What should people do when they are confused?

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Do two things, stop and let go.

First, we need to shrink. Stop all the things that are not necessary to do, and take back your time and energy. It is better to let go rather than study or play foolishly. Confusion is not having nothing to do, but having nothing to do.

Stop if it doesn't make sense.

Free up time to restore your body and mind to normal. Confusion will make you anxious, make you sleep late, make you eat more, make you eager to fill every inch of leisure, make you tired physically and mentally, make you dissatisfied with yourself, make you more anxious, and make you more confused.

To break the cycle, we should learn to contract, leave some space and give ourselves a chance to breathe. It is not difficult to recover,

Early to bed and early to rise, exercise.

If you persist for two weeks, you will recover physically and mentally.

Second, let go, open your eyes, let go of your baggage, try new things, and meet new people.

Regardless of short-term gains and losses, and regardless of the advance and retreat of a single soldier, the only purpose is to try something new, or repeat what you did when you were confused, and go out of your comfort zone to see more possibilities. Confusion is often confined to one possibility without seeing other paths.

There are a million possibilities in the world. Repeating yourself in confusion is essentially a waste of opportunities, and trying new things is a sharp weapon to break the confusion.

Collect, return your time and energy; Let me show you the direction and way.