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As a new entrepreneur, how to choose environmental protection cabinet?

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Question time: 2017-12-27 17:58:29
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Other answers (4 in total)
  • I feel that as an entrepreneurial novice, when choosing to join the environmental protection cabinet, it is more important to pay attention to his quality and his service tenet and attitude towards customers. It is only after looking at these two points that I joined Piano Cabinet Company. Now the facts show that my choice was very correct. I now have not only many repeat customers, but also a steady stream of new customers, I believe my life will be better and better.
    Answer time: 05:56:11, April 4, 2018
  • 1、 Material material is the main factor affecting the quality of the cabinet. Different materials will lead to different quality results and prices. When selecting cabinet panels, in addition to choosing styles according to the style of the house and your own preferences, you must recognize the characteristics of the materials, so as to find a suitable panel. At the same time, the environmental protection shall meet the E1 standard.
    2、 The choice of countertop is the "" of the cabinet. The quality of the countertop is directly related to the quality of the cabinet. At present, there are many kinds of cabinet countertops, including stone, artificial stone, fireproof board, stainless steel and so on. They all have the basic properties of anti fouling, anti scalding, anti acid-base, anti scratch and other surface materials. However, their physical performance and price are different. All aspects shall be considered when selecting.
    3、 Hardware accessories The basic hardware accessories of the cabinet are hinges and drawers (slide rails). The quality of cabinet hardware is directly related to the service life and price of the cabinet. Generally, better cabinets use imported hinges and drawers (sliding rails).
    4、 In terms of workmanship details and appearance, check whether the cabinet door, cabinet body edge banding, etc. are neat and smooth. The edge sealing process of the cabinet is very important. It is necessary to use the imported edge sealing machine and cooperate with the imported hot melt glue so as to seal the board. Remind everyone that the correct side plate edge sealing method is to seal all four sides of the side plate, and it is better if the thickness is more than 1mm. Such products will not open, bubble or deform after long-term use. Whether 32mm process can be used for design and production is also an important condition to measure the quality of cabinets.
    Respondent: aazz4
    Answer time: January 8, 2018 13:36:52
  • Formaldehyde is a killer in people's lives. For the sake of people's physical and mental health, please choose environmentally friendly cabinets. As a new entrepreneur, how to choose environmentally friendly cabinets must recognize the characteristics of materials, so as to find a suitable panel. At the same time, the environmental protection shall meet the E1 standard. Better cabinets generally use imported hinges and drawers (sliding rails). So that people can live well and have a good life The body of.
    Answer time: 2017-12-28 18:39:57
  • During college, our founding and entrepreneurship teacher was very grateful for supporting our independent entrepreneurship, and I also had a great vision of starting my own business after graduation. After graduation, I also had to face many problems. I wanted to join a cabinet brand, but as a new entrepreneur, how should I choose environmentally friendly cabinets? All my family sent out to support my entrepreneurship, searched online and went to the physical store to experience, and then decided to join Midea's cabinet, which was both environmentally friendly and solid. After joining Midea, I finally knew his strength and strength. When others' families clinched dozens of deals every month, my family could clinch hundreds of deals. This is the gap in brand strength. I believe my life will be better and better!
    Answer time: 2017-12-27 21:13:44
 Dedi Kitchen joined
Amount: 200000~500000 yuan Region: Jiangsu
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