Sliding unlocking, PC, mobile adaptation

Today, a sliding unlock verification was added to the comment part of the blog. Before verification, the comment submission button is grayed out, and can be submitted only after the sliding verification is passed. Actually, it's useless The implementation code is as follows. Please copy and modify it yourself. Because everyone uses different themes, it is not necessary to create a plug-in specifically for Z-Blog.<! DOCTYPEhtml>&l...
 Sliding unlocking, PC, mobile adaptation

This is the update and repair of website functions

The user center adds a pseudo static bug that fixes the number of user comments to 0, which seems to be the pot of Z-BLOG, because the database mem_Comments is 0, the number of comments called by {$author. Comments} is naturally 0, and the comments displayed by background user management are also 0. After repairing and changing users, the comment form will automatically fill in the previous user's content BU

The theme has been updated again

For the update of the comment function, the form content auto saving draft function is added. This function is achieved by using Sisyphus.js. The building replied to the bug repair, which fixed the problem of wrong positioning of the form submission interface after clicking the reply in the comment
 The theme has been updated again

Sisyphus.js A jQuery plug-in that automatically saves and restores form content locally, with a detailed tutorial

Sisyphus.js is a jQuery plug-in that automatically saves drafts locally. It will automatically save the content you fill in the form to the browser's localStorage (local storage), and then automatically fetch the data when you reopen the page or refresh the page. For example, if you write a thousand words long text, and then the browser crashes, or you click F

Some new things have been updated

Try to use the svg format icon to solve the problem of blurring in high split screen. The payment QR code has been changed into vector format, and the WeChat password acquisition function has been modified, which is highly integrated with the theme. (If a friend using Z-blog needs this function, he can download the WeChat followers I wrote to get the password free plug-in for use.) In fact, all other small updates are changes in the background, which can only be seen in the foreground
 Some new things have been updated

Netease Cloud Music Random Music Player

A web player calls Netease Cloud music playlists through the interface and plays them randomly. By default, it calls the hot song leaderboard, which can be modified by itself. For details, see the file in the compressed package
 Netease Cloud Music Random Music Player

Yes, I made a little upgrade this time

The front desk member level judgment has been added, and now the front desk can display the member level normally. We have a timeline, which is shown below
 Yes, I made a little upgrade this time

How to write the 6000 word student union withdrawal application? Nonsense article generator

A magical word processing project originated from the question "How to write 6000 words for the application of the student union to withdraw from the association?" So this python project was born. Carnegie inadvertently said that a person who does not pay attention to small things will never achieve great things. I hope you can also appreciate this sentence. We generally believe that if we grasp the key point of the problem, everything else will attack us
 How to write the 6000 word student union withdrawal application? Nonsense article generator

Artifact UnCSS Online, one click to remove invalid styles in css

In the process of project development, the front-end design changes from time to time. At this time, new effects are often produced first. When the project is completed, there will be some abandoned CSS code. Or when picking up a station, sometimes I just want to pick up a small place. If I pick up the corresponding CSS bit by bit, it is also a lot of work. At this time, UnCSS Online will come into use. Open web address:
 Artifact UnCSS Online, one click to remove invalid styles in css