What catering brands do Taiyuan have

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What catering brands do Taiyuan have
Question time: 12:43:36, July 10, 2020
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Other answers (2 in total)
  • I am from Taiyuan, and now I want to start my own business in my hometown. Everyone says there is a market in the catering industry. Personally, I think so, but I have no technology and experience. My friends said that joining in can solve these problems. What food and beverage brands are there in Taiyuan? After putting forward questions and answers on the website, many netizens suggested that the stores such as Haiwaihai, Macao Doulao, Shangdao Coffee, etc., had moderate consumption, great potential for development, and relatively flexible expenses. Haiwaihai not only involved catering, but also accommodation, which expanded the scope of development. After I had a detailed understanding, I also recognized this brand.
    Answer time: 10:25:44, July 11, 2020
  • Many people want to be their own boss. They are in charge of several employees and count money every day. This is not a good feeling. Taiyuan's economic development in recent years is relatively good. Many local or non local people are eager to occupy the local market. Among them, the catering industry has a high degree of attention. What catering brands are there in Taiyuan? Featured and young stores can attract people's attention. Many people suggest that Shangdao Coffee is a good choice. Although KFC and McDonald's are famous, they have reached market saturation and stopped attracting investment. Everyone has no chance.
    Answer time: 09:12:22, July 11, 2020