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Which coffee shop is good to join

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Question time: 2018-05-27 17:16:57
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Other answers (2 in total)
  • Speaking of opening a coffee shop, my classmate opened a coffee shop. Every day, the business was booming. The brand he joined was Mancheng Coffee, which focused on highlighting the original, original ecology, and advocating natural culture in its design style. It added Southeast Asian style chairs to simple and primitive natural elements, which attracted white-collar workers, so business was booming, Moreover, the brand headquarters also hired better coffee masters to formulate training content and plan, and a team of famous lecturers divided the course into two parts, namely, theory and practice, so as to improve/increase the training of franchisees and then operate smoothly. It is better to envy others than to act, so hurry to join and benefit.
    Answer time: 2018-05-28 18:28:37
  • It's fashionable to drink coffee. Nowadays, people like to go to coffee shops for blind dates. It's very beneficial to open a coffee shop. My friend has opened a Misixiang coffee shop. The business is good. The Misixiang brand is headquartered in Shanghai. It is a fast, fashionable and leisure multi compound catering brand. The sales of coffee, western food, western food and various drinks are very attractive to young people. The franchise headquarters will support franchisees in site selection and store image building to help them better open stores. We are not afraid of no business. The headquarters will specially train franchisees so that they can get started quickly. Such a brand will benefit from joining.
    Answer time: 2018-05-27 18:51:55