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Dona doughnut joining fee

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Dona doughnut joining fee? Are there any store requirements for Donna Donuts? Will the headquarters train
Question time: 12:39:05, January 11, 2018
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Other answers (2 in total)
  • At present, there are two joining modes for snack workshop: single store joining and regional joining. Donuts are also a kind of snacks. Donuts are a good choice. How much is the joining fee of Donuts? The franchise fee for single store franchise is about 1200 per year, and the increase/increase is about 10000 yuan; The franchise fee for regional franchise will be discussed at Donna's headquarters. The headquarters will make specific analysis according to the specific situation, give the appropriate number of franchise fees, and increase/increase the fee by about 10000 yuan. Katona doughnuts are big in today's snack market. Of course, it is beneficial to choose Donuts.
    Answer time: 15:41:50, January 12, 2018
  • Doughnuts are very common in the streets and lanes, but recently Donna doughnut is a favorite food brand for most people. Many people see business opportunities here. How much is the joining fee of Donna doughnut? My brother chose to join Donna's doughnut. The threshold for joining Donna's doughnut is very low, and the cost of joining is not very high, about 8000. There are so many fillings in Donuts that people's taste buds can be satisfied here.
    Answer time: 2018-01-11 23:56:29
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