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How much does it cost to open a barbecue restaurant, not including the rent

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How much does it cost to open a barbecue restaurant, not including the rent
Question time: 10:10:14, October 10, 2020
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Other answers (2 in total)
  • The catering project is very promising. Barbecue and rice are very popular in catering projects, mainly because the products are very popular, so there is no need to worry about popularity when opening stores. How much would it cost to open a barbecue restaurant without rent? Apart from the rent, there are only decoration costs, equipment costs, material costs, staff salaries, water and electricity costs, etc., so it is estimated that 100000 to 200000 yuan will be prepared. It can be seen that the cost is not high, and it is a very popular project at the moment, so joining can naturally make money easily. Moreover, the barbecue and rice mixing will not be affected by the season and the crowd, so it has been popular all the year round, the store business is booming, and success is just around the corner.
    Answer time: 10:48:10, October 11, 2020
  • Barbecue with rice appeared in Hehei, which is a new simple meal, combining the essence of Korean barbecue, as well as integrating the characteristics of mainland catering, and upgrading to a certain extent. It tastes delicious and tender, and every mouthful is enjoyable, so the project of BBQ and rice has set off an upsurge of joining in the market. How much does it cost to open a barbecue restaurant without calculating the rent? If the area is medium, the decoration cost of the store is RMB 10000 to 20000. The purchase cost varies from 500 to 1000 yuan. The working capital is 500-1000 yuan, and the business license is several hundred yuan. Therefore, if we calculate these costs, we can easily handle them with about 50000 to 100000 yuan. However, the economic level of each city is different, so the cost will vary. The above costs are for reference only.
    Answer time: 09:43:20, October 11, 2020