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How much is the joining fee of steamed stuffed buns

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How much is the joining fee of steamed stuffed buns
Question time: 12:36:32, April 27, 2021
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Other answers (2 in total)
  • Many consumers are accustomed to buying steamed stuffed buns in their daily life. Because it saves time not to queue up, and there are more flavors to choose from, the business of steamed stuffed bun shops is getting better and better. Choosing to open a steamed stuffed bun shop is also a desire of many entrepreneurs. How much does it cost to join the steamed stuffed bun shop? If you are a franchise brand, you should pay a certain brand franchise fee first. Generally, the franchise fee for the Baozipu brand only needs tens of thousands of yuan. In addition, the decoration of the franchise store also needs some funds. If the store is calculated at about 10 square meters, the decoration fee only needs 20000 to 30000 yuan, and simple decoration can be operated. Generally, the headquarters of franchised brands will impart technology, and the steamed bun shops selected by dealers are also easy to start businesses.
    Answer time: 12:48:08, April 28, 2021
  • Steamed bun shop is a place that people often visit. After people's living conditions become better and better, the business of steamed bun shop will also become better and better. Therefore, many entrepreneurs can't help asking, how much does it cost to join steamed bun? Generally, the joining fee of steamed stuffed bun brand is not very high. It only needs tens of thousands of yuan. In addition, the decoration of the franchise store also costs tens of thousands of yuan. If water, electricity and labor are added, it will be calculated as 5000 yuan a month. Before opening the steamed stuffed bun shop, only 80000 yuan is needed. In addition, the franchise store of steamed stuffed buns is more flexible. A 10 square meter store can be opened for business. Everyone should choose a brand with good reputation for entrepreneurship.
    Answer time: 2021-04-28 08:40:53