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How much does it cost to open a pearl milk tea shop

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Question time: 2019-11-19 04:33:09
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Other answers (2 in total)
  • If we want to know which brand is popular in the catering market, we will think of pearl milk tea, which is a better beverage brand in the market. It is also a reliable project for our current entrepreneurs. The headquarters has a systematic team. Through the team's constant modulation, research and development, many kinds of flavors have been concocted. Moreover, the pearl taste inside is good, meeting the taste needs of different consumers, so that picky people like me can find my favorite flavor here. A friend of mine is doing this. His joining fee is 21600 yuan, which belongs to a small company. The young people are very friendly and suitable for a wide range of people. It's good to join the Pearl Milk Tea Store.
    Answer time: 2019-11-20 04:00:34
  • Since ancient times, people can not do without eating and drinking. Pearl milk tea has been popular with many consumers, so many more people want to open milk tea shops. My colleague joined a brand of milk tea shop called Pearl Milk Tea Shop in our snack street. I also prefer to drink milk tea. For example, sometimes I don't want to go home to cook after work, or I will go to his place to buy a drink when I am thirsty and cool off. In addition to the frequent patronage of our colleagues, there are many new and old customers here to enjoy its delicious food. Our colleague introduced that the pearl milk tea is made by a separate process, and the milk tea is delicious. I said how to make people feel like they still want to drink after drinking. He didn't have much money to open this store. He spent about 21400 yuan. It's good to be a sideline like him. It's good to join this pearl milk tea, which is more trusted by people.
    Answer time: 2019-11-19 04:59:09