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How much is the franchise fee of Harbin Dongpo Steamed Bun

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How much is the franchise fee of Harbin Dongpo Steamed Bun
Question time: 2021-02-09 12:28:59
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Other answers (2 in total)
  • Steamed buns have always been a favorite food in the food market. Both adults and children have a strong love for them. Harbin Dongpo Steamed Bun has become a recognized and favorite steamed bun brand by virtue of its own brand advantages. With a variety of fillings and rich taste, it has a good market reputation. How much is the franchise fee of Harbin Dongpo Steamed Bun? The franchise fee is generally between 50000 yuan and 100000 yuan. The venture capital is not high, and it is an ideal brand for entrepreneurial franchise. In addition, the company also provides one-stop franchise services to operators, so that franchisees can avoid detours in entrepreneurship and export a whole set of technologies. Regardless of whether operators have entrepreneurial experience, they can operate their stores in a short time, saving a lot of time and energy, Be an easy boss.
    Answer time: February 10, 2021 13:31:24
  • Steamed buns are an indispensable food for many residents in the morning. With the increasing market demand, various steamed bun brands appear in the market, giving consumers a variety of food choices. After years of development, Harbin Dongpo Steamed Bun has conquered the taste buds of a group of consumers in the market with its unique taste. Strong strength and wide development space have attracted the attention of many operators. How much is the franchise fee of Harbin Dongpo Steamed Bun? The franchise fees will vary according to the development of different cities. The franchise fees for county-level cities are about 61000 yuan, that for prefecture level cities is about 105000 yuan, and that for provincial capital cities is about 195000 yuan. This is only a preliminary capital budget. The actual costs are analyzed according to the actual situation of the franchise stores.
    Answer time: 10:15:00, February 10, 2021