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Korean paper barbecue franchise fee

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Question time: 2017-10-09 10:12:36
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Other answers (4 in total)
  • Barbecue is a popular food and beverage, which is consumed by a wide range of people. With the rapid development of barbecue industry, many franchisees have targeted this market. Under the competition, if you want to stand out, you must choose a brand with competitiveness and market. Korean paper barbecue is very good. The franchise fee is about 100000 yuan. In fact, it is also very good. She has less requirements and more support policies. It is also easy to do. If you want to do this, the regional ones are also good. Now with the development of society, this has been very good, for us is very good.
    Answer time: 2018-09-28 13:08:46
  • Barbecue is a popular characteristic snack of the times and will be very popular in the future. A cup of wine and a group of people are eating their favorite food around the table. Barbecue can make you feel a different atmosphere. The franchise fee of barbecue is only 90000 yuan, and the headquarters will provide you with a series of professional guidance. You don't need to worry about inexperienced problems, so that you can be the boss, benefit happily, and support the opening of the store.
    Answer time: 06:48:13, April 25, 2018
  • At present, Korean paper barbecue is a kind of food that everyone likes to pay compensation for, so this kind of food is very beneficial. So if we can directly join in such a project if it is feasible, and the joining fee of this brand is not high, we can invite you to join in even if we choose such an industry, We know that his equipment can be purchased at one time and used for many times, so what we can do quickly is that we said our cost would be a very good choice to choose such a project later, and it is very suitable for everyone to choose.
    Answer time: 2017-10-09 10:12:36
  • I just joined in such a project and know it well. I think such a project is very worthy of our joining. Joining in such a project will certainly be very insufficient. There is no problem in choosing such a brand, If they are interested in such a project, they can be qualified to join in such a project. If they come from such a project, they will certainly get a very good business.
    Answer time: 2017-10-09 10:12:36