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Liupo Chuanchuanxiang Franchise Fee

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Question time: December 18, 2017 12:22:18
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Other answers (5 in total)
  • As a popular snack, Liupo Chuanxiang is very popular in the market. Liupo Chuanxiang uses many kinds of Chinese herbal medicine to make soup. It tastes delicious. Seasonal vegetables are selected. The spicy taste is layered, and the spicy taste is more than enough. A variety of ingredients can be freely matched to taste delicious, and the customers love it. Since its launch in the market, it has been highly sought after by consumers and attracted many entrepreneurs. How much is the franchise fee for this brand? The franchise fee is about 30000 to 50000 yuan. If the lower franchise fee is less than 100000 yuan, the store can be opened.
    Answer time: 14:59:11, July 17, 2018
  • Snack is a popular product now. Because of its low cost and low barriers to entry, people can join freely, but it makes a lot of money, so I think joining snacks is a great thing. So last year I joined Liupo Chuanchuanxiang, and the effect is amazing. Now it is very simple for me to achieve my goal of more than 10000 per month, How much is the joining fee for Liupo Chuanchuanxiang? I spent about 70000 yuan, so I think it's very good to join Liupo Chuanchuanxiang.
    Answer time: 2018-04-04 03:19:11
  • 1680 bonus and 1000 bonus will be increased/increased. If Party B has no serious violations in the execution of the contract in the previous year, the franchise fee will be reduced by 12% on the basis of the priority year, that is, 1500 discount.

    Respondent: aazz4
    Answer time: 2018-01-08 14:15:32
  • Snacks are becoming more and more popular, especially Chuanchuanxiang, which can be seen everywhere and is very popular with everyone. There is a large market. Therefore, I joined Liupo Chuanchuanxiang and found that it was really a business opportunity. Although the price is relatively low, because the ingredients are fresh and clean, the taste is very good, and the taste is full, everyone likes it very much, and strive to reduce costs and sell more. I really made a lot of money from it. By now, I have opened seven branches, and the daily turnover is really an objective figure.
    Answer time: 2017-12-19 10:17:58
  • It was the first time to eat Liupo Chuanchuanxiang or my daughter clamoured to eat it. I found that I liked the taste more than my daughter, so I was very interested in his practice. After inquiring, I knew that this was a franchise store. I immediately contacted the headquarters and asked about Liupo Chuanchuanxiang's franchise fee, which was about 60000 yuan, within my acceptable range. I want to say that I just took a sum of money to do some small business, and people who have had this taste say that they don't need to worry about the turnover. As expected, it is also like I imagined.
    Answer time: 2017-12-18 15:33:48