored by the general public. It is a healthy drink suitable for men, women and young people. Fresh squeezed drinks can use different food materials to make drinks with different export feelings, so that consumers have different taste buds. The drinks that are more popular with consumers are: sweet orange and pear fruit drinks, apple and banana fruit drinks, watermelon and tomato fruit drinks, etc. What are the franchise fees and conditions for fresh drinks? The investment cost of participating in fresh squeezed drinks is closely related to the selected brand. Between 120000 yuan and 160000 yuan, you can join in fresh squeezed drinks if you have the following conditions: qualified commercial reputation and certain economic strength.
    Answer time: 09:54:59, December 21, 2020
  • Modern consumers have high requirements on diet. People like fresh and healthy products. Fresh drinks have become the best choice for the general public. Fresh drinks made from fresh vegetables and fruits are superior to prepared drinks in terms of quality and taste, and fully retain the nutrients in the ingredients, The drinks made by scientific matching method have more balanced nutrition. There are more and more fresh beverage stores on the market. Each store has a different brand. What are the franchise fees and conditions for fresh beverage? Generally, the cost of joining in fresh drinks is about 100000 yuan. The conditions for joining in are: having relevant operating experience and sufficient venture capital.
    Answer time: 2020-12-21 08:34:37