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Qihang Online
  • Franchise industry:

    New Industry>Internet

  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:

  • Business model:

    Distribution agency cooperation

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Qihang Online Introduction to joining
 Qihang Online Franchise

Qihang Online Business Travel Customization Platform Joins to Focus on Brand! The joining project of Qihang online business travel customization platform will make your fortune tomorrow. The project of Qihang online business travel customization platform is a successful business opportunity. The project of Qihang online business travel customization platform, the brand recognized by the entrepreneurs and the friends of the franchisee, the project of Qihang online business travel customization platform, and Qihang online chain will easily win a wealth future, Qihang online business travel customization platform project brings you unexpected goals.

Qihang Online Business Travel Customization Platform can easily win a fortune in the future. Qihang online brand alliance project is a good direction for you to start your own business. Now, it is a project with high market popularity to join this Qihang online brand alliance project. It has good development opportunities to join this Qihang online brand alliance project. In the entrepreneurial market, Qihang Online Chain is very difficult to find such a project with business opportunities.

Qihang Online is a brand of Wuhan Qihang Jiye Franchise Management Co., Ltd. and a member of Air Transport Association (CATA). At present, it has reached strategic cooperation with more than 100 airlines. The business model includes direct sales, distribution, agency and joint operation, providing good business travel management services for many group enterprises, multinational companies, etc. including the world's top 500 enterprises; Provide consumers with one-stop services such as booking and consulting of domestic and foreign travel and holiday products, air tickets, train tickets, hotels and other businesses.

Qihang Online Franchise advantages

The Qihang online brand joining project has greatly improved the life of the franchisees because of the Qihang online brand. This is a good platform. I believe that in the entrepreneurial market, our Qihang online brand joining projects are all outstanding. Qihang online chain is worthy of your trust. Come and join us. Billions of wealth are waiting for you to dig.

The joining project of Qihang Online Business Travel Customization Platform enables you to seek more money. The joining project of Qihang Online Business Travel Customization Platform will create your wealth life. The project of Qihang Online Business Travel Customization Platform will win a successful future. The joining project of Qihang Online Business Travel Customization Platform will win a wealth life, Qihang online chain allows entrepreneurs and franchisees to easily gain a wealth in the future.

Qihang Online Business Travel Customization Platform Joins the Fortune Gate! Joining the Qihang online business travel customization platform chain project is an entrepreneurial project that will become an advanced brand. Joining the Qihang online business travel customization platform chain project will make countless franchisees, entrepreneurial brands trusted by consumer friends, and the Qihang online business travel customization platform chain project warmly welcomed in this market, Qihang Online Business Travel Customization Platform adopts its own manufacturing process to join the chain project of Qihang Online Business Travel Customization Platform and occupy the entire franchise market.

Qihang Online Franchise conditions
Qihang Online Franchise process

Qihang Online Business Travel Customization Platform is warmly welcomed in this market

E-commerce: independently developed Qihang online business travel booking and distribution platform with independent intellectual property rights. With transaction and connection as the core module, it simplifies the middle link of product sales. Qihang online chain has significantly reduced product sales costs and improved work efficiency. It is a classic model of business travel service industry.

Brand pooling: "channel wins, terminal is king", vigorously promote brand expansion strategy, expand brand influence, achieve great benefits, integrate upstream resources, Qihang Online Chain to strengthen internal resource sharing, and achieve a win-win situation among resource providers, platform service providers, and business travel consumers.

Business travel: Qihang online business travel booking and distribution platform is a dedicated travel management tool for small and medium-sized enterprises and group users. It helps enterprises strengthen travel management and standardize employee travel. Qihang online chain provides group users with better quality and more favorable services, provides detailed management reports in real time, and saves travel expenses.

Qihang Online Joining dynamics


Qihang Online Related questions and answers


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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Qihang Online! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 14:42:45 From China  39.171.134*
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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Qihang Online! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 03:55:53 From China  39.186.157*
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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Qihang Online! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 22:32:50 From Lishui City, Lishui Prefecture, Zhejiang Province  61.153.245*
  • It is not convenient to answer, please add WeChat

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Qihang Online! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 06:08:38 From Nanchong, Sichuan  60.255.139*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 5 million.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Qihang Online! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-30 22:03:28 From Guiyang, Guizhou  58.16.44*
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