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How much does it cost to open an indoor swimming pool

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How much does it cost to open an indoor swimming pool
Question time: 2021-06-02 11:02:14
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Other answers (2 in total)
  • Entrepreneurship is very popular at the moment, and entrepreneurs choose the franchise mode, mainly because there is support from the headquarters when opening stores, which will reduce the difficulty of opening stores. Swimming is a good choice, mainly because people have a strong demand for it and it is very good to choose to open stores. Before opening a shop, it is necessary to understand clearly how much it costs to open an indoor swimming pool? Make a plan to pave the way for later store construction. According to our understanding, opening a natatorium requires at least 500000 yuan of expenses, which is large in scale, so the rent will be much higher. In addition, the decoration requirements are strict, so the cost will not be low. If you have certain financial ability, you can choose this project to join.
    Answer time: 15:30:27, June 3, 2021
  • Swimming is a healthy sport, suitable for different people. After the improvement of economic level, people's demand for swimming continues to increase. With the strong promotion of people, many brands have emerged, so entrepreneurs have the idea of joining. How much does it cost to open an indoor swimming pool? There are certain strict requirements for the establishment of the natatorium, so that people can swim in peace of mind. It is understood that the opening of a store will incur material costs, equipment costs, store rent, etc., so the total is about 650000 yuan. Of course, this figure is only evaluated based on a number of cases, so entrepreneurs should be subject to the actual costs incurred. Of course, this project has considerable revenue space, so opening a store is a good choice.
    Answer time: 2021-06-03 14:10:49