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How much is the hamburger store

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How much is the hamburger store
Question time: 2021-05-16 15:25:16
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Other answers (2 in total)
  • Hamburg is a favorite food for everyone, which is popular from abroad to the domestic market. With its delicious products and convenient eating, it has won the favor and popularity of domestic people. Now this project has also become the choice for entrepreneurs to join. So you want to know how much it costs to join a hamburger shop? The hamburger shop does not need to be large in scale. It can be opened in dozens of square meters. Since then, it can be seen that the initial investment is not high, and the store can be opened with a fund of about RMB 100000 to 200000. From the perspective of current catering projects, the competition is very fierce. If you want to occupy a place in the market, you will naturally excel. It is suggested that entrepreneurs can choose a reliable brand to join.
    Answer time: 2021-05-17 15:37:57
  • Now the catering industry is very popular although the competition is very fierce. Food is the most important thing for people, so people have a strong demand for food. Hamburg is a very popular snack, which not only tastes good, but also conforms to the current fast-paced lifestyle. This project has also attracted many entrepreneurs' attention. How much is a hamburger joint? If you want to join a Hamburg brand, you have to bear the joining fee, deposit, management fee and a series of opening expenses. These costs will be different due to different brands and different business locations. With a capital of about 100000 to 200000 yuan, you can open a franchise store with a good scale, and of course, you can also get the corresponding support from the headquarters.
    Answer time: 2021-05-17 14:54:27