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How much is the franchise fee of milk tea chain stores

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How much is the franchise fee of milk tea chain stores
Question time: 09:38:28, June 10, 2021
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Other answers (2 in total)
  • Milk tea is one of the most popular drinks at present. It is dominated by young consumers and has a huge consumer market. Milk tea shop is a good choice for entrepreneurship, because it has many advantages such as market and cost of opening a shop. Then, how much is the franchise fee of milk tea chain stores? When joining different milk tea store brands, the brand companies charge different joining fees. For example, for the milk tea in the franchise street, the franchisee should prepare a franchise fee of about 40000 yuan. The franchise fee for joining Wuliang drinks is about 60000 yuan. Cooperating with different milk tea brands, franchisees enjoy different franchise policies, such as franchise support, conditions, etc. Franchisees can log in to relevant websites to learn about different milk tea franchise brands to select suitable partners.
    Answer time: 11:45:05, June 11, 2021
  • Because milk tea is popular, many entrepreneurs seize the opportunity to open stores. However, how much is the franchise fee of milk tea chain stores? Xiaobian takes the brand of natural milk tea as an example. To join in the natural milk tea, the franchisee needs to pay the joining fee, milk tea brand use fee, market management fee, cooperation deposit, etc. All joining fees add up to about 50000 yuan. There are dozens of single products of milk tea operated by milk tea shops, with high appearance and diverse tastes, which are very popular all the year round. Drinks such as milk tea are made on site, and pay attention to hygiene, strictly select processing materials, and do not add additives such as pigments. It tastes delicious, healthy and nutritious. The market price is not expensive, and milk tea shops have many repeat customers.
    Answer time: 2021-06-11 11:18:36