Essay on 2020 College Entrance Examination

The college entrance examination in 2020 has begun. I should have sat in the examination room. Although I did not sit in the examination room, I also felt deep pressure, and I could not help feeling a thousand emotions.
Recalling that three years ago, I entered the high school campus in a muddle headed way. I was full of excitement and longing for the future. Time flies, there are many good moments in these three years, and now I often think back, I always have a wonderful feeling. Objectively speaking, I haven't worked hard in the past three years of high school. Maybe it's me, too fond of playing, always unable to settle down to study. So, in the third year of senior high school, I chose a separate entrance exam and went to a college. It's a little pity that I didn't take the exam. With so much talk, we must learn more and read more.



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