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How much does it cost to join the coffee shop

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How much does it cost to join the coffee shop
Question time: 09:17:29, March 12, 2021
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Other answers (2 in total)
  • Now people pay more and more attention to the quality of life. Coffee shops are also a good place for many office workers to relax. They can provide tea, desserts and other food. The products have good taste, exquisite production, and are also loved by white-collar workers. Some entrepreneurs want to know how much it costs to join a coffee shop? If you join a coffee shop, you need to have a franchise fee of tens of thousands of yuan, and then you need to purchase necessary equipment and be able to decorate the store. The amount of these fees will depend on the location and size of the franchise store. If the franchisee is opening a store, the company will also have different franchisee schemes to choose from, and can provide special snacks to meet the needs of consumers.
    Answer time: 11:19:28, March 13, 2021
  • When working and relaxing, office workers like to drink a cup of coffee and eat some desserts to relieve the pressure on their bodies. At present, many coffee shops are doing very well. With a wide range of consumers, some entrepreneurs want to know how much it costs to join the coffee shop? If you want to open a coffee shop, you should first choose the location of the franchise city. The franchisee needs to have a franchise fee between 10000 yuan and 50000 yuan. The franchisee also needs to have a store of more than 100 square meters. The store also needs to purchase equipment such as tables, chairs, sofas, etc., and then needs the opening fee, as well as staff costs, water and electricity costs, which together will cost more than 200000 yuan, The location of franchise stores is flexible.
    Answer time: 10:04:59, March 13, 2021