
Organize your digital assets using smart automation。

Picturepark helps organizations deliver to their ambitious goals by short-cutting the use of human labor to the bare minimum。

With so many markets,channels,devices and digital content produced at an ever faster pace,content logistics have become a major challenge.Today's marketing and communication teams need to get more done with their scarce resources than ever before while facing shorter time-to-market adlines。

A Smarter Content Lifecycle。






Picturepark analyses your content using artificial intelligence and other technologies,extracts information and associates it with existing Picturepark lists such as products,people or taxonomies which each hold their own information.This greatly reduces human effor tagging。

Picturepark analyses your content using artificial intelligence and other technologies,extracts information and associates it with existing Picturepark lists such as products,people or taxonomies which each hold their own information.This greatly reduces human effor tagging。

When searching,Picturepark offers meaningful suggestions so you can make the right choice.Everything in Picturepark is connected,enabling you to understand,for instance,what is meant,why it was created and how it can be used.This helps you find what you are really looking for。

Picturepark distributes content according to custom-defined rules via email shares or embed links,via content portals and microsites,or via Connectors to Web CMS and other systems.You can also increase your productivity byusing Picturepark content directly from within Adobe or Microsoft apps。

Picturepark understands when content has reached its shelf-life and should be retired.Based on predefined metadata criteria such as expiry dates and other usage information or patterns,Picturepark changes permissions,adds an archive status and notifies relevant users。

Outperform using Automation。

AI Powered Auto-tagging

Useryour time for better things:Tag visual content such as images and videos with the power of Artificial Intelligence(AI)。Automatically detect objects,faces,logos,sentiments and more.Analyse text for keywords。


Locate your product content and automatically add relevant product information.Or identify content that’s related to projects,people or events and taginit based on identifiers-for helpful context and a better search experience。


Flag potentially problematic content to the right people and catch issues before they come to light.Moderate user-generated content and simplify compliance to your privacy and data quality policies。

Semantic Data Models

Help users find in no time what they are really searching for.Build your custom data model that interconnects content and metadata and supports users different search strategies,consistent data capture and better context。

Case Study。

It’s absolutely critical that images of key scenes of a match night are transferred within seconds from the cameras in the stadium to all digital touchpoints of UEFA,clubs and sponsors。

欧洲Football Associations(UEFA)


Book a meeting to learn how Picturepark helps you organize your digital assets and other types of information in an automated way。

Do More In Less Time。


Whether images,videos,documents,product records,taxonomies and much more:put an end to data silos for content and data that belongs together and access a complete and current record of any type of information-at any time。


Integrate Picturepark using ready-made connectors into creative collaboration,authoring or publishing systems.Or build it exactly the way you want:by levering our SDKs available in multiple languages or our fully-featured REST API。

Ultimate Versatility

Adapt Picturepark to your precise needs,and start managing all the data that belongs together,unified on the same platform:industry standards,marketing personas,product taxonomies,corporate vocabularies,and more。

Further Automation Reading

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