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Can cross-strait coffee join us

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Question time: 2017-10-09 08:19:48
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Other answers (3 in total)
  • Yes, cross-strait coffee is a famous Sino foreign joint venture catering chain enterprise. Ms. Jin Meiyang, a well-known female entrepreneur in Zhejiang Province, has to meet their conditions for joining in order to pursue greater coffee ideals and better service concepts: conditions for joining in cross-strait coffee: 1. Agree with the operation and management model of cross-strait coffee brands. 2. Willing to grow with cross-strait coffee, jointly maintain quality and establish a qualified brand image. 3. Willing to cooperate with the relevant obligations required by the cross-strait coffee headquarters. 4. Have a strong determination to join the business and take coffee and western food as their own business. 5. Firm and responsible personality and qualified social reputation, and devoted to operating cross-strait coffee
    Answer time: 2018-04-22 10:56:49
  • Cross Strait coffee is very famous in coffee shops. The project advantages of cross Strait coffee houses are very prominent in the market. Many people know that if you want to open a shop easily, you should pay attention to such projects. People here pay attention to taste. Can cross Strait coffee join us? Then the franchisee can apply directly on the application website, which is enough. One of my relatives does this, so I know that if you are interested in doing this project, you should pay attention in time.
    Answer time: 2017-10-09 08:19:48
  • Speaking of joining a coffee shop, I joined Cross Strait Coffee. Can Cross Strait Coffee join such a project? Of course, if I can join, the output mode is very simple, and the headquarters will also provide a series of support, so I choose to join in such an industry as the center. There are already thousands of stores in the country, and then there are all kinds of high skill rate and intimate services. I think the project I joined is good.
    Answer time: 2017-10-09 08:19:48