Genetic Discrimination Station

定位Genetic Discrimination

定位Genetic Discrimination

Protections against genetic discrimination advance genetics research and the clinical use of genetics,as well as ensure the ethical use of genetic data.Ten years after the passage of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act(GINA),ASHG remains a staunch advocate for GINA’s strong implementation and for other laws that enhance protections for the public.Related:。。。Read More

GINA在Advising on the Implementation of

GINA在Advising on the Implementation of

After GINA’s passage in May2008,ASHG responded to a Federal Register Request for Information on issues related to the law’s implementation.ASHG provided comment on definitions on definitions that would ensure the regulations keep pace with scientific and clinical advances, 和clarified that data collected prior to GINA’s passage should still be covered by the law。。。。Read More

Supporting Genetic Nondiscrimination Since the 1990s

Supporting Genetic Nondiscrimination Since the 1990s

ASHG has supported efforts to prevent genetic discrimination since the 1990s,including the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act(GINA),enacted in 2008.One such early bill was Senate Bill318,the Genetic Nondiscrimination and Health Insurance and Employment Act.Related:ASHG Board Endorses the Genetic Nondiscrimination and Health Insurance and Employment Act(December2001)Read More

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