Learn to summarize and thrive in the sickle

Release your eyes, put on your headphones and listen~!
From ancient times to the present, the vitality of leeks is extremely tenacious. As an old leek, I have been cut repeatedly and grown up in adversity. Many people are also leeks, whether in the stock market, in the currency circle, or even in the field of knowledge payment In the past, there were so many leeks, green!

 Learn to summarize and thrive in the sickle

With the spirit of exploring the unknown and thirst for knowledge, I am willing to act as a leek and join many communities. I have seen too many routines and the ugliness of human nature. I have some thoughts on this: how can we break this dilemma?

To break this dilemma, first of all, we must recognize the essence of things!

Why? equity market How many leeks have been cut by the so-called fake masters? In the final analysis, it is because these leeks do not understand the essence of investment. Whether it is spinach, currency circle or stock market. I have made some money in it, but I'm just curious mentality I went in just to understand. If you know something about economics and investment, it is easy to judge whether the master is reliable. Take the stock market as an example. If anyone promises that a certain stock will rise and fall sharply, there is no doubt that this person is 100% a liar? Spinach and currency circle are the same. These cannot be predicted 100%. Why can't we predict? Because there are too many factors, like the stock market in 2020, who can predict?

In the stock market, many people like to talk about index funds. They say that the longer they invest, the greater the return. They also encourage fixed investment. If you listen at first, it is easy to get ahead. But if you are reluctant to do math, you can count with paper and pen, and you will understand that when gains are multiplied, losses are also multiplied.

Then talk about paying for knowledge. Teaching others to make the most money has become the consensus of everyone! With the rise of knowledge payment, we media did not make money, but we media training certainly made money. When the rise of short videos, it is not clear whether you can make money with short videos, but short video training makes money.

Talk about a funny phenomenon - drainage

Those who conducted the training had said Baidu conducted the training, cut a wave of leeks, then taught Zhihu to conduct the training, cut another wave of leeks, and then taught the headliner, WeChat...... In this way, we conducted the training on all platforms. Cut wave after wave.

I don't know what those who have learned the drainage of a platform and then learned the drainage of a platform think, and whether they have summarized the essence of drainage. What exactly is drainage? If this matter is clarified, there is no need for a platform to come out, and we have to pay tuition fees to continue study In fact, the same thing can be learned once, just like mathematics, 1+1= 10000+10000=? According to the current phenomenon of paying for knowledge, we may be able to cut chives to the end of time, but in mathematics, do we need to learn arithmetic all our life? If new values and units come out, should we learn them again? No, you just need to understand the "99 multiplication table", and you will not be afraid of any addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in the future. The reason is also clear, starting from the essence, study Essential things. All the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are summed up in the multiplication table of 99. Just learn it well.

Back to the topic of drainage, what is the essence of drainage? Diversion is nothing more than to attract the attention of the target and achieve the goal of transaction. Where can I do these behaviors? In theory, all places and everything can be the place of drainage. All software application interaction portals are drainage places, and which places are interaction portals? It means that you can like, reward, forward, comment, account name, avatar, and description. The difference is that different platforms have different allowable sizes for drainage. Headlines attack naked drainage, while Station B is relatively relaxed about drainage. You can implant drainage content in the video in the comment area. Zhihu was tolerant of drainage at the early stage, and now it is severely hit. YouTube is completely open to drainage, and you can do any drainage!

You see, if you make clear that "all interactive portals can be channeled", you won't be biased by which training institutions. You just need to think more about how to attract the attention of target users and how to work within the standards specified by the platform. Maybe it involves some skills, but these are technical things that you can try by yourself, If not, it can also be concluded by observing others and searching for answers.

There are too many irresponsible articles on the Internet. How to avoid falling into the information flood and the illusion that many "dry goods" are still not doing well. Therefore, we must learn to abstract, summarize and summarize what we see. Structuring your own knowledge into your own knowledge tree, and hanging every bit of what you have learned on the knowledge tree. Once you see similar and identical content, search the knowledge tree, skip it if you have it, and hang it if you don't.

As the times move forward, more and more knowledge is available. Learn to sum up and thrive in the sickle!

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