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Can I join the Wooden House Barbecue

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Question time: 2017-12-21 09:24:25
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Other answers (4 in total)
  • The wooden house barbecue run by my aunt is in good condition at present, and the goal is considerable. Joining in the wooden house barbecue requires 50000 yuan of franchise fee. The company implements a one-stop service system. After joining, the company will provide the decoration plan of the store to reach the opening plan of "one hundred stores in the country, one hundred stores like one". In addition, the company also provides the barbecue machine of the store for free, so there is no worry after joining, The company will carry out regular evaluation and assessment for each store, close the stores that have failed the assessment for many times, and create a good brand of paper-based barbecue. The meat products are carefully selected, and selected to improve/increase pollution-free so that customers can eat them. The barbecue in the franchise log house is safe, reliable, and easy to become an old board
    Answer time: 11:12:14, April 21, 2018
  • Can join. With the update of the times, the barbecue industry has become one of the more and more popular catering methods because of its natural and simple practices and primitive wild taste. There are many kinds of barbecues, including meat, vegetables, even bananas, apples and other seasonal fruits and vegetables. Wooden house barbecue accurately grasps the current economic development trend of the barbecue industry in the catering market, and has attracted entrepreneurs' attention once listed.
    Respondent: aazz4
    Answer time: 10:36:53, January 10, 2018
  • Wooden House Barbecue is a global chain barbecue shop. A friend of mine joined the Wooden House Barbecue. The business is booming when the shop opens at 12:00 every day! He said that he was still hesitating about whether he could join the Wooden House BBQ. After a period of observation and communication with the headquarters, he decided to give it a try. The result was very gratifying. It was right to join the Wooden House BBQ. He said that the wooden house barbecue has its own manufacturing ingredients, which is a unique barbecue shop. You can enjoy free training after joining in. She also said that now the wooden house barbecue is in the hot investment attraction, and you can get more surprises if you join in!
    Answer time: 2017-12-22 10:14:20
  • Every night, there are barbecue stalls on the streets. Do you want to eat barbecue outside when you see those barbecue stalls? Especially in this era, more and more attention is paid to the quality and quality of barbecue. At this time, indoor barbecue has become a new trend. Wooden house barbecue is an indoor barbecue that meets everyone's consumption needs! Can I join the Wooden House Barbecue? This is determinable. It is a brand barbecue shop, and there are at most one chain in the country. In addition, the wooden house barbecue franchise will provide free training and professional guidance for the franchisees. There is no need to worry about not making money. You are still waiting to join!
    Answer time: 2017-12-21 14:33:05