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How much does it cost to join the coffee shop

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Question time: 2017-07-11 16:59:05
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Other answers (3 in total)
  • Most people like coffee very much. So, how much does it cost to join a coffee shop? I have a friend who has also opened a franchise shop. Listen to him. Now, the franchise fee is only 30000 yuan, so you can easily join. In addition, the equipment provided by the headquarters is also very complete, which can help you to open a coffee shop franchise shop very smoothly, The business in the store has always been good.
    Answer time: 2017-09-18 09:23:41
  • I know that 118000 yuan is needed for Jazz Island Cafe under 200 square meters. I hope it can help you.
    Answer time: 2017-07-11 16:59:05
  • Look at different brands. They are different from the environment in which you choose to open stores, and the franchise fees are different. It is recommended to choose a brand with low threshold but good service products. Franchising to open a coffee shop mainly comes from the following expenses: I. Initial planning expenses Initial planning expenses mainly refer to the initial market development expenses and related legal affairs expenses, including all related expenses arising from market investigation. 2、 If the franchise fee is to join a coffee shop of a well-known brand, the franchise fee is often a big expense. 3、 Coffee shop storefront cost 4. Decoration design cost Coffee shop layout, style and materials used and design cost of coffee shop renderings, plans and construction drawings are relatively high. 5、 Decoration and decoration costs 6. Equipment and facilities purchase costs 7. Stock up costs include the costs of purchasing common items and low value consumables, and various coffee beans, milk, tea, fruit, ice cream, etc. for Taiwan. 8、 Opening expenses IX. Working capital At the beginning of opening, the coffee shop should prepare a certain amount of working capital, which is mainly used for the normal operation of the coffee shop at the beginning of opening.
    Answer time: 2017-07-11 16:59:05