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Performance comparison between new and old student servers of Alibaba Cloud Cloud Wing Plan


This is an Alibaba Cloud student server performance test that is a year and a half late(

The measurement was done before, the picture was cut, and then(

This test is based on the AliCloud Qingdao student server before migration and the student server migrated to the new architecture.

test data

In the following test, the upper (left) figure shows the old version of student server, and the lower (right) figure shows the new version of student server

CPU Comparison

CPU Cache Comparison

Main board comparison

Memory comparison

CPU performance comparison (chess)

IO Comparison

give the thumbs-up
  1. mikusa say:

    So, how do you know if your server is new or old?

    1. mikusa say:

      Bah, wrong word, "old"

    2. AliCloud Qingdao migrated a year and a half ago, and all the old machines were forced to move to the new ones

  2. The new one is much better than the old one


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