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I joined a brand before, but I don't want to do it now. Can I return the joining fee?

Questioner: ashley
Number of views: six hundred and fifty-four
Reward points: zero
Question time: 2013-05-09 10:39:14
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Best Answer
First of all, it is agreed in the contract that the franchise fee will not be refunded. Unless you can explain the fraud of the brand, this is difficult. Check whether the company has a franchise store in the local area. If it only accepts foreign franchises, if there is no local franchisee, it is likely to be a fraud company. It is difficult for such a company to file a lawsuit because it only accepts foreign franchises. If a lawsuit is filed, the cost of the franchisee will be high, and the trust can hold you to the ground.
Respondent: jessica
Answer time: 2013-05-09 10:39:51
Other answers (4 in total)
  • Taiwan pastry alliance is a good business recognized by the big market, and also a small business for the needs of the big market. Small business and big market will promote better market satisfaction, and benefit from the cashier business opportunities will come. The reputation of pastry is increasing, which will promote more market progress, and benefit from many good business opportunities. It is a classic good project in line with the market and knows how to do other publicity. The business that benefits is good and worthy of trust. The franchise fee can still be refunded. The pastry business is getting better and better, which supports enough market progress and promotes the prospect that there are enough cashiers to benefit from it.
    Answer time: 13:33:01, July 23, 2018
  • The contract shall prevail. According to your statement, you may constitute a breach of contract. If the other party sues to assume liability for breach of contract, it is recommended to entrust a lawyer to actively respond to the lawsuit to avoid unnecessary losses. You can call to inquire about the difference between whether the franchise fee is refundable: some franchise fees can be refunded, and some cannot. Entrepreneur must see clearly when signing the relevant agreement of agent joining with the business, whether there is any difference between what is written in the contract and what is orally stated to the entrepreneur, and if there is a timely discussion with the business to solve it, so as to avoid falling into the trap dug by the business. Therefore, whether the franchise fee can be returned is based on the contract.
    Answer time: 11:44:33, March 30, 2018
  • The contract can be returned. If there is no contract, it is recommended not to think about it.
    Respondent: aazz2
    Answer time: 09:12:20, January 15, 2018