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Knowing that she was her grandmother, Daiyu was about to bow down. She had already been held in her arms by her grandmother, and cried "heartily".

Daiyu also kept crying. The people slowly persuaded her, and Daiyu Fang paid a visit to the eldest aunt and the second aunt, and met the sisters.

Everyone saw that Daiyu was young, but she was good at speaking and acting. Although her body was weak, she had a romantic attitude.

Knowing that she had a deficiency, the sister asked, "What kind of medicine do you usually take? Why not cure her quickly?"

Daiyu said, "I was born like this. I have taken medicine since I knew how to eat. I don't know how many famous doctors I have hired, but none of them has worked. I remember that when I was only three years old, I invited a monk with a mangy head who said he would take me to become a monk. Of course, my parents refused. The monk said that he would not let her go, but he was afraid that she would never recover from her illness for the rest of her life! If he was good, he would never hear her cry from then on; All relatives and friends with a different surname can live a safe life without seeing them. The monk talked crazily, but no one paid any attention to him. Now I still take ginseng Yangrong pills. "

Jia Mu said, "Just in time, I am preparing pills here. Ask them to prepare an extra pair."

I heard the laughter in the backyard: "I'm late, I'm late!"

Daiyu wondered, "All these people here hold their breath and are respectful and solemn. Who is this? How rude is this?"

A group of daughter-in-law girls came in from the back door, holding a beauty in their arms.

Daiyu quickly got up to greet her.

Jia Mu smiled, "You don't recognize her! She is a famous punk here. You just call her hot."
