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What are the health resort projects

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Question time: 15:05:23, October 1, 2019
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Other answers (2 in total)
  • There are a variety of health museum projects, but not all of them are very credible. I have friends around me who have found the sweet spot, and some of them are hard to say. So if you want to easily do a good project, you can try this, Dragon Hall and Yuanyuan Hall. These three brands have been very popular since they came into the market, which is an open secret. Moreover, These projects are now promoting their own investment attraction activities, that is to say, if you want to open your own shop, you can try these projects.
    Answer time: 15:40:59, October 3, 2019
  • The health care center is a colorful and dazzling project, but we common people should still keep our eyes open. Whether we want to enjoy consumer services or start our own business, we should have a good understanding of the industry. I was just a health care center when I was young. I asked him about the brands he could pay attention to. He told me that if you want to understand, It can be seen directly, such as Youzhi Hall, Longzhi Hall and Yuanyuan Hall. He has friends working on these three brands, and the benefits are great.
    Answer time: 2019-10-02 08:21:53