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How much does it cost to join a dairy

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How much does it cost to join a dairy
Question time: 2021-05-04 13:00:59
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Other answers (2 in total)
  • With the attention paid to health preservation, more and more people have put their entrepreneurial direction into the field of healthy diet. Milk is rich in nutritional value and has many benefits to the body. Whether it is the elderly or children, regular drinking of milk can prevent some sub-health situations. Therefore, the milk industry has great business opportunities for many entrepreneurs. How much does it cost to join a milk shop? Franchise fees are different for different brands and different cities in terms of development and scale. Taking Mengnai as an example, the general franchise fee is between 100000 yuan and 300000 yuan, which is only the budgeted franchise fee. The actual cost should be analyzed based on the actual situation of the franchise store. The company provides a reasonable capital budget for the franchise store, provides a suitable franchise store type, and reduces unnecessary economic losses caused by the franchise.
    Answer time: 2021-05-05 12:55:14
  • After the improvement of the quality of life, people now pay great attention to daily diet, not only to eat enough, but also to health care. In order to meet people's needs, a variety of food and drinks have appeared on the market. Among them, milk is a necessary dairy product for many consumers every year. It has rich nutritional value and makes up for various nutrients that the body lacks. There are different kinds of milk brands on the market, which gives people more choices. The considerable development space has attracted the attention of many entrepreneurs. Before joining, what they want to know is the price. How much does it cost to join a milk shop? In years of market operation, Jiutou fresh milk has focused on making consumers drink healthy and nutritious dairy products. Adhering to the principle of not adding anti blocking agents, standardized quality management system, and the introduction of pasteurization technology abroad, it has been welcomed by consumers. The franchise fee for fresh milk of nine cows is about 150000 yuan, including 20000 yuan for brand use, 40000 yuan for equipment purchase, 30000 yuan for purchase, 40000 yuan for working capital, etc. The specific fee is determined according to the milk brand selected by the franchisee.
    Answer time: 2021-05-05 10:03:45
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