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How much does it cost to join a foot shop

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How much does it cost to join a foot shop
Question time: 2021-02-25 12:45:29
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Other answers (2 in total)
  • In the medical field, some doctors call feet the second heart of the human body. It can be seen that feet are a very important part of our human body. At the moment when the concept of health preservation is strengthened, many friends will go to the foot therapy shop for foot therapy. Foot therapists have market demand, and the industry has a good development prospect. Therefore, many entrepreneurs want to join in and open foot therapy stores. However, how much does it cost to join a pedicure shop? Joining foot therapy stores of different brands will result in different investment. Longguang foot bath and foot therapy market is very popular, take this brand as an example. If you open a standard franchise store in cities with different economic development levels, you need to invest about 180000 to 500000 yuan. In the process of operation, as long as the service is good, the environment is good, and the technology is professional, business is easy to do.
    Answer time: 2021-02-26 13:41:31
  • Nowadays, men, women, old and young all pay attention to health care. When I'm free, many friends will go to the pedicure shop for pedicure. Now the business of foot therapy shop is easy to do, so it has attracted many entrepreneurs. However, how much does it cost to join a pedicure shop? The cost of opening a pedicure shop is affected by many factors, such as the scale and grade of the pedicure shop. According to the preliminary estimate, the franchisee should prepare about 250000 yuan. In the industry, there are many trusted franchised foot therapy chain brands, such as Bailingzu, Aizukang foot pedicure club, etc. For brand related information, if interested, the franchisee can visit the relevant website to inquire about it.
    Answer time: 2021-02-26 11:25:45