Where can I join in

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Where can I join in
Question time: 15:00:33, March 7, 2021
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Other answers (2 in total)
  • When it comes to foot therapy, many people must be very familiar with it. As a health physiotherapy project of Chinese traditional medicine, foot therapy is very popular among many people, and it contains many types of projects, which can meet the health needs of many consumers. Opening a pedicure shop is the choice of many entrepreneurs. So, where can I join in? Interested franchisees can use online franchise consultation. At present, the online franchise platform construction is very sound. Many well-known franchise websites have a large number of foot care franchise chain brands settled in. Only online browsing and consultation of the project can obtain the feedback of the brand headquarters.
    Answer time: 2021-03-08 13:47:59
  • The market development scale of foot therapy shops is huge, which is almost all over every city in China. With the continuous improvement of people's quality of life, the market development resources of foot therapy shops are constantly enriched, which brings a good platform choice to many entrepreneurs. So, where can I join in? Franchisees can use online and offline franchises. Online franchisees can leave messages on the intended brand websites for consultation, or search and consult the intended projects on professional franchisee websites. Offline franchise can directly go to the desired brand headquarters or direct chain stores for face-to-face consultation and understanding, so as to have a clearer understanding of the project.
    Answer time: 2021-03-08 09:13:46