Franchise fee

Questioner: import
Number of views: one
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Question time: 2017-12-23 15:04:03
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Other answers (5 in total)
  • Now there is a new term, "grilled fish". For our modern people, this is the greatness of our technology, which is to contribute to creating a healthy food environment for all mankind. It is shortened to about 40 minutes for one customer. This is very good for our buyers. One of my sisters does this. She can earn more than 10000 a month. Her shop name is. It's good to spend 8% to join it. This is still very good in our place, very good. People like this now, and it's done well.
    Answer time: 2018-09-05 13:07:17
  • Is the joining fee expensive. Many friends who want to join are very concerned about this problem, so what is his joining fee? About 140000 to 190000 yuan for the first time. This rare big brand franchise project introduced below provides a very good business opportunity for entrepreneurs. It is small, small, manageable, and fast to achieve goals. In general, it is good
    Answer time: 02:35:59, April 1, 2018
  • Now, with its good products, popular with consumers, and mature brands, it is attracting investment from all provinces and cities. As long as you meet our joining conditions, you can join with tens of thousands of funds
    Respondent: aazz2
    Answer time: 09:41:25, January 15, 2018
  • Barbecue is a kind of food that people often eat in their life, so the business of barbecue shops has always been very good, especially the grilled fish shop. For example, for this brand, their grilled fish is more delicious, and it is more appealing to consumers. Moreover, the franchise fee is not very high, so we can all partner with friends to open such a beneficial industry.
    Answer time: 2017-12-24 14:08:53
  • Barbecue is a delicacy that people will not miss in their life. People will go to barbecue with friends when they have time, and grilled fish is more popular. This brand is a very good food brand. Compared with the franchise fee, it is not expensive at all. We can start a good project with 20000 to 30000 yuan, so we can't miss it.
    Answer time: 2017-12-23 20:03:05