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Can Fresh Food Supermarket Join Yipin Fresh Food

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Can Fresh Food Supermarket Join Yipin Fresh Food
Question time: 14:53:03, June 24, 2020
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Other answers (2 in total)
  • Fruit is a nutritious food. Eating more fruit when eating can not only bring comfort to the stomach, but also develop the habit of eating a balanced diet. Our family often goes to the fresh food at the entrance of the community to buy the fruits we want to eat. There are many kinds of fruits in the shop, and the quality of all kinds of fruits is relatively fresh. Can fresh supermarket join Yipin Fresh? I had the same question with netizens before. After consulting the owner of Fresh Food Supermarket, I knew that Fresh Food could join. Merchants who want to open stores can operate fresh food stores of different scales as long as they follow the formal process. The fruit business and popularity of the store are also quite good.
    Answer time: June 25, 2020 15:30:36
  • When I learned about the health impact of fresh products on people's diet and life, I decided to enter the fresh retail industry. The fresh food store I operated in the county proper has made reasonable use of its location advantage, and the supply of fruits is also excellent, so the sales of fresh products in the store are also very good. When the store operation is relatively stable, many friends will come to consult, can the fresh supermarket join Yipin Fresh? Based on my years of experience in fresh food supermarket management, this fresh food store can be joined. Merchants who have the idea of joining can use the formal joining process and combine their own actual economic conditions to join and open stores.
    Answer time: June 24, 2020 18:14:57