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Docker container: one click to deploy Cloudsave network disk to your server


I haven't had any water articles for a long time (no), but I suddenly had a whim. Last night, I spent more than two hours to adjust the docker file of cloudrestore, and I didn't sleep until more than three o'clock(

Today, I sorted out the matters needing attention and the way to eat a little, and then rightfully watered this article(

Introduction to Cloudrestore Locker

Project address: https://github.com/littleplus/Cloudreve-Docker

Container address: https://hub.docker.com/r/littleplus/cloudreve-3.0.0-rc-1

This Docker container is based on the Redis: 5-alpine basic image, which can achieve the minimum space occupation and resource consumption on the premise of ensuring the stable operation of the program

The Cloudrestore version of this Docker container is Cloudrevie-3.0.0-RC-1, and the approximate rate image and Dockerfile will not be updated

Container characteristics

  • The image size is only about 70M, and the resource consumption is extremely low
  • The running directory of the plug-in program can update the Cloudrestore version and modify the configuration file
  • When it is used for the first time, the cloudve binary file and configuration file will be generated in the/etc/cloudve directory
  • When/etc/cloudreve/cloudreve.db does not exist, cloudreve generates its own sqlite database. The password can be seen in the docker logs

Quick Start

Default premise: Docker has been installed and the docker service is running normally

  1. Git clone This project or download the project zip
  2. Run the start.sh script under scripts/to save the administrator user name and password information (only displayed when creating the database for the first time)
  3. By default, the cloud restore ontology, configuration file, and database will be stored in/etc/cloud restore, and the host/data/cloud restore will be bound to the container/data
  4. Modify the storage path in the default storage policy to


  1. What should I do if I forget to save the initial password

Delete the/etc/cloudreve/cloudreve.db file (the original file record will be lost), run scripts/start.sh, and the password will be regenerated

2. How to upgrade Cloudrestore

Back up the/etc/cloudrestore folder, replace the cloudrestore file of/etc/cloudrestore with the new version of Cloudrestore binary program, and run

 docker restart cloudreve

Restarting the container takes effect

  1. How to modify Cloudrestore basic configuration

Modify/etc/cloudreve/cloudreve.conf and run

 docker restart cloudreve

Restarting the container takes effect

  1. How to modify the listening port of Cloudrestore host

Modify scripts/start.sh, replace the port number on the left with the port you want to listen to, and run scripts/start.sh to take effect

Storage policy modification

 Docker container: one click to deploy Cloudsave network disk to your server

give the thumbs-up
  1. anonymous say:

    Hello prompt/bin/sh:/ Cloudrestore: not found

  2. WeiCN say:

    I'm familiar with you. I'm using this Dockerfile. Thanks!


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