My Love Collection

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today: six thousand and eighty | yesterday: five thousand seven hundred and twenty-five | Total posts: one million nine hundred and fifty-five thousand six hundred and eighty-nine | Total users: three hundred and forty thousand five hundred and twenty-eight position | New registered user: Little bookboy is small

Offer a reward for help [more..] Wonderful pictures and texts [more..] Wonderful videos [more..] Recent replies [more..] Today's new post [more..]
 Announcement Area

Announcement Area (274)

The content here needs your attention, which is very important!   

Moderator: Shark Constant

one hundred and sixty-nine / 50 thousand
 Stow/Unfold Section moderator: Shark Constant

Technical area

 『=Reward for help=』

『=Reward for help=』 (425)

Any questions should be asked here. Please read the rules carefully after entering the module.

Moderator: Shark Constant , Icpower

10 thousand / 140 thousand
 『=Reverse image text=』

『=Reverse image text=』 (1491)

This section only allows the publication of graphic content related to reverse analysis technology.

Moderator: Shark Constant

two thousand five hundred and forty-four / 350 thousand
On dll patch 2024-4-24 02:14 MoYU123
 『=Video Tutorial 』

『=Video Tutorial 』 (2626)

This section focuses on reverse video, including all video tutorials related to programming and reverse.

Moderator: Shark Constant , Why is ST's hand white

four thousand five hundred and ninety-four / 860 thousand
 『=Software sharing 』

『=Software sharing 』 (735)

When the software sharing area was disabled for half a year, many users suggested that it be reopened for use. Restart the software area (trial run) as you wish.

Moderator: Shark Constant , 52bug

four hundred and seven / 40 thousand
 『=Reverse tool 』

『=Reverse tool 』 (894)

All resources or tools related to the reverse can be published here.

Moderator: Shark Constant , 52bug

seven hundred and eighty-five / 180 thousand
 『=Programming&Source Code=』

『=Programming&Source Code=』 (658)

This section only allows the publishing of graphic content and source code related to programming.

Moderator: Shark Constant , Scholarly fragrance

one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four / 130 thousand
 『=Attack defense confrontation=』

『=Attack defense confrontation=』

Is your software secure? Come here to release a Demo, let's test it, right?

Sub section: 『=CM release area 』 , 『=CM decryption area=』

Moderator: Shark Constant

eight hundred and four / 10 thousand

Online members -Total fourteen thousand one hundred and twenty People Online- six hundred and eighteen Total users, five thousand one hundred and twenty-eight Tourists - the highest record is one hundred and fifty-seven thousand four hundred and ninety-five to 2022-02-16 .


The technologies and related tools discussed in our compilation (www.52hb. com) are only used for research and learning. They are all aimed at improving the safety of software products and are strictly prohibited from being used for bad motives. Any individual, group or organization shall not use it for illegal purposes, otherwise, all consequences will be borne by itself. We Love Compilation will not bear any joint liability arising from technology abuse. The content of my love compilation comes from the network, and the copyright dispute has nothing to do with this site. You must completely delete it from your computer within 24 hours after downloading. In case of infringement, please contact us via email or WeChat.

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Station master QQ: 1140549900

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